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[Tutorial] How to Fix CS LAG !

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Hello , 

I made this tutorial for who wanna play cs without lag :) , but if your net connection is slow so this vedio cant help you , but if u have good and still lagging then you must watch it 



If dosent work then PM Me ill solve your problem 

On 27/9/2017 at 3:05 AM, celmaibun said:

Nu va asteptati la rezultate wow, daca aveti un provider de internet cu o viteza/peering slab, nu puteti scapa de lag.

Possibly you are right, so you make some modifications to play without lag, you will always have a bit of lag, unless you have an excellent connection to the internet. The tutorial is to "decrease lag" when playing Cs 1.6, what happens is that the colleague did not know how to add that great detail. If you have any questions about this method of reducing the Pin, please let us know.

I hope you have a good day.

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