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Hello Jordan

this problem compatibility with Your Windows to solve it follow me

go to instal TeamSpeak3 /right Mouse/characteristics/compatibility/and choose Windows (Vista)

now go instal Teamspeak3 and will be woking :)




I would find the recent update of TEAMSPEAKER 3, rather then that I would updating windows, getting your virus scanned, getting rid of any  unnecessary storage or things that could be stopping this program to not open, and back to the update windows thing This laptop i'm on right now is a windows 8 I know if I try to download ts3 I would get the same problems like you "PROGRAM NOT RESPONDING", Anyway I had a video of using "properties" and then it was  open program for comparipy mode somthing like that !


Have A good day,


Well what you should do is the following.

1. Click on the Start menu.

2. search the cmd and run them as administrator.

3. Then, on the black screen, type ipconfig / release and press Enter again

4. Then type ipconfig / flushdns and press Enter

5. Finally type ipconfig / renew to force renew IP

6. After that, type exit and press enter to exit the black screen.

After this reboot your pc, and try again.

IPS: TS3.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM / TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM / ts3.csblackdevil.com / ts.csblackdevil.com

P.D: Try to run ts3 in administrator mode.



This was happened with me so as my opinion do not re-install 

i reinstalled this TS-3 Client 64-bit program over 20 time just to have to uniinstalled it same each time as well . I had become really upset and was thinking of just giving up all together on this prgramm

but what i did , i downloaded the client 32-bit 3.0.0-beta18 program for WINDOWS , and installed it . Guess what ? IT'S RUNNING ....

So download it 

it will help u 

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