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Problem In My Cs !

Ĵorḑäٍñ =)

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if u want OpenGL you must to change your option to :

OpenGL                                      1280x960

widescreen                                   32(bit)

your Problems will be Solved , cuz i was have same Problem :)

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Go to Computer> ( right click ) > Properties, you will see in the left top Device Manager, then expand display driver. Here you can see the driver, not all devices have the same product. After this, go to google and search the driver compatible with your model. After download it, go to Device manager> Display driver> right click on driver and then click update, you will se two methods, choose the second, Browse my computer for drivers, select the folder with the new downloaded driver. After all, go to CS and check if OpenGL available.

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If you have problems about OpenGL not just in CS 1.6, means the problem is about your computer, try to follow steps avobe.

But: If none of those problems could resolve your problem, you may need to install a program called SciTech GLDirect 5.02

After you download it, install it, follow the steps and set the option in Hardware / (Direct3D Hardware Acceleration) It may help you for all games that use OpenGL, not just CS.

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I recommend you do this to see if you work better your Cs If you are steam go to your library then right click on the icon of the Cs and then left click on properties, you are going to "define launching parameters" and you put this code -w 1024 -h 768



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hi jordan ... it may some of your graphic setting need to change .

i have a suggestion : if you use NVIDIA softwares for your graphic card ...

you can : open your "NVIDIA control panel" from your control panel from your pc ... when you open it ... find "3D settings" then you could see 3 options to select : "Use My preference emphasizing" then scroll that from "Quality" to "performance" then apply your new settings ... then restart your pc ... then open your cs 1.6 , and choose openGL and highest resolution that your pc could support !

i hope that could be useful , good luck

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