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Home / Features / 25 Cars Worth Waiting For: 2016–2020 - Feature Feature 25 Cars Worth Waiting For: 2016–2020

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Among the foundational differences between modern Homo sapiens and the less advantaged beasts of the world is the ability, however infrequently employed, to delay our gratification for the promise of something better. In exchange for not wielding sweet bone-crushing pincers, we can plan for the future in a way that lobsters find perplexing. This is why we don’t just storm the doctor’s office for our drugs. No, we wait, mostly patiently, listening to Burt Bacharach and leafing through a copy of Highlights or a brochure for teeth whitening. Or we glare at DMV employees while shifting uncomfortably on rock-hard surplus schoolhouse chairs. And we hold on to our used-up or otherwise unsatisfying vehicles as carmakers trudge through the process of designing, engineering, testing, and producing the automobiles that hold enough promise to make another year in the Tercel worthwhile. What we have gathered here are promissory notes on the 25 cars that make extended stays in the vehicular waiting room bearable, arranged in order of desirability. Let the information we’ve gleaned from various inside sources set your expectations for future joy. For now, though, you still have some time to kill, so read at your own leisure. Your number will come up, eventually.


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