Ovidiu™ Posted July 5, 2015 Posted July 5, 2015 Salutare tuturor, ma numesc Ovidiu si astazi am sa va adresez o intrebare foarte importanta pe care as dori sa o dezbatem. Varsta, este un numar sau o dovada de maturitate? Aceasta intrebare a fost des adresata subconstientului dvs. atunci cand trebuia sa luati decizi despre un om mai mic (tinand cont de varsta) sau mai mare (tinand cont de varsta), cum ati procedat? Pot sa dau chiar si un exemplu la gradele de pe forum , i-ati da un grad unui membru de 24 de ani sau unuia de 15 ani? (p.s cel de 15 ani e mai activ, nu cu mult.) . Va astept parerile despre aceasta intrebare . Varsta, este un numar sau o dovada de maturitate? ___ Hi everyone, my name is Ovidiu today I'm going to ask a very important question that I would like to debate. Age is a number to a proof of maturity? This question has been addressed often your subconscious when you had to make the decision about a man less (taking into account age) or higher (considering the age), how would you do? I can even give an example to the grades of the forum, you would give a grade to a member for 24 years and one for 15 years? (P.S at 15 years is more active, not much.). Your opinions about this question. Age is a number to a proof of maturity?
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