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¤ Your Nickname:Adil_Dz ¤ Your Address: adelmoulakmim_70675 ¤ Age:24 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: arab , french, english , Location: algeri ¤ Experience As Admin: (Last Server - hitman) ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (17:00 PM To 3:00 AM): ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin:In order to maintain the integrity of the server ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?:Yes, of course ¤ Admin - Password: (NewLifeZMLoyalty)
¤ Nickname: llmku ¤ Grade:Player ¤ Tag: -ThE BesT** ¤ Link of hours played (GameTracker - link) :
¤ Your Nickname: ak47 ¤ Your Address: ak47 ¤ Age:19 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: Hindi,English ¤ Your Location: India-Maharashtra ¤ Experience As Admin: 2.5 years game experience ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes i can play ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: To Punish lawbreakers {help players} ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?: yes i always active ¤ Admin - Password: "NewLifeapw"
¤ Your Nickname:Adil_Dz ¤ Your Address: adelmoulakmim_70675 ¤ Age:24 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: arab , french, english , Location: algeri ¤ Experience As Admin: (Last Server - hitman) ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (17:00 PM To 3:00 AM): ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin:In order to maintain the integrity of the server ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?:Yes, of course ¤ Admin - Password: (NewLifeZMLoyalty
Your Nickname: Cs_7aRaMi__ Your Grade: player The Tag You want: ~DoMiNa[T]eR_! Link Gametracker of Your Hours: ▄︻┻┳═一 !_ZouHaiR_!
¤ Your Nickname: dark-angel ¤ Your Address: ¤ Age: 25 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: arabic/english/ ¤ Your Location: algeria/alger ¤ Experience As Admin: i hvae 6 years exprience i have as admin i was admin in newlife ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: to help players and help server ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?:yes ¤ Admin - Password: NewLifeZMLoyalty
¤ Your Nickname: harmless ¤ Your Address: ¤ Age: 20 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: english/urdu ¤ Your Location: Pakistan ¤ Experience: Was moderator in streetzm back then I just bought it lol for 10$ (4-5years almost) ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): of course ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: (old nickname stats: ) ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: to help this community make more peaceful. ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?: not yet. ¤ Admin - Password: "NewLifeapw" IF REJECTED DON'T FORGET TO GIVE FEEDBACK SO I CAN IMPROVE IT REALLY APPRECIATE IT. THANKS ;)!
Nick: Horror_Professional Real name: Rehan Saeed How old are you?: 18 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Minecraft(10 years) Cs1.6( 9 years) IGI(5 Years) GTA (1-2 Years) PRince Of Persia (5 months) PUBG (3 years) Free Fire(1 year) Last of us (2 years) Where are you from?(country and city): Pakistan,Islamabad Describe yourself(at least 50 words): My Name is Rehan Saeed.My Father name is Saeed Ahmed.I am a Muslim and proud to be muslim.I love to play games .I am very interllegent.I Am topper of my class evertime.I love to find and research about new inventions Note some of your qualities: Intellegent ,Handsome,Smart ,Sigma Tell us some of your defects: anyone can easily make me laugh whenever ,anytime. Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): I already have Get ;;Moderator of CSBD before but idk I loss my account pw and was disabled. my old account @HorrorProfessional On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): in all but most VGR. Which category/project you want to care off?: Last time I was VGame Rewier,Devil Harmony and Journalist.So I want it again. How well you speak english?(and other languages): English/Urdu Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: No.sorry For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Years Contact methods: Discord :horror_xd__08935 ,pm ,Youtube Horror Professional or Cricket Professional Last request:
¤ Your Name: Adjex ¤ Accused Admin: daking ¤ Time And Date: 2 / 15 / 2025 at 10:45 am ¤ Reason Of The Report: i bought a mod and after few rounds the server made me nemessis and this admin slayed me, i told him to see the console but he didnt want ¤ Proof: idh proof but u can ask some players were playing like: MoScoW, Mr.Ares , FaNt0M
¤ Your Nickname: ak47 ¤ facebook: suraj chauhan ¤ Age: 19 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: english/hindi ¤ Your Location: India -Maharashtra ¤ Experience As Admin: i have 2.5 years experience as admin i was admin in newlife before. ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): of course ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: to help our community agains't instulting/cheating/abusing. ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?:yes ¤ Admin - Password: "NewLifeapw"
Nickname :Nofal 国王 король Age: 16 How much time you can be active on TS3: Approximately 8 hours Link of Reviews you have posted recently: nothing
¤ Your Nickname: daking ¤ Your Address: ¤ Age: 25 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: arabic/english/french ¤ Your Location: algeria/alger ¤ Experience As Admin: i have 5 years experience as admin i was admin in newlife before. ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): of course ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: to help the community agains't instulting/cheating/abusing. ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?:yes ¤ Admin - Password: "NewLifeapw"
¤ أسمك في اللعبة:mezo ¤ الرتبة: لاعب ¤ التاغ الذي تريده:B£$T Pl@yer ¤ رابط عدد ساعات لعبك ( GameTracker - أضغط هنا ) :
¤ الأسم الخاص بك (نفسهُ في الموقع) :mezo ¤ عنوانك ( دسكورد أو فيس بوك) : discord mazenpvpking (mazen) ¤ العمر : 15 ¤ اللغات التي تستطيع التكلم والنطق بها : English,الغه العربيه ¤ موقعك ( الدولة ) : مصر محافظه الغربيه المحله الكبري ¤ الخبرة الخاصة بك كأدمن ومسؤول ( في سيرفر سابق - أستخدم موقع جيم تراكر GameTracker Link ) : ك منذ سنه كنت ادمن في سيرفر Call of duty 1 mp ¤ هل تستطيع البقاء اللعب في هذا الوقت او البقاء متفرجا ( من الساعة 24:00 الى 12:00 مساءً ) :نعم ¤ ساعات اللعب الخاصة بك في السيرفر ( أضغط هنا وأبحث عن اسمك لكي تعرف عدد ساعات لعبك ) : ¤ هل أنت موجود في ديسكورد سيرفر نيولايف؟ وهل ستكون متواجد ونشط في شات الادمنز بالدسكورد؟ : نعم أنا متواجد ¤ كلمة السر - الادمن ( أقرء القوانين جيداً لكي تعرف كلمة المرور ) :"NewLifeapw"
¤ الأسم الخاص بك (نفسهُ في الموقع) :mazen ¤ عنوانك ( دسكورد أو فيس بوك) : mazenpvpking (mazen) ¤ العمر :13 ¤ اللغات التي تستطيع التكلم والنطق بها : English,العربيه ¤ موقعك ( الدولة ) :مصر ¤ الخبرة الخاصة بك كأدمن ومسؤول ( في سيرفر سابق - أستخدم موقع جيم تراكر GameTracker Link ) :اول تجربه ¤ هل تستطيع البقاء اللعب في هذا الوقت او البقاء متفرجا ( من الساعة 24:00 الى 12:00 مساءً ) :نعم ¤ ساعات اللعب الخاصة بك في السيرفر ( أضغط هنا وأبحث عن اسمك لكي تعرف عدد ساعات لعبك ) :3 ساعات في اليوم ¤ هل أنت موجود في ديسكورد سيرفر نيولايف؟ وهل ستكون متواجد ونشط في شات الادمنز بالدسكورد؟ : نعم ¤ كلمة السر - الادمن ( أقرء القوانين جيداً لكي تعر 1ف كلمة المرور ) :"NewLifeapw"
¤ Your Nickname: DOCTOR_DANGER ¤ Your Address: I dont have any address ¤ Age:13 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak:English , Hindi , Gujarati ¤ Your Location: India-Gujarat ¤ Experience As Admin: yes i have a server "happy family join us now" I am admin here scince 2 years ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: to help players who are new on server and enjoy the server ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?: yes ¤ Admin - Password: "NewLifeapw"
¤ Your Name: dz killer:) ¤ Accused Admin: El Papa ¤ Time And Date: it was 12:40 AM 17/01/2025 (UTC 1+) ¤ Reason Of The Report: he slay a player that he didn't break rules , the player "DVRK" put a lm on hachem "nemesis" then el papa gaved him a warn to not shootin it , after that Exactly he slayed him without any reason (don't tell me he destroy it bcz El papa exactly destroyed DVRK lm and no one expect him bought a mine) and i asked him why he slay him and he didn't answerd me and ignored me by keeping playing ¤ Proof:
¤ عنوانك ( دسكورد أو فيس بوك) : Ahmad Qatu (FB) , qatuahmeta (Discord) ¤ العمر : 19 ¤ اللغات التي تستطيع التكلم والنطق بها : العربية ، العبرية ، الإنجليزية ¤ موقعك ( الدولة ) : فلسطين (الضفة الغربية - طولكرم) ¤ هل تستطيع البقاء اللعب في هذا الوقت او البقاء متفرجا ( من الساعة 24:00 الى 12:00 مساءً ) : نعم ويوميا (بإستثناء فترة الإمتحانات من كل عام) ¤ ساعات اللعب الخاصة بك في السيرفر : 45.07 ¤ هل أنت موجود في ديسكورد سيرفر نيولايف؟ وهل ستكون متواجد ونشط في شات الادمنز بالدسكورد؟ : نعم ، نعم إن شاء الله okmijn : كلمة السر - الادمن
Your Nickname: @SpiderManツ Your Age : 21 How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : help in the project How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? :10%10 Other information about your request ?: - Last request link : the first
¤ Pseudonimul tău (la fel ca și pe forum):Minceraft ¤ Adresa dvs. (Facebook, Skype):Facebook ¤ Vârsta:25 ¤ Limbi pe care le poți vorbi:Romană și engleză ma descurc ¤ Locația dvs.:București ¤ Experiență ca administrator (Ultimul server - Link GameTracker): ¤ Puteți rămâne spectator sau jucați între aceste ore (24:00 - 12:00): Da ¤ Link de ore pe care le-ați jucat pe server ( CLICK AICI Trebuie să vă scrieți porecla) ¤ Motivul pentru care doriți să fiți administrator: Sa schimb hărțile când nu sunt adimini oline… ¤ Sunteți pe serverul nostru Discord NewLifeZM și veți fi activ în personalul NewLife - Canalul de chat (link)?:Da ¤ Parola/Cheia pentru administrator Citiți regulile pentru a o găsi] :
¤ Your Nickname: {>!<KILLUA>!<} ¤ Your Address: hebron ¤ Age: 21 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: arabic ¤ Your Location: palestine ¤ Experience As Admin: (Last Server - GameTracker Link) ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ( CLICK HERE You Must Write Your Nickname):{>!<KILLUA>!<} ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I don't want anyone to steal my name, and sometimes during gaming hours after midnight, there are some cheaters ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?: yes
¤ Your Nickname: (Same as in the Forum):SneaKy ¤ Your Address: (Facebook, Skype): sneaky8117 ¤ Age:22 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: Arabic . Englesh ¤ Your Location: Algeria ¤ Experience As Admin: I was a servant owner . Developer ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes I can ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I want to help server and enjoy a great admin - team. ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ¤ Admin - Password: (Read The Admin - Rules To Find It): NewLifeZMForever
¤ Your Nickname: [A][C][E] ¤ Your Address: DISCORD ( ibrahimlabat ) ¤ Age: 21 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: EN / AR ¤ Your Location: Palestine ¤ Experience As Admin: 2 years between 2017 - 2019 ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): Yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: heeere ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: Sometimes I enter late and there is no admin to stop some players who break the rules ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?: YES ¤ Admin - Password: NewLifeZMLoyalty
About Us
CsBlackDevil Community [], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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