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Star Wars 1313 was one of the more anticipated titles being announced in 2012. The title was presented by LucasArts in 2012 and promised a third person shooter gameplay and impressive graphics, but was canceled in 2013, shortly after Disney bought Lucasfilm and all its subsidiaries, including LucasArts. Star Wars 1313 are likely to be brought back to life, not necessarily the video game, however, as said Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm representative, in a recent interview: "Conceptual Art created during the development of Star Wars in 1313 is incredible. We do not want to waste all that was created is pure gold. We talk about what we could do with it, we want to use it." Electronic Arts is the largest player in the industry licensed Star Wars for the next 10 years but the trademark for Star Wars 1313 expired at the beginning of 2014. Only time will tell if the story of bounty hunter from Coruscant to the city in 1313I am told.
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Ubisoft has announced the release date for Jack The Ripper DLC for Assassin's Creed Syndicate. It will arrive on PS4 and Xbox One on 15 December, and the PC will be available from 22 December. Jack The Ripper DLC is available for € 14.99, but is included in Season Pass also, which costs € 29.99. Frye Evye story follows his attempt to catch one of the most infamous criminals of history, 20 years after she returns to London. The action will take place in the Whitechapel district. Steam page is
People are less Willing to Rely on Their knowledge and say something When They Know They have access to the Internet, suggesting That Our connection to the Web is affecting how we think, a new study has found. Researchers from the University of Waterloo in Canada about 100 Participants Asked a series of general knowledge Questions, Such as naming the capital of France. Participants f Indicated They Knew the answer or not. For half of the study, hadd Participants access to the Internet. In the other half of the study, Participants did not have access to the Internet. They HAD to look up the answer When They responded That They did not know the answer. The team found WHO HAD That the people access to the Web Were about 5 per cent more Likely to Say That They did not know the answer to the question. Furthermor, In Some contexts, the people with access to the Internet even though Reported feeling They Knew less compared to the people without access. "With the ubiquity of the Internet, we are almost Constantly connected to large Amounts of information. And When That date is Within Reach, less people Seem Likely to Rely on Their own knowledge, "said lead researcher of the study F Evan Risko professor from the University of Waterloo. In interpreting the results, the researchers speculated access to the Internet That Might make it less acceptable to say you know something soft are incorrect. Another Possibility Is That They will Because so online searching offers an Opportunity to confirm or Resolve Their Their Curiosity answer. Moreover, the process of finding out is rewarding. "Our results suggest That access to the Internet affects the Decisions we make about what we know and do not know," said Risko. "We hope this research contributes to our Growing Understanding of how easy access to Massive Amounts of information Can Our influence thinking and Behaviour," Risko added. The study Appears in the journal Consciousness and Cognition
Rockstar Games has announced that the update free Executives and Other Criminals GTA Online will be launched on 15 December on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The package brings new luxury apartments in Vinewood Hills, a yacht opulent, the possibility of establishing a criminal organization VIP, with new missions co-op, we Challenges in Freemode and the opportunity to engage other players as bodygards, who will receive salary and bonuses . And two vehicles will be introduced: Carbon SuperVolito Turreted Limo and Helicopter. Also, some existing Freemode Events will be tailored to be addressed by organizations. Online GTA GTA V is the multiplayer mode, which is available on Steam :
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If you look forward to the launch of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, you should know that the way is now unofficially SweetFX compatible with PC version of Star Wars: Battlefront. How's creation brings visual theme JJ Abrams the latest title from DICE FPS Multiplayer released. Although Star Wars: Battlefront graphics can not be criticized for its SweetFX takes it to another level, and the 3-minute gameplay in 4k resolution confirming this fact. Page how is it ,and Star Wars: Battlefront available on Origin, PS4 and Xbox One.
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Action Games mechs have always been present, but the last 5 years have seen the launch of a substantial number of competitors in this genre. One of them MechWarrior Online, which has been available since 2013 on the official website. To raise the number of players, the studio Piranha Games (not to be confused with Piranha Byes: Gothic and Risen) to bring this title to decist Free to Play Multiplayer on Steam. As the name suggests the title, he holds the official license BattleTech, MechWarrior means that fans of the series in 1990 will address many mechs known. MechWarrior Online's page is
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WHEN it comes to skyscrapers, the poor old UK isn’t having much luck lately. First, there was the story of the $345 million “Walkie Talkie” tower at 20 Fenchurch Street in London that was burning cars and producing furious wind gusts that have knocked people to the ground. Now, there’s another skyscraper that’s in the headlines for all of the wrong reasons. The Beetham Tower in Manchester has been totally freaking people due to the strange noises it’s been producing. While it’s been known to terrorise the locals for some time, a new video has been uploaded to YouTube showing the extent of the problem. Filmed during a stormy day, it sounds like you’re listening to a horror movie, with noises ranging from humming to shrieking. Architect Ian Simpson spoke about the issue back in 2012, which is caused by wind passing over a blade at the top of the tower, but nothing has been done about it. “I am completely aware of the noise because I live at the top of the building,” Mr Simpson said. “At the end of the day it’s not supposed to make noise. We have got to address that because it’s causing distress.”
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ROM Beta-ul Hitman va avea loc din 12 februarie pe PlayStation 4 și din 19 februarie pe PC, a anunțat Square Enix. În beta, acțiunea are loc cu 20 de ani în trecut într-o locație secretă de recrutare și antrenare ICA. În acestă misiune aflăm cum a fost recrutat Agent 47 în ICA și prima întâlnire a lui cu Diana Burnwood. Pe PlayStation 4 vor fi disponibile în exclusivitate 6 contracte numite “The Sarajevo Six.” ENG Hitman Beta site will be held February 12 on PlayStation 4 and 19 February on PC, Square Enix announced. In the beta, the action takes place 20 years in the past in a secret location ICA recruitment and training. In this mission we find out how he was recruited and Agent 47 ICA's first meeting with Diana Burnwood. The PlayStation 4 will be available exclusively six contracts called "The Sarajevo Six."
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ROM Cu scurt timp în urmă Epic Games a anunțat MOBA-ul Paragon care va fi disponibil pe PlayStation 4 și PC în 2016. Va fi disponibil cu plată prin Early Acces în primăvara lui 2016, iar open-beta-ul și lansarea va avea loc la vara 2016. ENG Shortly behind Epic Games announced that Paragon MOBA site will be available on PlayStation 4 and PC in 2016. Pay will be available through Early Access in spring 2016 and open the beta and the launch will take place in summer 2016.
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It's that annoying moment when you need to call a helpline or similar from your mobile phone but you'll be charged extortionate amounts for it. Here's how to call 0845, 0870 and 0800 numbers free from your mobile. Find out which numbers are free from your mobile and the cost of specific premium numbers. Check out the best smartphones of 2015. Updated with our video tutorial 25/11/15. You might have a smartphone call plan with unlimited minutes, but that’s unlikely to include premium rate numbers. If you’re stuck without access to a landline, calling numbers beginning with 0845, 0870 and similar is something to avoid. Many companies use such numbers to offset the cost of tech support, or to simply make more money. Mobile networks tend to charge excessive amounts for these types of numbers – even more than when calling from a landline. Since July 2015, Ofcom made sure that all 0800 and 0808 numbers were free on mobile phones, no matter what network you're on. However, there are still a lot of numbers which will cost you a bomb. Below we've outlined what different numbers are for and what they will typically cost. What is free numbers from mobile? The current situation and Costs The first three in the above list are geographic numbers and will be included in any minutes you have on your mobile tariff. If you're using credit or minutes outside of your allowance, these will cost 3p and 40p per minute depending on your network and plan. Be aware that when you make these calls from your mobile outside of your inclusive minutes you can be charged up to 45p per minute. 030 numbers are for non-profit organisations, charities and public bodies such as The BBC, the Met Police, the RSPCA, Oxfam and some local councils. These come under the same pricing structure as the geographic numbers above. 07 numbers You might already know I 07 has numbers for mobile phones, and cost 3p and 40p per minute Between but Will usually included in the name, signature BE minute allowance. Often you'll get free calls to other users on the same network, too, but making a call outside of your allowance of can cost up to 45p per minute. 070 and 076 numbers While 07 numbers are easily recognisable as mobile numbers, 070 numbers are another kettle of fish. They are a legitimate number and used as a follow me service so calls are diverted from one number to another meaning the person being called can keep their own number private, and remain contactable wherever they go. They are also used by small businesses and sole traders easily manage calls. However, they are also used a scam where you get a missed call and because it looks like a regular mobile you call it back. What you're actually dialling is a service which costs up to £1.50 per minute. Often the call is dropped or an engaged tone played while you're charged. You might also hear a recorded voice telling you the line is bad, requesting you call a second time. The bottom line is that if you get a missed call from an 070 or 076 number, do not call it back. You can note down the number and complain to the premium rate regulator PhonepayPlus (0800 500 212). 0800 and 0808 numbers As mentioned above, these are now completely free to call from your mobile so dial away without worrying about your bill. 0843/4, 0845, 0870, 0871/2/3 numbers The cost of calling 084 and 087 numbers is split up into two costs - these numbers are normally chat lines, technical support, sales lines and other related things. Firstly there is what's known as a 'service charge' which is set by the organisation you are calling and ranges from 0- and 13p per minute. You'll also get an 'access charge' which is set by your provider and start at 5p per minute. For example, Giffgaff charges 25p per minute while Three charges 45p. 118 directory enquiry numbers Be very careful if you're thinking about calling a direct enquiry number beginning with 118. These are expensive. They are split into service- and access charges as above so you'll be charged up to 45p per minute on top of whatever the company you're calling charges - a maximum of £7 and/or £3.60 per minute. Most will have a minimum call charge of 60 seconds. "Calls to 118 118 cost £2.75 per call plus £2.99 per minute, (minimum 60 second charge applies). In addition you will be charged an access charge per minute by the company that bills you for calls." says the 118 118 website so this means a minimum charge of £5.74 if your call is less than one minute. 09 numbers A number beginning with 09 is a premium rate number usual used for competitions, TV voting, horoscopes, chat lines and similar. From a mobile phone charges typically range between 1p to £3.60 per minute. You may be charged a one-off call cost ranging from 5p to £6.
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A computer is an electronic device that mani[CENSORED]tes information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You probably already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos. Througho this tutorial, Will show you the most important things Some of you need to know about computers, Including how to set up your computer, how to interact with the desktop and operating system, and what kinds of computers is available. We'll introduce you to Also Some basic troubleshooting strategies you use if your computer is CAN not working correctly.
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A quick glance at the new ranking of top supercomputers gives a surprising showing by one of the world’s technological powerhouses. Taiwan does not possess a single machine powerful enough to make the list. While there are many nations that don’t make the list, Taiwan is peculiar in that it has such an outsized grip on the computer chip industry. What’s more, its political rival, China, not only holds the world’s top machine, it now has more ranking supercomputers than any nation except the United States. It has been a long decline. Taiwan’s most powerful machine supercomputer, the Advanced Large-scale Parallel Supercluster also known as ALPS or Windrider, ranked 42nd in June, 2011, shortly after its launch. But the process of upgrading Taiwan’s supercomputing infrastructure has been slowed by ineffective government budget allocation. Since 2013, the National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), which operates Windrider, has failed twice to get its budget boosted enough to strengthen its supercomputing ability. While other countries poured money into the installation of powerful supercomputers as a way to show national power, Windrider fell to 305th then 445th in June 2014 and June 2015. “If our three-year budget proposal is approved early next year, Taiwan would gain a much better position on the Top 500 in 2018, when a 2 petaflops system is launched,” says Jyun-Hwei Tsai, Deputy Director General of NCHC. If such a system were launched today, it would rank 36th. The Ministry of Science and Technology says it understands the importance of supercomputing and prioritized it in its budget proposal as it had in 2013 and in 2014, officials say. However, it’s really up to the Cabinet. Cabinet spokesman Lih-chyun Sun says the government fully understands the importance of supercomputing and points out that Taiwan has promoted cloud computing and big-data projects. “It remains uncertain when sufficient budget would be made available for new systems. We’re still reviewing the budget proposal. The decision has not yet been made,” Sun says. “The Cabinet will make a final decision early next year,” adds Tzong-chyuan Chen, Director General of the Department of Foresight and Innovation under the ministry. “In economic recession years, it’s difficult to gain budget for important science and technology projects with long-term impacts, which are not yet felt.” It wasn't always like this. In June 2002, an IBM system at the NCHC center ranked 60th. In June 2007, the center’s newest system, called IRIS, ranked 35th. Taiwan’s IRIS, however, was eventually kicked out of the Top 500 list in November 2009 due to a boom in supercomputer installations in many other countries, such as China. The world’s most powerful system, China’s Tianhe-2, or Milky Way-2, has held the top of the biannual Top 500 list six times in a row. And it is one of 109 systems in China that made the list. The huge increase in China's supercomputing power in recent years can be attributed in part to some government-back companies, such as Sugon and Inspur, which together manufactured 64 of the ranked systems. According to NCHC’s Tsai, the big strides taken by other countries is a sore point in Taiwan. “We don’t compare ourselves with big countries, such as China, Japan, and the United States. What frustrates us more is that, in South Korea, the momentum of national supercomputing is now stronger than ours,” he says. Currently, South Korea’s two fastest systems rank 29th and 30th. It’s not as if there isn’t much demand for supercomputing in Taiwan. Currently, Taiwan’s Windrider utilization exceeds 80 percent. “It’s like a crowded superhighway. And we’ve heard complaints from some users,” NCHC’s Tsai says. According to Tsai, Windrider is most significantly used in basic physics, chemistry, biomedical imaging. But certain key fields get prioritized access. Those include environmental studies, climate change, earth science, natural disasters, and water resources management. “Taiwan is prone to natural disasters, such as typhoons, floods and earthquakes. A powerful database, backed by powerful supercomputing systems, is essential for conducting better predictions of typhoons,” Tsai says. Due to the limit of Taiwan's supercomputing capability, some scientists have taken to building their own computer clusters and speeding up existing resources by making graphics processing unit-based accelerators. Tzihong Chiueh, a theoretical astrophysicist at National Taiwan University, says they had not relied on NCHC’s system for years. Since 2013, his team has been taking advantages of a self-built system, that can reach tens of teraflops. “A petaflop-scale system, should it be funded by the government, would certainly be useful to researchers,” he says. “The investment should indeed be prioritized. I hope it can work at least 10 times faster than the current system
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ROM După ce a trecut la rând de Ninjas in Pijamas și de Team EnVyUs, Luminosity Gaming a mai dat încă o dată lovitură, trecând de un alt greu al CS:GO-ului, Team SoloMid. Brazilienii nu s-au lasat mai prejos nici în finală, Fnatic impunându-se cu greu, cu scorul general de 2-1. Ar fi prematur să zicem că Luminosity Gaming a intrat de acum în rândul celor mai bune echipe ale lumii, mai ales după experiența celor de la Cloud9, care au trecut printr-un puseu similar, pentru ca ulterior forma lor să scadă. Pentru a-și confirma nivelul Luminosity are nevoie să mai obțină astfel de rezultate împotriva echipelor de top pe o perioadă mai îndelungată. Cel mai probabil că Luminosity nu va putea să-și mențină foarte mult timp nivelul de care a dat dovadă în cadrul FACEIT Stage 3. Oricum, surpriza a fost cu totul neașteptată. ENG After going to all of Ninjas in Pijamas and Team EnVyUs, Luminosity Gaming has once again given shot, passing another heavy CS: GO's, Team SoloMid. Brazilians were not far behind either in the final Fnatic hardly imposing, with the score 2-1. It would be premature to say Luminosity Gaming has gone now among the best teams of the world, especially after the experience of the Cloud9, who went through a similar spurt, and later their away form. In order to confirm the Luminosity needs also get such results against the top teams on a longer period. The Luminosity probably will not be able to maintain that level for a long time it showed in the forms Stage 3. However, the surprise was totally unexpected.
ROM Cei de la AlltimeMovies au alcătuit o listă de 10 jocuri care, în opinia lor, ar putea fi transformate în film cu succes comercial. Aceste titluri sunt: seria Uncharted, Mafia II, Red Dead Redemption, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect, Portal, BioShock (BioShock Infinite), The Last of Us şi Halo. Pe de altă parte trebuie amintite eşecurile de răsunet gen Doom, Resident Evil sau Postal. ENG Those from AlltimeMovies have compiled a list of 10 games that, in their opinion, could be transformed into commercially successful film. These titles are: Uncharted series, Mafia II, Red Dead Redemption, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect, Portal, Bioshock (BioShock Infinite), The Last of Us and Halo. On the other hand like to recall the resounding failures of Doom, Resident Evil and posters.
Name of the oponent: raven' boring verox Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: - Watermark: csblackdevil / csbd .. Working time : 24 hours
Name of the oponent: boring Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): signature Size: 450x230 *Text: - Watermark: - Working time: 24 hours
: Name of the oponent: raven , Boring Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): signature Size: 520 x 310 *Text: Great Glasses Watermark: csblackdevil Working time:24 hours
Name of the oponent: 5lood Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: Water Watermark: csbd/csblackdevil Working time: 24 hours
Name of the oponent: evolution Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): avatar Size: 150 250 Text: Design Watermark: csbd/csblackdevil Working time: 24 hours
Name of the oponent:Boring Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Signature Size:450x230 *Text: Dragon/DRAGON Watermark: csbd csblackdevil Working time: 2 days
Hello Guys Today is brithday of *Ha©kEr'S* I wish you a happy day This is your day Enjoy and be happy )
Name of the oponent: krnfx- Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Signature Size: 450x230 *Text:Render Watermark: csblackdevil.csbd Working time: 24
Name of the oponent: suarez Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) : avatar Size:150 250 *Text: Assasins Creed Watermark:CSBLACKDEVIL/CSBD Working time:2 hr
Name of the oponent: raven,Evolution Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Render Size: 450*230 *Text: No text Watermark: WWW.CSBLACkDEVIL , CsBlackDevil , CSBD Working time: 24 hours (send me pm your work)