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Found 7 results

  1. Hello everyone. I hope you all are okay and i hope that this will brighten your mood [ The Lucky Draw Competition ] The Lucky Draw competition is a lucky draw from the numbers 1 to 100. Every Non-Steam player has a chance to participate, just make a reply to this Topic and follow the model down below. Don't forget to choose your Lucky Number. And remember the Number has to be unique. Model: ¤ Your Nickname(server nick): ¤ Your STEAM ID: ¤ Your Lucky Number (1 - 100): ¤ Tag 3 Friends: Rules of the Competition: 1. Respect the above mentioned model, posts that don't comply with the model will be hidden. 2. Do not pick a number that has already been picked by someone else. 3. All Non-Steam Players can participate in this competition and Admins from Administrator - Server-Managers Prizes of this competition: 1st Place - STEAM CS 1.6 + 1 Month VIP + VM + 500 Points 2nd Place - STEAM CS 1.6 + 2 Weeks VIP + 500 Points 3rd Place - STEAM CS 1.6 + 500 Points Competition starts today on 30/November/2024 and ends on 3/December/2024 The Winners will be picked by a Random Number Generator. Good Luck !!
  2. Hello dear Players and Admins, Christmas is near and i wanna do a Competition based on it. I want you to draw this Picture similar as best as you can: Prizes you can win 1. Place: 1x Month VIP + VM + 2K Points. 2. Place: 2x Week's VIP + VM + 1K Points. 3. Place: 1x Week VIP + VM + 500 Points. Rules 1. Don't use a Picture you find in Google or anywhere else, i will especially check that! 2. Players and Admins can compete in this Competition. Best regards Daddy Boss VollmeR.
  3. Hello dear Players and Staff - Team, today we are starting a Competition that is called "The Lucky Draw - Competition". The Lucky Draw - Competition is a Raffle where you have to choose a Number between 1 and 50. Model - Your Name In Server: - Your Lucky - Number: - Tag 3x Friends: Rules 1. You must fill out the Model to enter the Competition. 2. You must not take a Number that has already been taken. 3. Anyone can take part in this Competition. Prices 1. Place: 2000 Points. 2. Place: 1500 Points. 3. Place: 1000 Points. Information The Competition takes place now and ends on 15.10.2023. The Winners will be determined at random using a Number Generator. Good luck and we wish you will have fun! Best regards Founder VollmeR
  4. Hello everyone! It's me, I_LOVE_CATS. I was thinking lately of doing a giveaway and i believe the timing is now better than ever. I'm going to keep it really simple for you! I will personally giveaway a V.I.P access to one random player for the rest of the summer (2 months) with the additional VM (VIP MENU). The only thing you have to do is to write down the NICKNAME you use in our SERVER under this topic ! The Competition will end in 2/7/2023 (JULY). I will personaly spin a WHEEL OF NAMES and whoever's the name gets picked, that person will be the WINNER! The winner will have to contact either @Wesker9 or @VollmeR on FORUM or DISCORD to give them information for his/her V.I.P access. NOTE: YOU CANNOT ENTER THE COMPETITION IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A VIP RIGHT NOW ! ! ! YOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY AGAIN TO WIN MORE GIFTS BECAUSE I WILL DO EXTRA GIVEAWAYS IN THE NEAR FUTURE, SO STAY TUNED! GOOD LUCK ! ! !
  5. Hello dear Player's and Staff - Team, today we are starting a Competition that is called "The Lucky Draw - Competition". The Lucky Draw - Competition is a Raffle where you have to choose a Number between 1 and 50. Model - Your Name In Server: - Your Lucky - Number: - Tag 3x Friend's: Rules 1. You must fill out the Model to enter the Competition. 2. You must not take a Number that has already been taken. 3. Anyone can take part in this Competition. Prices 1. Place: CS 1.6 (Steam). 2. Place: 2x Week's VIP + VM + 1K Point's. 3. Place: 1x Week VIP + VM + 500 Point's. Information The Competition take's place now and ends on 07.06.2023. The Winners will be determined at random using a Number Generator. Good luck and we Wish you will have Fun! Best regard's Owner VollmeR.
  6. Hello dear Players, today we are starting a Competition that will last for a Week and it is called "Players with the most Activity". This means 3x Players have the Chance to win one of the following Prizes: 1. Place: 1x Month VIP + VM + 3K Points. 2. Place: 2x Week VIP + VM + 2K Points. 3. Place: 1x Week VIP + VM + 1K Points. Rules: In order to take part in the Competition you have to answer here in the Topic with "I'm In and your Nick in Game" Information: If you already have bought Permanent - VIP, you get double the Points from the Prize! Reminder: This Competition is only for Players, not for Admins! Good luck and we wish you will have fun! Best regards Founder VollmeR.
  7. Hello everyone, hope you all are okay. I'm glad to announce that we are doing yet another competition. This will be the Wheel of Fortune competition where every player can participate only once trough out the course of 7 Days for a chance to Win something or nothing. The Rules for this competition are simple: - Follow the Model - Each Player may only apply once - Admins are not allowed to take part in this competition - You must include your Steam ID in the Model when you apply. (Type status in console to find your Steam ID) The Model: Your in-game nickname: Steam ID: Tag some Friends: Players who do not follow the Model will be eliminated from the Competition. Players who provide Fake Steam ID's will also be eliminated from the Competition. Prizes inculded: If the Arrow lands on Better Luck Next Time, we wish you more luck in the Next Competition. When you apply for the Competition we will reply back to you with your results as soon as possible. Competition starts Today and ends on 09/04/2023. May Fortune smile upon each and every one of you.
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