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About Aim4ik-BaKu

  • Birthday 07/20/1994



  • Gender
  • Interests
    I am someone who loves to do sports and play games.
  • City
    Azerbaijan BaKu

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  1. ¤ Your Nickname ¤ ^_Aim4ik_BaKu_^ ¤ Your Address Skype, instagram ,Telegram ¤ ❝(Vusal.qoff)❞ ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 17 years) ¤ ❝ (20.07.1994) 30 Years ❞ ¤ Languages That You Can Speak ¤ ❝( English , Russian , Turkish , Azerbaijan )❞ ¤ Your Location ¤ ❝( Azerbaijan - BaKu )❞ ¤ Experience As Admin ¤ ❝( 6---7 Year)❞--❝( I have worked as an Admin in more than one game. CS 1.6 and other games.)❞ ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM) ¤ ❝(It's no problem for me I am someone who spends 14-15 hours of the day playing games. )❞ ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ¤ ❝( https://www.gametracker.com/player/^_Aim4ik_BaKu_^/ )❞ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin ¤ ❝( I've only played on this server for a long time . I know the rules set by the server owner. Helping admins and protecting the server )❞ ¤ Other Information For Your Request ¤ ❝( I will abide by all the rules given by the server owner and I will warn each admin who violates the rules and make a complaint to you)❞
  2. ¤ Your Nickname ¤ ^_Aim4ik_BaKu_^ ¤ Your Address Skype, instagram ,Telegram ¤ ❝(Vusal.qoff)❞ ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 17 years) ¤ ❝ (20.07.1994) 30 Years ❞ ¤ Languages That You Can Speak ¤ ❝( English , Russian , Turkish , Azerbaijan )❞ ¤ Your Location ¤ ❝( Azerbaijan - BaKu )❞ ¤ Experience As Admin ¤ ❝( 6---7 Year)❞--❝( I have worked as an Admin in more than one game. CS 1.6 and other games.)❞ ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM) ¤ ❝(It's no problem for me I am someone who spends 14-15 hours of the day playing games. )❞ ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ¤ ❝( https://www.gametracker.com/player/^_Aim4ik_BaKu_^/ )❞ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin ¤ ❝( I've only played on this server for a long time . I know the rules set by the server owner. Helping admins and protecting the server )❞ ¤ Other Information For Your Request ¤ ❝( I will abide by all the rules given by the server owner and I will warn each admin who violates the rules and make a complaint to you)❞
  3. I've never seen you in the game I'm so glad you're from Azerbaijan ❤️
  4. Your nick: ^_Aim4ik_BaKu_^ Your ip ( http://www.iptest.ro😞 The reason you have been banned: ( The game activated sniper mode and I was banned for not attacking ) The admin who banned you: -!-Zalmate-!- The time: 16:08 Your proofs (screenshot of your console): https://imgur.com/a/JzQpy2J


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