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Like a BOSS

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  1. BURN IN HELL!!!!!!


    1. Ronaldskk.


      he is banned not dead...

    2. Aronus


      Banned = Dead Virtually

    3. Ronaldskk.
  2. nr 1 . as admin you don't use language like ''f.u.c.ked stop etc..'' that why you get gag (I warned you not to give ungag anymore, you did this 2 times and that's why you got remove ) nr2 i slayed him because is n..b ,i gave sn1per a gag by mistake,slay was the right decision,anything else?
  3. Done! Kiss love again 😘 😝
  4. and if you say that he swears, translate that swear
  5. nickname BOSS^ , link on gamatracker with another player name ''death'' and and arabic player with romanian forum account name PuFuLeTz . You will have a BIG CONTRA from me because today you spam in chat 1000 times That you want admin , i tell you go on forum and make request for admin , and you again continue spaming with i want admin i want admin , that's exactly why you received many times a gag from me and another admins,and you and you always gave retry after gag
  6. T/C
  7. Removed! on that admin account play more than one person
  8. Rejected , you dont have activity on the server . Make activity after come again with a new request
  9. Hai pe discord la street bro

  10. Name: ThunderZM.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Queen] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Address: Port: 27015 Contact Administrator Steam (cinevacusufletmare) Discord (Like a BOSS#5324) I don thave time to Administrate server , so i wanna sell it . WE CAN DEAL THE PRICE . PM WHO IS INTERESTED
  11. add me in discord Like a BOSS #5324
  12. Joc: Counter-Strike 1.6 IP Adress: Port: 27015 Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: Zombie Plague Queen Contact proprietar, administrator ( Discord / Steam): Discord: Like a BOSS #5324 / Steam: cinevacusufletmare I am looking for Managers/Founders in administration and sponsorship for (boost monthly) Offer ACCESS FTP Anyone interested can contact me in PM
  13. Ok mersi/thank you
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