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Everything posted by Evolut1oN20

  1. ¤ Porecla:Evolut1oN ¤ Notă:x ¤ Etichetă nouă:The K1LLER ¤ Link de ore jucate (GameTracker - Link):https://www.gametracker.com/player/Evolut1oN/
  2. ¤ Your Nick:Evolut1oN ¤ Your IP - Address: ¤ Your Steam - ID:STEAM_0:1:720706284 ¤ The Reason You Have Been Banned:i dont know.. tell me vollmer? ¤ The Admin Who Have Banned You:Vollmer ¤ The Time You Have Been Banned At:i dont know ¤ Evidence - (Screenshot / Demo):https://imgur.com/3ukk8wL https://imgur.com/A4VPFJUhttps://imgur.com/3ukk8wL
  3. ¤ Numele:Evolut1oN ¤ Ip-ul tau : ¤ STEAM ID-ul tau:STEAM_0:1:720706284 ¤ Motivul banului:nu stiu am incercat sa intru pe server si m am trezit cu ban ¤ Adminul care te-a banat:- ¤ Ora:- ¤ Dovada (screenshot din consola):https://imgur.com/a/JcqR0xV


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