MembersEverything posted by AdrBoss
Pro Idk about another staff members,but when I'm active you respect all rules
Contra You can't be admin here because you are not abble to undertood the rules.+ More another reasons
I must report you because you put LM on afk and when I say is against rules you don't listen me. Like 2h ago whe Snoxy was afk and server maked him nemesis and you started to put LM on him...
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I used this command to make a high infection. Why? Because no on kaked a high infection on server. I'm allowed to use this command,but not to abuse it. I haved over 400 ammo when I used it,so I don't used it in first rounds to make fast ammo. Was not an abuse. JJ Stalysh you link show who can have acces to use comands,but is not updated,so you accusation is a lost of time. I'm Moderator so if I have acces to this command,mean I can use it.
Hi everyone,I propose some new suggestions so please tell me if this are good or ar not. 1) new zm class Husk Image with this clas https://zombie-mod.ru/cstrike/cstrike-models/1534-models-zombie-husk.html Description: This zm can shoot with a fireball,for shooting you must press button R When a human is affected from he fireball,human will burn until have -50HP,DON'T AFFECT PLAYER ARMOUR! Fireball have a cooldown,like 10s or 15s or how much you want(FOUNDER) THIS CAN BE A FREE CLASS AND I HAVE A REASON IN NEXT PROPOSE. 2) NEW ZM CLASS ONLY FOR V.I.P BECAUSE SV MUST HAVE MORE DONATIONS! Zm paokai http://xtremesmat.blogspot.com/2017/05/cs-16-zombie-class-paokai-download.html?m=1 In this link you will find a imgae with this zm class and some more information about it A little description: I think is a bat or a little dragon,but he can fly and press button E will fire players. Offer a good motivation to buy vip and to be ZM 🙂 3) Are to much normal infection in server. I propose to increase chance when start a round to be swarm mode,multi infection,nemessis vs survivor...etc. Here can you decide how you want,but please,let's increase SWARM MODE chance. I think If in every map will be 100% one time SWARM MODE and a special mode like survivor vs nemesis or another,will be much fun. 4) Delete section: A)Sonic vs Shadow round don't work,I tryed to buy it and don't work,so delete it or change it. Like this I don t know if are more mode and don't work... B)We have 3 or 4 maps bugged,players are under map and can't do nothing,we must remove it,one is The Train map or somethink like that,this type map must be removed. C) RPG from points,idk why,but now is to weak,let's change it with BAZOOKA,only BAZOOKA without jet pack. 5) Ad for zm possibility to buy Drag Ability only one round,after everynround must be bought again. 6) Idk if is good or not,but I like it. Hook! Ad a bind for hook,or possibility to buy hook from menu. This will help zm when human are fly in highest zone and they can't do nothing. Here can see a image. https://gamebanana.com/mods/39531 7) C4 Bomb for humans. This to cost aprox 100 ammo or 120 ammo,will help when we are 29,30,31,32/32 on a small map and infection is to fast,so last human or last 2 humans left have a chance to survive. How work,buy it when are one or two or max three humans,plant it where you want and in 10 or 15 sec will explode. When explode all zm will afected with 10k dmg or will be dead. 7.1) Deffuse kit 🙂 only for ZM. When humans use C4 bomb,they must deffuse this bomb,if they want to survive. Cost aprox. 25 ammo or how much you want,but 25 is O.K. ***I HAVE MUCH MORE SUGGESTION,BUT I WILL STOP HERE MOMENTLY!*** FELL FREE TO TELL ME IF YOU ARE AGREE OR NOT AND IF YOU ARE NOT PLEASE SAY WHY!
Your name:AdrBoss ¤ Name of the administrator who abused:Dr.Strange ¤ Reason for report: Him bought 2 modes in same map,at round 22 and round 25 ¤ Date/Time:behind 22:40 and 23:02 Romania time ¤ Proof: https://ibb.co/ZK87Jbj https://ibb.co/qg9cNFC
I never saw you on server You have some activity,for that I give you a pro,but I recommand you to improve you activity
Pro Will help us very much if we will ad a command like /rules and everyone to see rules without to ceck forum
Sorry,but Contra! 5 minutes ago was first time when I saw you. If I see better you started at this server Yesterday,so is to fast to be admin.
Your nickname:AdrBoss Your current grade:Helper Your decision (Retirement / Absence):Absence Time period:from 16-09-2022 to 17 or 18-09-2022 The reason:I'm busy with my job and I must travel in this day to another region,so much driving and work...
Bro you was online. This admin want to hide when is zm and to reply me he sayd something about was to smoke a cigarete,but this "ba" is not nice in Romania! Is first time when I see this admin and I can say he don't know nothing about what mean to be a admin. He was to smoke,ok,but why him hide after infecting? So when him was huma he played and after infecting him hide. I don't abuse how he say,but this guy do it. This is a example for admins,to hide when are zm? And to talk with this "ba"??
Your name:AdrBoss ¤ Claimed Admin name:gzuz ¤ Date and time:08-09-2022 at 21:23 ¤ Reason of complaint: This admin hidr when is infected and don't attack. I sayd him tonattack and slaped him 2x times. Him replyed me with "ba"This word "ba" in the Romanian language means a total lack of respect and an offense so I propose to be removed from admin this player who don't respect another admin and don't respect server rules. ceck ss and translate it ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): I propose to be removed
What is your proposal : Let's add two more weapons,one for human and one for zombie. How will it help the server : Will make gameplay much fun Reason : To less weapons. Other details: 1) I think will help much for zm to have a weapon for drag ability only single round. This can help when human fly over map and zm can't attack. Also I saw knife blinks work very hard,can add another knife blinks? 2) For human must add some new weapons with more damage. I think a gold deagle(x7 dmg) Thunderbolt (a nice awp for making ammo) This will help kill rate when in a round are to much zombie and human can only fly to survive.
Your Nickname :AdrBoss Age:22 Languages That You Can Speak:RO/ENG Your Location: Romania/Suceava Experience As Admin : 6 months Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (12:00PM to 3:00AM ) :Sometines Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) :https://www.gametracker.com/player/AdrBoss/ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: Because I saw this is a greath server and need admins active Can You Be Active In ThunderZM Teamspeak Channel : sometimes because I work Can You Boost The Server Sometimes ? :Yes Key Word ( Password ) Found In The Rules Topic :thunder2datop
Your Nickname :AdrBoss Age:22 Languages That You Can Speak:RO/ENG Your Location: Romania/Suceava Experience As Admin : 6 months Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (12:00PM to 3:00AM ) :Sometines Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) :https://www.gametracker.com/player/AdrBoss/ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: Because I saw this is a greath server and need admins active Can You Be Active In ThunderZM Teamspeak Channel : sometimes because I work Can You Boost The Server Sometimes ? :Yes Key Word ( Password ) Found In The Rules Topic :thunder2datop