Sorry i just I hastened the decision ! , so thats my opinion
1 - Pro
2- contra , its anti-fun option for real ! , also players won't accept that at all ! , so i refuse it
3. Pro
Agree gazuz
its so broken and anti-fun
Must be hard nerfed
Also the premium guns are SOO easy to loose because of the infection bomb 😞 and tryder is completely useless too if you're getting infected with one shot anyway.
- You are not allowed to buy premium weapons from points.
Contra (points are hard to get so must have good rewards)
"we have to add back the rule of LM on afks."
Contra (They're selfish and cause other players to not have a chance to farm)
Agree with most of your rules but keep donating each other ammo allowed
+ human modes (survivor sniper samurai...) should only be allowed once every 12h for every player while not allowing human modes at night (VIP time)
Buying a mode (especially human mode) every 2 rounds is game ruining, you loose crossbow+jetpack for no reason...