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DeAgLe. last won the day on March 23 2014

DeAgLe. had the most liked content!

About DeAgLe.

  • Birthday 05/15/1996


  • Nimeni Nu Moare Virgin , Viata Ne f***t Pe Toti !


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  1. Stop Votes! V.1 = Roven (1 votes) V.2 = DeAgLe. (11 votes) Winner is DeAgLe. Please some one close this topic.
  2. V.1 V.2 Start Vote!
  3. Sorry but I do not want so many works
  4. Numele oponentului:Equin0x Tema de lucru:http://imgur.com/a/gSHLz Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece):Avatar Marime:150x250 *Text:Katy Watermark:CSBD/CSBLACKDEVIL Timp de lucru:24h
  5. DeAgLe.

    Request Fonts

    Font OWNER plizz?
  6. V.2 blur, border
  7. Puteti da T/C Winner Rango
  8. pff doamne nimeni nu poate care munca etc..... hai ma cineva astept si pe Forward sa vedem ce zice daca da contra si Forward astept din echipa GFX sa se bage cineva
  9. Numele oponent: revo,Jean,Forward Tema de lucru:http://i.imgur.com/Yp2BHVB.png Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Semnatura Marime: 400x180 *Text: HULK Watermark: CSBLACKDEVIL / CSBD Timp de lucru: 24h
  10. Scuzati de dublu post ma ajuta cineva sau ce ? (((
  11. Am incercat totusi numi merge tot e problema aia
  12. Descriere a problemei:Am facut un avatar in AE si lam salvat pe decstop prin Composition - Make Movie si dupa am intrat in Photoshop sa salvez si dau pe File ->Import ->Video Frames to Layers si imi da eroarea aceassta..... Poze: Alte detalii: Rog sa ma ajute cineva sa rezolv aceasta problema...
  13. Hristos a Inviat, Paste fericit !
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