Everything posted by MoMeN_Al
You could have killed him in front of him
¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:shrbo5 ¤ Date and time:3:17 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/UcgJ108 ¤ Reason of complaint:wasted time survivor
Eskanor attacked negruny lm and stuck/m4 out go screen to console eskanor madness
¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:K!LLER ¤ Date and time:10:50 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/vKRYLhu ¤ Reason of complaint:tobi_bot_K!LLer assassin free
¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:negury ¤ Date and time:10:30 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/JbzSI1v ¤ Reason of complaint:rr.zm
¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:crazy and negruny ¤ Date and time:7:35 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/iLJdf1H ¤ Reason of complaint:crazy not attack and no freeze the mod negruny not freeze the mod , ezel admin negruny and crazy they do not deservy admin becasue they don,t know the law they deserve remove it should be in their place admin good
¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:crazy ¤ Date and time:7:40 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):Imgur: The magic of the Internet ¤ Reason of complaint:freeze.mod.thank
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¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:crazy ¤ Date and time:7:33 screen imgur :https://imgur.com/Irsualu ¤ Reason of complaint:spam.donate
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¤ Your name:snakepaupau ¤ Claimed Admin name:avenger ¤ Date and time:17/8/2022 5:31 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/QGKbq2i ¤ Reason of complaint:he could have sent 5 or 10 he doesn,t want to sabotage and spam he admin noobs
¤ Your Nickname: SnaKePauPau- ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: . ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here : https://www.gametracker.com/player/SnaKePauPau-/ ¤ Current rank: super-moderator
¤ Your name:SnaKePauPau- ¤ Claimed Admin name:avenger ¤ Date and time:6/8/2022 8:30 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/XGKFD9k ¤ Reason of complaint:freeze_mod_tanks
¤ Your name:MoMeN_al ¤ Claimed Admin name:avenger ¤ Date and time:5:30 2/8/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/0XH2MQY ¤ Reason of complaint:spam
¤ Your name:MomeN Al ¤ Claimed Admin name:avenger ¤ Date and time:2/8/2022:5:30 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/6kcXiuk !_! 2_screen https://imgur.com/a/Mmz4B2r ¤ Reason of complaint:no.attack.survivor
¤ Your name:MoMEN_al ¤ Claimed Admin name:joy_boy ¤ Date and time:2/8/2022_5:30 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/Tx38Z7D ¤ Reason of complaint:no,attack,survivor
Wait for answer @Ezel
Remember the time leaders write the reason for Ban
¤ Your name:MoMeN ¤ Claimed Admin name:the end done ¤ Date and time:yesterday ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/0c2KiVO ¤ Reason of complaint:ban_lion no reason 1 hours ,. what a failed admin strips a ban item and the don,t make a mistake
¤ Your name:MoMeN Al ¤ Claimed Admin name:friexx ¤ Date and time:3:10 12/7/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/RTY8hpJ ¤ Reason of complaint:rr.kpd
¤ Your name:MoMEN Al ¤ Claimed Admin name: K!LLEr ¤ Date and time:3:59 7/7/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/Cd4YmCS ¤ Reason of complaint: K!LLEr he plays with a bot and kills everyone but him
¤ Your name:MoMeN al ¤ Claimed Admin name:K!LLER ¤ Date and time:3:50 7/7/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/NdXOhxU ¤ Reason of complaint:abu dana insult me K!LLEr no gag
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it means that this rebort is old and you should do it on the same day
Yes, at the top of the list there are repeated insults, and I testify
¤ Your name:MoMeN Al ¤ Claimed Admin name:the end done ¤ Date and time:3:40 6/7/2022 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/79Nalhc ¤ Reason of complaint:rr.kpd
i was watching and why didn,t you do freeze from the laws that you do freeze
I told him, "O loser," but I peeled him off, and I knew I was wrong, but he skinned me. Everything I said was a failure, though he told me, "Fasher" and Shehad Prestige.