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Everything posted by taishaa_xn

  1. ¤ Nick: taishaxn ¤ Grade: pre manager ¤ New Tag: MidnightPearl
  2. as my colleague says above
  3. voted
  4. ¤ Nick: taisha_xn_ ¤ Grade: moderator ¤ New Tag: Cada Note : i did requested for tag about a month ago but no one did change it
  5. lorddy is one of the best server admins , we all humans and we make mistakes
  6. Every single information that you put in your request is fake a big contra from me either
  7. ¤ Nick: taisha_xn_ ¤ Grade: Administrator ¤ New Tag: granny
  8. Happy valentine day, everyone 🤍

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