¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): blqblq [ forum : Demir_Demirovic ]
¤ Your Address Skype, facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blqblq1312/
¤ Age:31
¤ Languages That You Can Speak:English , Balkan
¤ Your Location: Bosna i Hercegovina , Sarajevo
¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): a long time ago I was an admin here, so I took a break from the game, I had a child, I lost my mother in a fatal accident, it's not important to talk about this, but I used to keep my communities a long time ago
¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): I'm more of a night bird during the day with a child and a wife, but I know how to study during the day, no worries
¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( CLICK HERE You Must Write Your Nickname)I have a new nickname, but I still have a digo system, I have old pictures, but you can see by the membership on the forum how long I have been an old player
¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin:well, I've always liked taking care of things like watching communication, getting to know other people, other languages, banter and so on, exclusively because I think it would help the server with my activity and experience, as an older player, admin.
¤ Are you on our NewLifeZM discord server and will you be active in the NewLife Staff-Chat channel ( Link ) ?:I am, of course I want to, dandaman#9938
¤ Password/key for admin[ Read The Rules to find it] : "NLZMbest24"