Your Nickname : A!ty
Age: 16
Languages That You Can Speak: English, Tagalog and Cebuano
Your Location: Philippines, Visayas Region
Experience As Admin : Yes, Former Admin on CSBLACKDEVIL SHADOW ZM.
Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (12:00PM to 3:00AM ) : Yes.
Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) :!ty/ (Not Reached the Exact Requirement, but a Admin told me Ingame I can apply as a Helper for now)
Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I want to join the Admins as I can contribute a lot of things administratively but I need authority to do that. Since from my experience, especially in different groups such as also a Admin/Developer on Multiple other Game Platforms like Roblox, I can change many different things with creativity. I will improve the group by being able to moderate the server and its services. I feel as though that the group and the Admins will improve in many ways from my experience. I want to make this Server the best it possibly can while also creating new things and being friendly to all members. I am aiming for much more than making the Server a better place, I am aiming to make the whole activity a much more active, friendly and passionate place.
Can You Be Active In ThunderZM Teamspeak Channel : Yes.
Can You Boost The Server Sometimes ? : Yes in the Future.
Key Word ( Password ) Found In The Rules Topic : thunder2datop