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  1. ex.

    Display Nvidia panel.

    I did this,but nothing.
  2. ex.

    Display Nvidia panel.

    Hi again,i didnt solved problem so close the topic. Thanks for supporting.
  3. ex.

    Display Nvidia panel.

    Ill be back with the answer this week.
  4. ex.

    Display Nvidia panel.

    Hello again guys,im back with the answer.I tried what you told me @Angrry.exeโ„ข,but nothing.Anyway,i want to know how to make sound on to my problem. Thanks.
  5. ex.

    Display Nvidia panel.

    Thanks guys, il be back with the answer this weekend.
  6. ex.

    Display Nvidia panel.

    I updated all drivers and nothing.I searched on google but no solution.
  7. Nicknameul tฤƒu: ex Problema ta: Hello again.I came back with two problems with this eraser medion x6805 laptop.A problem would be with the nvidia control panel, I don't see display setting or adjust.The second problem is that the music is heard on the laptop and not in the headphones.I look forward to any suggestions. Thanks
  8. ex.

    Problemฤƒ cs 1.6

    Thanks for reply,i solved with deleting drive.
  9. ex.

    Problemฤƒ cs 1.6

    Nicknameul tฤƒu: ex. Problema ta:When I start the game, it appears like this, I tried from the samd parameters. Since I installed cs go, it only appears like this. I'm waiting for any opinions. Thanks. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/2hhXzfp
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