¤ Nickname: VissioN-
¤ Name: brock
¤ Age: 29
¤ Country: pakistan
¤ City: peshawar
¤ Favorite Games:-
¤ Favorite Shows: -
¤ Favorite Movies:-
¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: -
¤ What would you like to do in life:enjoy
¤ Favorite actor : jackie chain
¤ Favorite actress:
¤ Favorite juice: redbull
¤ In what country would you like to live: canada
¤ Favorite football team: purtagal
¤ Car models: bmw
¤ A brief description about you: i am new member
¤ How did you find newlifeZM?: of cource on gametrackers
¤ If you win 1 million dollars, which would be the first thing you do?: enjoy and have fun