Everything posted by G R 4 V E N ⵣ
Good day @Sethu HUNT3R le Me, This is an excellent suggestion you've made, it would really help the players and the newbies and make them more vigilant and aware of the most important rules, In the other hand, like @Palestine. and @AnnDy. mentioned, it will also keep the players away from visiting the community, which is bad. But no worries! We already have this option, just write (/vip) instead of (/rules) and all the informations will appear on the screen (regarding the community, vip, commands and the rules) Waiting for more suggestions...
DOWNGRADES; Nick : zenel.ko1 / xNightmaric / zunt.pro Old grade : Co-Owner / Helper / Helper New grade : Tag / Player / Player Reason : Lack of interest / Inactivity / Poor activity NOTE: More downgrades are on the way. Tighten up or bounce! UPGRADES; Nick : / @snoxyy / @AnnDy. (KKT) / @Zombie™/ @Danker / @DlaXxx / @gzuz / @Sethu HUNT3R le Me / @Sammpa (xStinG) / @AHMED ELSAYED / @yousuf12 (.kiz.NATA.) / @joker Iraq zombie / @NO_MERCY / @TheKinkgDevils Old grade : Co-Owner / Co-Owner / Co-Owner / Prince / Semi-Elder / Administrator / Moderator / Moderator / Helper / Helper /Helper / Helper / Helper New grade : Owner / Owner / Owner / Co-Owner / Elder / Semi-Elder / Administrator / Administrator / Moderator / Moderator/ Moderator /Moderator / Moderator Reason : Good behavior, solidarity, exquisite activity, and most importantly; their loyalty. NOTE: Consider these upgrades as a boost to motivate you, because i'm quite confident that you have more to offer to the server. The future upgrades will be accepted via the upgrade requests. Keep it in mind!
You've spent the required amount of hours inside the server, you respect the rules, and so far I haven't noticed a mistake or bad behavior coming from you. But i expect you to improve your activity. Pro.
From now on, we expect you to improve your activity. Pro.
Good evening @Palestine., and thank you for your suggestion. I'll keep my desicion mercifully short. We already have a rule regarding this exact situation, destroying another player's lm leads directly to a slay action no matter what. (i advise you and the other staff to re-check the rules again and take a deeper look.) And in case if the admin is the perpetrator, me and my colleagues won't hesitate to suspend him or even remove him from his rank. Waiting for more suggestions...
He got accepeted on the offer section. We hope he doesn"t disappoint us.
As long you're going to increase your activity. Pro for helper!
You activity is good, you started to respect the rules unlike the last time, but you need to cut off the spam. We are still looking for admins at the moment. Pro for helper.
Hello @snoxyy, It's been two days since your suggestion, and everyone who answered seems to agree with you, including me, i also strongly oppose this kind of abusing. So from now on 200 ammo packs is more than enough for everyone, and it is allowed for use only twice a day, and it must be at night. And whoever does the opposite of this, he will be punished. Suggestion approved and edited to (Zp_giveap's rule). A salam w alaikum!
DOWNGRADES; Nick : ^_FasT Kill_^ / L7aj Brahim Old grade : Co-Owner / Moderator New grade : Tag / Tag Reason : He is facing problems with the internet, which prenvents him from carrying out his tasks. / Insuffisant activity. UPGRADES; Nick : @DeaGLe^ / @snoxyy / @AnnDy. (KKT) / @Palestine. / @Danker / @Vortex11 / @DlaXxx / @Rrahim Old grade : Co-Owner / Prince / Prince / Prince / Elder / Administrator / Moderator / Moderator New grade : Owner / Co-Owner / Co-Owner / Co-Owner / Prince / Semi-Elder / Administrator / Administrator Reason : Their work is noticed, and they ensure that the rules are implemented transparently, in addition to their remarkable activity. CONGRATULATIONS GENTLEMEN, AND KEEPT IT GOING! NOTE: UPGRADES ARE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO MONITOR THE SERVER AND FULFILL THE NEEDS OF THE PLAYERS (HELPING THEM) WITH GOOD ACTIVITY ASWELL. +DON'T GET LAZY AFTER YOU GOT UPGRADED!
Hello there, I don't think everyone will agree with you on this suggestion, including me, we can never kick players or admins off the server just because they are afk. Didn't you consider that some people prefer to stay afk instead of playing in order to monitor and observer the conditions inside the server or something like that..? And imagine what would be their reaction when they find out that they have been kicked out from the server for no reason! I'll save everyone's time by rejecting the suggestion and closing the topic.
Good evening, I have recieved a bunch of complaints about this recently, both from players and administrators. The decision taken about this topic is as follows; Only founders will have the authority to use this command (zp_points), the points will be redistributed among some of our staff. From now on, those who want points, they must collect them, win them, or buy them.
Hello gentlemen, So let's be realistic for a moment, you as admins do you honestly think that if we apply the first and the third rule regarding the infection bomb, it will make the players stick to it? Absolutely not! Let me briefly explain to you why, we attract many players everyday, most of them are fimiliar with our rules, for example; if an admin hid, and one of the players bought an infection bomb and threw it into the hole, the admin will directly slay him, which would make the player surprised by the punishement for something normal because he had not seen another server applying this rule before, same thing will be repeated with other players over and over again, this will become an explict restriction of how the player must spend his ammo and restricts the fun aswell, which will also make the player leave the server out of his anger, (i spoke with deagle about this, I explained the situation to him and the only solution is to reduce the use of the bomb from the system.) The summary of what I want to say is this will not be on our favor at all; We are in a period in which we have to attract players not losing them, in addition to that we already have enough rules let us not make it that boring. The only thing that will change at the moment is the price of ammo purchased with points. Have a good day!
Accepted! Pass me your informations in private.
Nick : sNuKki / ABOOD / bule Grade : Co-Owner / Moderator / Semi-Elder Reason : He ordered an admin to not consult the players about changing the map. Click / He purchased human mods at night + wanted to change the map only for another admin's benefit. Click , Click and Click / He didn't hide while he was a sniper. Click Warning: (3/4) - (2/4) - (1/4)
Good day gentlemen, It is good to see you all discussing matters related to the server. About this current topic, i think most of you did not like the first and the third rule about the use of points; I can agree with you on this point because we recently added this feature and we can't delete it at the moment but that doesn't mean we"ll leave it as is, we may apply this rule in the future. Next thing about admins giving each other ammo, we cannot restrict admins with this rule because this could lead to disruption among the staff. But that doesn't mean we will let this go, if we see this happen too often in the future between admins and if players start complaining about this, we'll definitely are going to take an action about it. The rest of the rules proposed by @DeaGLe^ have been approved and will be in effect starting from tomorrow (in order to give opportunity to those who do not registered yet on forum). *Admins are not allowed to stay spectator at night between 10 PM-08 AM RO time. *(Survivor / Sniper and the mods purchased with points, admins can buy them once every 12 hours but not between 10 PM to 08 AM RO time). *Using lm on afk's is still forbidden. *The last three rules you mentioned already exist. NOTE; THESE RULES WILL BE ADDED WITH THE MAIN ONES, AND ANY VIOLATIONS OF THESE RULES, THE PREPETRATORS WILL BE PUNISHED! We are waiting for more suggestions, and thank you for your interaction.
DOWNGRADES; Nick : JouSe / Ops ! / noby / SkippY / ydena / BL@CK DEVIL / COUNTER STRIKE ! / *The*Kinkg*Devils* / - Criss / adrian.exe / Thurzin Old grade : Co-Owner / Semi-Elder / Semi-Elder / Administrator / Administrator / Administrator / Administrator / Helper / Helper / Helper /Helper New grade : Player / Tag / Moderator / Helper / Player / Tag / Helper / Tag / Player / Player / Player Reason : He left / Very poor activity / Low Activity / Low activity / 0 Activity / Low Activity / Low Activity / Pc problems / 0 Activity / 0 Activity / 0 Activity NOTE: AS I MENTIONED ON MY LAST DOWNGRADES TOPIC, THERE IS NO MORE FORGIVENESS FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT GIVE IMPORTANCE TO THE SERVER. AND STILL, MORE DOWNGRADES ARE COMING! UPGRADES; Nick : @sNuKki. / @snoxyy / @AnnDy. (KKT) / @Danker Old grade : Prince / Semi-Elder / Semi-Elder / Administrator New grade : Co-Owner / Elder / Elder / Semi-Elder Reason : Distinguished activity in addition to their loyalty and their the continuous presence. BRAVO! NOTE: UPGRADES ARE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO MONITOR THE SERVER AND FULFILL THE NEEDS OF THE PLAYERS (HELPING THEM) WITH GOOD ACTIVITY ASWELL. +DON'T GET LAZY AFTER YOU GOT UPGRADED!
Accepted! (we need admins at the moment) Send me your informations via private message.
I'll attend!
Hello, I just checked (logs), and the only person who got banned after that time was a guy named (overdose man) he used speedhack. Send me you IP ADDRESS via private message!
- 1 reply
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Since everyone voted unanimously for you, you are accepted. Welcome to the team!
DOWNGRADES; Nick : Naruto / Sweet^Dream / Fresa / adrian.exe / Nuruto098 / Reishier / Kyre. / Oligofrena / THE_HUS Old grade : Semi-Elder / Moderator / Administrator / Administrator / Helper / Helper / Helper / Helper / Helper New grade : Helper / Tag / Player / Helper / Player / Player / Player / Player / Player Reason : Low activity in the last 4 days / Poor activity / 0 Activity / Low activity / 0 Activity / 0 Activity / 0 Activity / 0 Activity / 0 Activity NOTE: AS I MENTIONED ON MY LAST DOWNGRADES TOPIC, THERE IS NO MORE FORGIVENESS FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT GIVE IMPORTANCE TO THE SERVER. AND STILL, MORE DOWNGRADES ARE COMING! UPGRADES; Nick : @kAy_97 / @AnnDy. (KKT) / @Danker Old grade : Pre-Manager / Moderator / Administrator New grade : Co-Owner / Semi-Elder / Moderator Reason : They stick to the rules, take their work seriously unlike some, and are amazingly active. GOOD JOB GENTLEMEN! NOTE: UPGRADES ARE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO MONITOR THE SERVER AND FULFILL THE NEEDS OF THE PLAYERS (HELPING THEM) WITH GOOD ACTIVITY ASWELL. +DON'T GET LAZY AFTER YOU GOT UPGRADED!
Nick : sNuKki Grade : Pre-Manager Reason : He used a (zp) command on another admin. Click Warning: 2/4
Accepted! Send me your informations in private.