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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕



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About hhhhh

  • Birthday 10/10/1997


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  1. Your name:EXT Claimed Admin name:gReEn_L!N3 Date and time:10/12/2020 ( 20:00) Reason of complaint: I have to complain because of an admin that doesn't know or respect the rules as other players , here gReEn_L!N3 doesn't respect 2 rules , see in my SS's . First because as a Assassin camps ( me as the last player he wont attack ) and second he sits on the map so we as zombies can't reach him as the last Human . (He also said that i'm a tryharder then bad player in Romanian because i told him to attack and killed him when he was an Assassin.) Proof (screenshot or console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/1cCFqwY
  2. ¤ Nickname: EXT ¤ Grade: V.I.P ¤ New Tag: OneShoT ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link: https://www.gametracker.com/player/EXT/
  3. I admit that i "excessively" said for nextmap (zm toxic house please) then i got gag for spam , -Gabi- said that i'm retard because i kept saying (toxic house plssssss) , but why do i get banned for no reason , still there is no PROOF i RR-ed , i know the RULES better than most of admins here , i have been playing on this server for years ! And how is "Noob" an insult? I was called noob when i bought sniper by a random player , i told admin about it , they said is not insult/gag-able. Admins you mistake and try to cover each other , Shame.
  4. What are you talking about? He Gagged me for saying it , then i reply to him while i was gagged with the name change saying, (noob.is.not.a.bad.word) then changed back to EXT , i never retry gag because i know its bannable! You have no proff that i retry , i don't see anywhere that i discconected and connected back , you just try to protect your friend.
  5. ¤ Your name: EXT ¤ Claimed Admin name: -GABI- ¤ Date and time: 17:30 29/9/2020 ¤ Reason of complaint: Banned me for saying " Noob" i've been also called noob by other players and admins said that is not a bad word/bannable , also called me a "retard" for suggesting him next map for vote , after that he chosed to "nextvote" a map that allready has been played an hour ago. ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/FweSwLq
  6. ¤ Your name:EXT ¤ Claimed Admin name:BoB1 ¤ Date and time:7/26/2020 12:23 PM ¤ Reason of complaint: Slayed me for no reason , because i killed him when he was a sniper . ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/7c7UvFd
  7. ¤ Numele tau:hhhhh ¤ Numele adminului:Ciprian ¤ Data si ora:24/5/2019 ¤ Motivul reclamatiei:Face glume sau ia ammo de la playeri, eu pur si simplu jucam , incercam sa fac ammo cat mai rapid sa iau sniper , iar el se baga peste mine cu o comanda si face in asa fel incat sa para ca eu ii donez lui ammo, si e si owner si mai spune ca degeaba fac reclamatie ca ma fac de ras . Daca e vorba de putere pe acest forum, pacat de server si comunitate. Credeam ca se respecta playeri. Multumesc ¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo):https://imgur.com/a/o3Cl3R7


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