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Everything posted by REMY

  1. v1 - its looking awesome
  2. v1 - blur,border
  3. v7 - colors, text
  4. Accept
  5. v1 - effect,text
  6. v1 - text,border
  7. Accept
  8. Welcome to CsBlackDevil !
  9. Hello there, Look the text in red,and look another text,you will see that letter is not same,just zoom and you will see,that is fake. Problem solved
  10. v3 - blur,border,brush
  11. The TigeR - 1v REMY - 10v WINNER REMY T/C
  12. Relax with Tremor

  13. v2 - blur,brush,border
  14. Accepted And can you delete some message,i cant to send you my work.
  15. Welcome to CsBlackDevil! Enjoy you'r stay!
  16. v2 - brush,effects
  17. v2 - blur,border,text
  18. v1 - blur,border,effects
  19. v2 - blur,text
  20. v2 - brush,effect
  21. v2 - text
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