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Everything posted by d3v0uTT™

  1. d3v0uTT™

    Help !!

    Hello, You can use Fraps or Bandicam to make a demo.And it's gonna be .avi .
  2. Salutare, Intra in C, apoi program files ->Adobe->Adobe Photoshop CS6->locales apoi click pe folderul ce iti apare apoi suport files. Redenumeste fisierul tw10428.dat in tw10428.bak .
  3. Salutare, Incearca acest tutorial:
  4. - Foloseste functia "BUMP" altfel voi fi nevoit sa iti inchid topic-ul. Multumesc
  5. Loyalty - The members who donate. Afiliat - The members who afilliates they're servers in our community. Technician - The members who are moderating the sections "Technology & Plugins". Journalist - The members who are moderator the section "Lumea jocurilor". Organizers - The members who organize competitions. GFX Designers - The members who are designers. Dexterous - The members who did something important for community. Moderator - The members who moderate the forum.
  6. Hello Speak corectly english, please!We don't understand nothing from there.
  7. Hello, About this: 2. A list of extra items you'd appreciate. For Zombies, Survivors, Humans, Nemesis, Assassins and Snipers. I have some suggestions: Shop: -HUMANS- Knives [Multi-Jump / Extra-DMG / Speed] (For humans) Special armors [100 AP / 150 AP / 200 AP / ETC.] No Recoil Multi Jump Special guns [ M5 Two Hands / Grenade trower / Fire trower] ------------- Special classes for humans with different kits Sniper - AWP/DGL/Grenades/Armor Gunner - Choose primary weapon/DGL/Grenades/Armor Medic - Can heal/DGL/Armor] / Like classes for zombies. This is all for now.I'll post later another suggestions.Good luck.
  8. - Foloseste functia "BUMP" altfel voi fi nevoit sa iti inchid topic-ul. Multumesc
  9. Topic closed. Motiv: Neseriozitate, daca doresti sa-ti redeschid topicul te astept cu un P.M !
  10. - Foloseste functia "BUMP" altfel voi fi nevoit sa iti inchid topic-ul. Multumesc
  11. Topic closed. Motiv: Mai exista un topic: Click .
  12. - Foloseste functia "BUMP" altfel voi fi nevoit sa iti inchid topic-ul. Multumesc
  13. Topic moved to "Discussions". What do you want to say about "AWP Power"?What this means?
  14. Topic closed pentru evitarea incalcarii regulamentului, daca doriti sa ii multumiti o puteti printr-un like.
  15. d3v0uTT™

    Problema text

    Salutare, Textul trebuie sa fie pe sharp, nu pe none.


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