¤ Nick: Georgiana
¤ Ip:
¤ Ban Time: 60
¤ Reason: rr.zm
¤ Proof: https://postimg.cc/G8T4BjVn
NOTE- There is a glitch in my game that whenever I minimize the game its screen freezes so coudn't upload game console proof, but I managed to copy the console data to notepad.
Your Nickname : BL@CK DEVIL
Age: 23
Languages That You Can Speak: English
Your Location: India
Experience As Admin : yes
Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (12:00PM to 3:00AM ) : maybe
Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/BL%40CK DEVIL/
Reason That You Want To Be Admin: Help the server
Can You Be Active In ThunderZM Teamspeak Channel : no
Can You Boost The Server Sometimes ? : no
Key Word ( Password ) Found In The Rules Topic : thunderzm22
¤ Your name: BL@CK DEVIL
¤ Claimed Admin name: VENGADOR
¤ Date and time: 01-07-22.... 12:05AM
¤ Reason of complaint: He slayed me bcz i was using lm in sniper mod. While other admins were saying not to slay me bcz its the rule to hide in sniper mod and I can use lm's .
¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://postimg.cc/yWyzt2Jt
Nickname : BL@CK DEVIL
Age : 22
Your Tag : [EVIL-DEAD]
Link Of Your Hours (10h) In GameTracker : https://www.gametracker.com/player/BL%40CK DEVIL/
This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
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