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JoKeR-™ @ CSBD

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Everything posted by JoKeR-™ @ CSBD

  1. Welcome To Community!!! CsBlackDevil
  2. Anche te parli italiano Grazie mille
  3. Welcome bro
  4. Welcome bro.
  5. The first method: Fortunately there is a solution for players who have STEAM (do not believe that the Non-Steam, because lot of comments that disproves so this version). These problems are caused by protection service DEP (Data Execution Prevention), but there is no need to disable the service but to add the game Counter Strike the DEP exception list service. The steps for performing this work are: 1: Press the Start button (StartOrb site) or press Win. 2:Right-click on Computer, and select Properties. 2:Click on Advanced System Settings. 3: Open the Performance Settings button, then click on Data Execution Prevention tab. 4:Tick ​​the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except Those select. 5:Now click Add and add Counter Strike 1.6 in the list of exceptions. NOTE: I do not know whether the other versions of Counter Strike, and Counter Strike: Condition Zero or Source does the trick, or if it has the same problems as Counter Strike 1.6. The second method: I saw some site-uri/forum-uri that lag can be eliminated / reduced if the hl.exe / cstrike.exe (or whatever the executable is called from your site CS) is set to High / Above and Below normal or normal / Low. I can not find any explanation for this, but who said that CS's are doing so without (too much) lag. A third method: This resolution is reported by Radu our reader who left a comment with a possible solution. Run these commands in the console's CS: rate 25000 cl_rate 5000 cl_cmdrate 101 cl_updaterate 30 sys_ticrate 150 I heard somewhere that only reach rates 25000 and / or cl_updaterate 30. But still, if you go try them all. A fourth method: Try running the game in XP compatibility. Maybe it will go that way. Right-click on the executable, select Proprierties. You have opened a new window, click the Compatibility tab. Under the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" you can choose from a variety of Windows operating systems. Choose Windows XP (Service Pack 2) then Apply and OK. If you go just try and Windows Vista to choose from that list. It can go so.
      • 4
      • I love it
  6. ¤ Name in game : GreeN MoNsTeR ¤ Age : 16 ¤ Name : Nilton ¤ City : Milano ¤ County : Italy ¤ Country : Italy ¤ Favorite Games : Counter Strike - COD - Battlefiled - Fifa . ¤ A short description about you : i Funny ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil :- ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : i dont know ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): -
  7. ¤ Name in game: GreeN MoNsTeR ¤ Age: 16 ¤ Name: Nilton ¤ City: Milano ¤ Contry: Italy ¤ Country: Italy ¤ Favorite Games: Counter Strike - COD - Battefield - Left 4 Dead - Dota and etc. ¤ A short description about you: i funny ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: - ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): i dont have ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):-
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