Zombie Plague - Commands
> They are not allowed to be used in the first three rounds of the map.
> It is not allowed to use (zp_sniper, zp_survivor, zp_terminator, zp_samurai) after 22:00 ( Jordan time + night ) -
Exception: Daddy - Boss.
> (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin, zp_sniper, zp_survivor, zp_hybrid, zp_terminator, zp_samurai) can only be used 2x times in 24 hours in
own benefit or give it to a player!
> (zp_zombie, zp_human, zp_respawn) are allowed a maximum of 1 time per map and can only be used if the current mode is a normal infection.
> If an admin has given a player a mod, he cannot give him another mod on the same map.
> (zp_jetpack) is allowed a maximum of 2x times per map.
> (zp_jettoall) can be used for a maximum of 1x time per map.
> (zp_giveap) cannot be used if a player has more than 120 ammo, also cannot be used with more than 100 ammo (for own benefit or to give to player).
> (zp_giveap) can only be used once per map.
> (zp_allammo) can be used with max "100" ammo for all (don't use it on every map, it would be too easy for the player then)
only use it 1x per map.
> (zp_points) can be used with a maximum of "50" points and only 1x in 24 hours - (for own benefit or to give it to the player).
> Anyone who breaks the zombie plague - command rules will be punished without exception.
Exception to Rule "2" and "3" - only for Daddy Boss - Rank:
> As of December, Bosses can give in at night - using zombie - plague commands any mode to a player who is randomly chosen - or a winner of a mini-competition (eg: whoever makes "70" kills first, gets any mode).
> Since everyone got Christmas presents, some sides - rules need to be explained for Daddy Boss - Rank -
(since they cannot receive any prize, because they have max rank and vip):
> Only old Bosses can use 4x zombie plague - commands (any human or zombie mode) in 24 hours.
Ban / Destroy / Eliminate - Commands
> It is not allowed to use a ban command on other admins (regardless of the Situation).
> The manager will not use a ban command on other admins and managers.
> The administrator who still does it, gets: (Suspend / Warn / Remove).
> The manager can only use the ban command after that admin is removed and became a normal Player.
> It is allowed to use the ban command on ex - administrators and players who violate the rules of the server.
> The same goes for the Destroy - Command.
> It is forbidden to use the destroy / eliminate command in any case (only Cyberpshyco or with his Permission are allowed to use it).
Voting A Map
> If you want to vote a map, talk with your teammates first.
> You must check "lastmaps" in chat before voting for a map, maps listed in "lastmaps" cannot be used.
> After an automatic vote is done by the server, you have to discuss with your teammates if you want to stay here or choose another map.
> Don't change the map as you want, always start a vote for the player and vote with matching maps for the right amount of players.
> Do not Vote in the Middle of the Map.
> If a map is in "lastmaps" which is automatically voted by the server, you are allowed to vote a map.
> When it's the first extend, you can not vote a map - on the second extend, you must immediately vote a map.
Notes For Managers
> The Manager must leave topics for (admin - requests / tag requests / admin - reports) open for a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 24 hours.
> Manager's need to post on their forum (additions, upgrades, downgrades, removals) for any "Player/Admin".
> In the managers report, only managers (Co - Owner and Superior) can respond to their own opinions and make a final decision.
> When a Manager has already responded to a report, only that Manager has the right to respond and make a final decision
unless it takes a Daddy - Boss to make the right decision.
> (Co-Owner, owner, founder is prohibited from (adding, upgrading, downgrading, removing) admins with the same notes.
> Example: A Co-Owner cannot (add / upgrade / downgrade / remove) other Co - Owners, only (Founder & Owner) can, who will
violation of these rules will be suspended and removed.
Notes For Administrators
> The admin who uses zombie plague - commands for himself, must take care of the rules, it is best to use zombie plague - commands for the player, to help the server.
> Admins who don't post their bans they made to their list will get a warning at first, if they continue to do so they will be
suspended for 5 days.
> Admins who haven't read the rules: go read, you can avoid making mistakes and not get suspended and removed.
> The administrator - access needs to ensure its security and that means keeping the password secret, only you and the owner are allowed to know it.
> Admin must be available on (WhatsApp / Forum / Discord) - you don't have to be online in all, 2 is enough as long as
you can help the players and keep in touch with the rest of the staff - the team.
> Admins who do not follow the rules will be penalized and removed.
> Admins who message Managers to be updated will be (suspended / demoted / removed).
> Upgrades cannot be given without notification and discussion with others (administrators / managers).
> After 3 or 4 weeks from the date of the last upgrade, an administrator can receive an upgrade.
> When you want to upgrade someone, be sure of their (server + forum activity, involvement, behavior, loyalty).
> Administrators are forbidden to give (pro / contra) without a valid reason, whoever does it gets a (warning / suspension).
General Notes
> Start slapping players at "2:29" and start freezing them at "1:29", or kill the ones that are (camping / hiding) because freezing will be useless, human - mods can't find them .
> You are not allowed to use commands on other admins, only (Daddy Boss) can use them.
> Only (Daddy Boss) can remain a spectator on the server, everyone else can remain AFK, (except for admins who demo a player because they may break or appear to be breaking a rule).
> You are not allowed to use (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin, zp_survivor, zp_sniper, zp_hybrid) if any player has "180" ammo or more.
> If you use (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin) you are not allowed to buy another mod on the same map.
> It is not allowed to use "y + @" for random things like (hello, hello, bye everyone), you can only use it for important player announcements or other important things.
> If you spam "y + @" more than 2x - 3x times per round, you will be verbally warned.
it is enough to warn the player with 2 messages, after which the admin can take action (Slap / Slay / Freeze).
> Asking (Mods / Jetpack (Admin - Password: "NewLifeapw")) from players is not allowed.
> Asking for ammo is allowed.
> The game between admin and players with bad words or insults is not allowed, (Example: noob, idiot or any other word that is offensive and disrespectful) - who breaks this rule, will be punished with (Gag / Ban = when you are a player | Suspend / Remove = if you are an admin).
> You must have the same name in the forum and server.
> Admins who are not active on the server and afk all night, will be penalized.
> Former (administrators / managers) who have returned from absence, cannot claim back their old rank. Please don't beg for it!
(Server - Administrator / Manager) will discuss it and call your request whether you will get back your old rank or not.
> Whoever wants a higher grade on the server needs to comply with the rules, make activity, implication on server and forum, activity only on the server is not enough to be upgraded.
> Anyone who doesn't respect everything here will be eliminated.
> Please note that all admin's and manager's are active or afk during the night, because the server drops a lot.
> The proof is required for all bans and destroys used on a player.
> It is forbidden that an admin use an order on another admin, only (Daddy Boss) has the right to do this.
> Admins are not allowed to give their password's to anyone! If you get caught doing that or you got found playing with an
Different IP - Address, you will be suspended for 1 week and then removed.
> Political content that disrupts the general gameplay or that some players feel disturbed by it is not tolerated on the server.
> Do not buy more than 4x multijumps! (VIP - Members included)
Notes For Legends - Returned From Absence
> Stop constantly asking for your old rank!
> Whoever returns from (Absence / Legends) must do 7 days of activity and 14 days of maximum activity as follows:
> If it's 7 days you need to do: (300 minutes daily) - after 7 days you will get your old rank back.
> If it's 10 days you need to do: (250 minutes daily) - after 10 days you will get your old rank back.
> If it's 14 days, you have to do: (200 minutes daily) - then you'll get your rank back.
> After getting your old rank back, you still need to do daily activity!
If you don't understand anything, feel free to contact any manager via Discord / Forum.
Discord link: https://discord.gg/MkbFmuRtcC
Edit by: @Cyberpsycho + @7aMoDi