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[Software]What was going to be the biggest game in the world... is back

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SPORE, uno de los juegos más grandes del mundo.


Developers have always looked for ways to attract the attention of players by inventing all kinds of marketing ideas so that we take the bait and take the bait. And in this case, we are talking about a game that is going to celebrate about 16 years since it came out the first time and did so surrounded by unusual expectation. On the one hand, because of the developer who signed it and, on the other, because someone said it was the greatest game ever created.

The first, the developer, was none other than Will Wright, a man to whom we owe the existence of Sim City or, more recently, The Sims. His privileged mind already saw in the late 80s that managing resources, or digital people, could be something interesting, so when he got bored of all that, he decided to create the biggest video game in history. And that means capturing the idea of a practically infinite title.

From the spores to the end of time
What Will Wright decided to do after his success – and subsequent fatigue – with The Sims was to try to create the definitive game about evolution. SPORE, which was called in 2008, was the most complex life simulator ever seen because it allowed us to manage an animal species from its first microscopic stages and take it to the space age of the conquest of other planets or civilizations... and all within the same screen.

The fact is that that game did not have as much impact as Sim City or The Sims, but it remained an ambitious attempt to create a unique game for each player, where the experience was personal and practically non-transferable. But as we tell you, it was a great impact in its time but it didn't happen from there... until now. That a company has decided to rescue it and has plans to return SPORE to the top.

Of course, there is no Will Wright behind it, but a new team that wants to take the baton of that game and put it as it is – with some improvements – again in the stores. And if we look back, the company that launched SPORE almost two decades ago was clear that its legacy would not be modified by new releases: "it is a unique and special game and it is our intention to honor its history."

A new beginning with many unknowns
At the moment it is not known what the new managers of SPORE want to do but, according to some media outlets, it is about trying to recover that game without looking at potential updates or wanting to carry out a continuation. The "main focus" is "community participation" that could bring us a Discord server that would serve as the "neural center" of the entire experience of the old game that, already at the time, flirted with the online precisely to do what it Now they want to launch.

We will see anyway how this attempt to revive a game that deserved much more fame and success than it had and that could be back... soon (and it is even compatible with gamepads) evolves.



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