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[Auto/Moto] Auto Moto 2023 extravaganza roars into Abu Dhabi

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A Moheeb 6x6 Patrol at the Auto Moto Show 2022. All photos: Victor Besa / The National


Auto Moto Show 2022, the region’s largest exhibition for custom cars and bikes, roared its way back into Abu Dhabi at the weekend.

Adnec hosted the event, which, alongside the usual enthusiasts, attracted major international companies involved in the manufacture and supply of parts and products.

Much of the centre’s ground-floor space was devoted to the gathering, with sections including modified and classic cars and bikes, buggies, fan clubs and even caravans. Radio-controlled vehicles were also involved.

Alongside competitions for best-in-show cars and bikes, a freestyle drifting event provided plenty of noise and action for spectators in a tyre-strewn area.


None of that inside though, as strict instructions were given to the effect that no exhibitor was allowed to spark up his or her engine while the show was taking place.

Visitors got the full-on automotive experience as they came through the doors, with a Hulk and Iron Man-themed display shouting for attention right from the off.

This is the event’s first year in this format.

With spectators showing up in full force, Auto Moto is likely to be a highlight of the calendar for the region’s petrol heads in future years.


This isn’t the first time Toyota has made the argument that a multifaceted approach including hybrids and other alternatives will reduce emissions faster, and the company is not alone in this belief.


Adam Withnall, chief executive of UAE car-buying comparison site Drive Ninja, is also convinced the way forward is electric, but sees hybrid options as being the best short-term solution.

On a practical level, he envisages the time when we see the number of electric cars on the road dwarfing petrol and diesel options as being some way off.

“Hybrid cars are a good stop gap,” he told The National.

“Electricity is the way to go, but the infrastructure is not there yet.”


When it comes to hybrids, there are several options available to customers looking to get a car that has a lower environmental impact than the traditional variety.

Mild hybrid vehicles contain a battery and an electric motor alongside a petrol or diesel engine, with the latter providing the primary means of propulsion.

Plug-in hybrids also have a petrol or diesel engine, but a more powerful battery allows them to travel a much greater distance on electric power alone.

Electric cars, meanwhile, rely solely on their battery pack, so there is no fossil-fuel back-up if you run out of power.


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