Ronaldskk. Postat Ianuarie 11, 2024 Postat Ianuarie 11, 2024 Posting Rules : Quote 4. Posting rules 4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam 4.1.1 Off-topic post is not related to the subject of the topic.This kind of post is not allowed. 4.2 Double-post 4.2.1 The double-post is not allowed, use the edit button. It is not considered double-posting if the two posts were made at an interval higher than 24 hours. 4.2.2 It is not considered double-posting if the posting time is one made after a few seconds as this may be the cause of a connection conflict that leads to a quick double-posting. Before posting any topic , make sure that you followed the correct model. You must post one topic per 24 hours Otherwise It will be hidden. Topic will be automatically closed within 24 hours after been approved. You are free to choose fonts, size and colors. Make sure that the artist biography is not posted before , otherwise it will be hidden . use the search function .
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