Emilylowes Posted August 10, 2023 Posted August 10, 2023 They could literally disappear and auto cast CC but this affliction can be played out to the fellow Hunter most of the time WoTLK Gold since they must dot several targets in order to open kill windows. Fell hunters can be difficult pets to properly manage. Sure, they can are interruptible, but the most important thing is managing your defensive block. It's true hunters can deflect magic debuffs from friendly players. This makes them a huge contribution to the team they are on as well as making the management of pets much more crucial since affliction Warlocks are essentially the majority of players without the benefit of a pet. And finally what might be the most difficult class in game, mage. If you have been a solely retail player for the past several expansions, you could be in the comments section to roast us for telling you mage is hard but hear us out. Much of the easiness of the modern mage meta is the fact that they became tanks in Mists of Pandaria to the point of no return. In wrath, they are not very durable with limited shields barely any damage mitigation, and only one cooldown for defense. That means that you cannot play on top of the opponent's team to CC, you have to be much more tactical. This includes making sure that you apply blinks in a proper manner. If you blink at an incorrect time or in the wrong direction, you will be in trouble. This usually means that you'll be trapped for a while playing with other players. In addition, mages are among the few classes with several Dr categories that feature polymorphic routes and, of course, a stun. When this is all coupled with a comparatively small mana bar, mages face many challenges to face cheap WoTLK Classic Gold and are generally considered the toughest to deal with in Wrath of the Lich King.
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