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uviTR2Y.png Nick:  TreY
uviTR2Y.png Real name: mustafa ks
uviTR2Y.png How old are you?:  26 Years
uviTR2Y.png Which Games you play? and for how long? Conter Strike 1.6 (10years..) League of legends ( 6 years ) Minecraft -3years mobile legends --3years (overall I play for like 6-7hrs a day)
uviTR2Y.png Where are you from?(country and city):  Hyderabad ,india
uviTR2Y.png Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am a calm ,collected and a sensible guy. I am active and am always open to help others as well as ready to take on any responsibilities. Always  open to feedback
uviTR2Y.png Note some of your qualities: hard work,passionate , perseverance and a kind person

uviTR2Y.png Tell us some of your defects: sometimes I tend to go too deep into situations, my strong urge to contribute kinda gets me into trouble sometimes.

uviTR2Y.png Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it):  I have been a manager at csbd during shadowszm 2012, I am currently also managing NewlifeZm 
uviTR2Y.png On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Guardians of Gaming
uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?: Guardians of gaming. (I am open for any work , I wanna contribute towards this forum)
uviTR2Y.png How well you speak english?(and other languages): English (100%) hindi (100%) urdu (100%) 
uviTR2Y.png Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: Yes 
uviTR2Y.png For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): years, 

uviTR2Y.png Contact methods: Facebook , discord instagram , whatsApp .,forum, ts3
uviTR2Y.png Last request :first one

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24 minutes ago, Zanis said:


only post on server sections 

You want me to tag them for you? My activity?

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53 minutes ago, Mr.Talha said:

:contra:You must join 1 project, max 2 for Moderator request... you have 1 exact week to have the opportunity.

I have been in GOG , I handle the trailers and guides section


my vote will be CONTRA,for some reasons one of them is that you do not have much activity, join projects to have much more activity that will help you a lot and the other reason for my vote is that you do not know the rules very well and to be in our staff you must show that you know and can always respect the rules, You just did (Double post) and as part of our staff you should not make these minimum mistakes, Read the rules and come back with better activity and you can get my #PRO


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