[M]anuel Posted October 25, 2021 Posted October 25, 2021 Civil society called on the Executive and Legislative functions to "mark a route and get the country out of this entrapment with a State that does not spend more than what society can afford." This is one of the conclusions contained in a final declaration of thirteen points of the 4th Cusín Consensus, as part of a space for dialogue that was held in Imbabura between October 21 and 23. There were around 50 people, members of civil society, political activists, and professors who attended this event to discuss the political, economic and social situation of Ecuador and reach agreements that were reflected in this declaration. Among the thirteen points, the participants considered that a functional state is required to resolve fiscal imbalances. LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/politica/sociedad-civil-plantea-un-acuerdo-fiscal-y-social-para-sacar-al-ecuador-de-este-entrampamiento-nota/
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