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As most of aware of the currently developing situation in USA where blacks are being persecuted by the "white supremacists",I believe a lot of us never thought about how this hate began .

It was in the 15th century that new continents were being explored and colonized.  During the course of time , the educated colonizers began to exploit the natives of the land they colonized . Thus began the slave trade which lasted for 3 centuries . The Southern states in USA had huge cotton plantations where they used to employ thousands of black slaves exported from Africa . The conditions of these slaves was pathetic . "DJANGO UNCHAINED" is a movie which portrays their hardships (you can check it out if you want ). 

In 1860 the then president of USA Abraham Lincoln decreed that slavery will be abolished and signed an Emancipation charter to which all the states agreed except the Southern which voted to separate itself from the USA . 

This led to a Civil War which lasted for four years from 1861 to 1865. Slavery was abolished but the people didnt change . They still considered blacks as a lower form of people than them . This culminated in a century of the Apartheid movement led by Martin Luther King Jr which eventually won the blacks equal rights .

With the coming Donald Trump who proposes to make "America Great Again" and calls black protesters thugs and openly threatens them , the hate crimes have escalated . Police brutality is the highest it has ever been . Blacks have been shot ,choked ,killed and arrested for no reason . George Floyd was not the first victim and I believe with a lot hope that may he be the last . #Blacklivesmatter.


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