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uviTR2Y.png Nick:  RaykZ0r
uviTR2Y.png Real name: Cristian
uviTR2Y.png How old are you?:  I'm 22 years old.
uviTR2Y.png Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Most of the time I play cs go like three-four hours but differ from day to day depending on the state I have , I play cs 1.6 but also other games mmorpg.
uviTR2Y.png Where are you from?(country and city):  I'm from Roumania , Braila.
uviTR2Y.png Describe yourself(at least 50 words) I'm a person who likes new challenges. I love teamwork, I quickly integrate into a group and do my best to please everyone.I'm calm most of the time and I inspire confidence in those around me.Seriousness is my first feature when it comes to relationships with different people.I can say I'm also joking but only when necessary and I refrain from jokes in bad taste.I don't want to brag much more, so I'll let you guys get to know me better.
uviTR2Y.png Note some of your qualities:  I have a sense of humor but it depends on each person, seriousness but mostly I'm stable I don't like to migrate from side to side and give my best for the thing I get involved in.
uviTR2Y.png Tell us some of your defects:  My biggest flaw is that I like to brag about always being the center of attention, I always need attention.

uviTR2Y.png Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it):   At the moment I have responsibilities, I am owner on the server cs go ( ZM ) and do my best to get this server in the top 100
uviTR2Y.png On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity):  Most of the posts I made on the categories that I moderator involving me mostly only on my section aiming what I said above , to reach the server top 100 but I also involved in the news section , I expect to open bets to show there my pleasure , one that is sometimes negative but is mine.
uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?(choose from THIS LIST):  Devil club.
uviTR2Y.png How well you speak english?(and other languages):  I master English at a medium to low level of speech but at medium-to-high writing level.
uviTR2Y.png Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?:  I used it in the past, all my friends moved to other platforms and with them I went to another platform , but yes i have an active microphone.
uviTR2Y.png Contact methods: Forum and why not TS3 i have an active account.
uviTR2Y.png Last request

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Salut Cristian,

Vad ca ai exact 200 de posturi, minimul nostru cerut pentru a face o aplicatie de Moderator ceea ce ma face sa cred ca ai muncit putin pentru continutul tau in asa fel incat sa ajungi acolo.

Detinerea unui server implica sa stii ce este responsabilitatea, sa stii cum o echipa este definita si sa stii ca trebuie sa muncesti pentru tot, in special in CSGO unde fiecare jucator conteaza, am dreptate?


Spune-mi, te rog, am vazut ca ai postat in 25 Aprilie stiri si mai multe genuri de topicuri relevante Devil Club, dar este o problema, toata lumea considera acceptabil obtinerea unui rank de moderator facand astfel de continut, hm, asta este discutabil, chestia este ca drept Moderator trebuie sa vi cu idei de dezvoltare si intrebarile mele pentru tine sunt:


Cum ai face ca userii sa fie mai interesati in topicurile din devil club?

Cum ai putea obtine mai multe vizualizari?

Cat de des te uiti pe stirile postate in comunitate? Da-mi 3 exemple de topicuri care te-au ajutat.




Hello Cristian,

I see that you have exactly 200 posts, our minimum requirement for making an Moderator application which really makes me belive you worked a little bit on your content in order to get there.

Having a server implies you know what responsability is, you know how a team is defined and that you have to work for everything, especially in CSGO where every player counts, am i right?


Please, tell me, i saw that you posted on 25 April news and more kinds of topics Devil Club related, but there is a problem, everyone consider acceptable getting a moderator rank by doing such content, hm, this is debatable, the thing is that as a Moderator you have to come up with ideas of development so my questions for you are:


How would you make the users more interested in the topics from devil club?

How could you obtain more views?

How often do you watch the news posted in the community? Give me 3 examples of topics that helped you.

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1.   I think the topics on the forum are seen as articles in a newspaper, to attract more people I think the same rules apply as in the media regardless of whether speaking of newspaper or news online .First of all the title should be an attractive one that makes you press the topic but let's not forget the content, being the most important.I think the choice of a suggestive picture and the most original content attracts, at first glance to look aesthetic but when he reads it to make you want more. Could make monthly lotteries , one to be free but contain certain questions to which answer edit some passages from certain topics , so the user still put more attention on the topics of the devil club but also one with payment prize being the payment collected from those enrolled , here speaking of devil coins. And a suggestion would be to add an eBest category where members can duel in betting, what do I mean? Example football team x has match with team y , member A posts that in the match will give over 2.5 goals and member B posts that they will not bet on certain amount of devil coin.

2 .  For the number of views to increase on certain topics should as I suggested above , a suggestive title that attracts , an image conforming to the content and especially and most importantly a content as ORIGINAL not copy-paste from other media sites.I'm not saying you should write a topic from 0 but it's not ok to copy the tail head , a content taken from elsewhere and then modified adding a new air characteristic of each will attract more

3.  I can't say that I watch very often on the news in the community, but I have a few topics that I liked and were helpful even if I didn't need it at the time but for my general culture and for the future they were helpful, these topics being:

       1.  Being a car enthusiast, it was the best topic I've read from the Auto/Moto section

       2.  Being a football enthusiast, I like to read news about transfers in any period

       3. This dilemma bmw vs mercedes or audi made me read this topic out of pure curiosity about the opinion of members about this discussion in the automotive world.             




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Hello, your request has been marked in [Pending], please take in consideration that i like your application and now forward may take from a few days to a longer time to receive a final answer because us(the administration) will have to analyze your forum activity, your request, your history. Please consider we may accept or reject you in the end, you still have to prove us more.

From me you have: PRO


Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality

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  • 3 weeks later...

Salut, am o intrebare

Acum cateva zile ai facut o cerere de absenta in journalists, iar vrei sa moderezi la devil's club, cum o sa faci?


Salut , cererea asta e facuta de pe data de 3 mai , ulterior pusa in asteptare pe data de 4 mai . Absenta aceea este pusa acum cateva zile in urma unor clarificari asupra timpului meu disponibil , daca cererea de moderator mi se v-a accepta voi proceda in acelasi fel , scutindu ma daca se poate pana pe data  de 30 iunie cum am spus si in scutirea precedenta.

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2 hours ago, RaykZ0r said:

Salut , cererea asta e facuta de pe data de 3 mai , ulterior pusa in asteptare pe data de 4 mai . Absenta aceea este pusa acum cateva zile in urma unor clarificari asupra timpului meu disponibil , daca cererea de moderator mi se v-a accepta voi proceda in acelasi fel , scutindu ma daca se poate pana pe data  de 30 iunie cum am spus si in scutirea precedenta.


Imi pare rau, dar sa stii ca aplicatia ta mi-a placut cel mai mult si chiar am ramas uimit cu mai multi colegi din staff, uite cum o sa procedam, o sa facem ceva special pentru ca ai potential.


Voi fi sincer, nu ai cum sa iei moderator doar pentru activitatea de pana acum, nu este corect fata de altii care muncesc mult mai mult, este ca pe server, ia UP cineva care sta 2 ore pe zi, iar ala care sta 7 ore, este lasat acolo... nu este in regula, dar o sa ramai IN PENDING pana pe data de 30 iunie, dupa data de 30 iunie trebuie sa incepi sa fi activ pe categoriile forumului si mai tarziu tragem o concluzie.

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  • 1 month later...
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