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uviTR2Y.png Nick: Viceroy
uviTR2Y.png Real name: M.Anas 
uviTR2Y.png How old are you?: 24
uviTR2Y.png Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Cs 7 years, Titanfall 2 for 1 year, Call of duty WW2, Modern warfare 1,3, Black ops 3, Battlefield 3, 4. Apex legends 1 year
uviTR2Y.png Where are you from?(country and city): Pakistan, Karachi
uviTR2Y.png Describe yourself(at least 50 words): Known CSBD for 3 years, including this account and the other one i forgot. Chilling guy, want some work when am free for example i come back as mod whenever i am free to do some work. Not interested in CS that much but am playing warframe right now and apex. Friendly guy, but i get angry when someone messes with me.. but am changed now. Been a moderator for like 4 months in total...
uviTR2Y.png Note some of your qualities: Hard working in free time, Funny, Idiot, annoying, does stupid thing sometimes, clever, intelligent, 10000000000 IQ (that was me being stupid sometimes) 
uviTR2Y.png Tell us some of your defects: Defects... in real life, am allergic to sand. In csbd, ah am sensitive but... but not this time
uviTR2Y.png On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Activity... yea i just started my activity in devils club and as always, am a reporter. When i get into the start, believe me i go till i get my very moderator rank
uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?(choose from THIS LIST): If i be honest on staff applications and Competition, Reports center, support tickets, ts3 administating
uviTR2Y.png How well you speak english?(and other languages): English, i can speak english very well, and urdu as my mother tongue
uviTR2Y.png Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: Use ts3 
uviTR2Y.png Contact methods: CSBD, Ts3 i think 
uviTR2Y.png Last request: -

Edited by Viceroy
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uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?(choose from THIS LIST): If i be honest on staff applications and Competition, Reports center, support tickets, ts3 administating


Do you realise you will start as a moderator, right? if you are going to start, you wont have acces to tickets or reports center, haven't you know this kind of things? you said you have been moderator in the past, how long ago more exactly?

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Hello @myCro ?

6 to 7 months ago i think,

and i know that report centers can only be accessed be GM and Administrators. Staff application only for administrators, and support tickets are only solved by administrators..

What i meant was WHEN i get into to highers ranks after completing my mod duration successfully this time then i would/will do these jobs bcs they are new for me and i have been wanting to do new jobs bcs i have never been a GM so this time... i will try my best to get GM, as a mod i know that i will have to be reporting and be active in devils club , helping members. a bit same duty as members but i would have a rank which people respect and in return, i will respect them and help them.. be like moderator

Edited by Viceroy
Adding some word tbh
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