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1.We need a distribution for pentesting (although this app can be installed on any Debian based distribution, I recommend a pentesting OS because it has a suite of applications that can be useful in this area), the most the recommended 

distribution is Kali Linux (although good alternatives are also BlackArch / Parrot). The link to the download and the installation instructions are to be found below in the links to the resources.

2. Now that we have the right and configured OS we can start the current process. First we will open a console and we will type sqlmap -h (to start the application). Now you should have the sqlmap interface with the help list. here is the beginning of "fun", the first time you have to see if a certain site is vulnerable. But there are several methods most commonly used to search using "google dorks".

Now you will ask what a "google dork", well google dork refers to a search using Google, but with some special features like: inurl, intitle (I will not go into details but will give you a link to a website containing all the google dorks discovered).

3. For this tutorial we will use a dummy website,http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1, and we will begin scanning using the following command line: sqlmap -u http: //testphp.vulnweb. com / listproducts.php? cat = 1 - time-sec 15, and at the end of the scan should show the following result:


TENTIEBig Grinaca during the SQLmap scan will ask about certain parameters the response will always be Yes (y).
So far we have found out that the site is vulnerable and some details about the version of MySQL used by him.
4. At the moment we can start listing the databases and finding their names. For the enumeration we will use the -dbs command and the command line will be: sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 - dbs
The scan result should be:

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Ok, so we have 2 databases: acuart and information_schema.
ATTENTION: information_schema is a default database and it does not matter to us, so we will always ignore it.
Preceeding to access the acuart database using the command line: sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 -D acuart --tables, where -D is the parameter to set the database- and -tables is to enumerate the tables. Following the execution, the following result should appear:


What you have in front of you are the tables of the DB, obviously the table that is of interest to us is that of the users, so let's try to find the columns in the users table with the following command: sqlmap -u

http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 -D acuart -T users --columns, where -T represents the table and --columns enumerates the columns in that table.Following the execution we get


So we have the user columns and their type in front. Now we will extract data from several columns, obviously those of interest for us are email, name and pass, we will use as in previous cases the same order structure mentioning DB- the table, and the column: sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 -D acuart -T users -C email, name, pass --dump, and now we will reach the end of the test , returning the exact email, name and password:


I have come to the end, I would like to point out that the example used in the framework of this tutorial was specifically designed to demonstrate how a basic SQL injection works. In most cases, this method is not possible, having to resort to Onion based injections or blind. But at the moment we will not venture so far before learning the basics. So it was as useful as this tutorial to understand the concept, and I apologize if I got you in the mist, this being the first my tutorial. The tutorial tutorial will be about using nmap to find out different information about a server, how about this tutorial I look forward to seeing or adding in private through PM. Below you have links to resources



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