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Salutari tuturor,


Am venit cu acest topic pentru a va afla raspunsurile voastre sincere, cum spune si titlul, sa fi gamer este un hobby sau o obisnuinta?

Cu totii am auzit de jocuri, pe diferite platforme, si anume PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, PC etc., cred ca toti dintre noi, sau poate multi dintre noi, au jucat cate un joc. Putin cate putin, am lasat celelalte lucruri pe care trebuia sa le facem, pentru a incerca inca o data experienta. Zile si zile ne tot jucam, pana in ziua de azi. Este un hobby sau o obisnuinta?


Pentru mine sincer, este o obisnuinta, pentru ca eu fara acesta obisnuinta nu prea pot face nimic, zilnic ma duc sa ma asez pe scaunul de la calculator fara sa stiu daca am vrut sau nu.


Astept parerile voastre sincere.

Cu stima, REVAN.






I came to this topic to find your answers, as the title says, to be a gamer is a hobby or a habit?

We've all heard of games on different platforms, namely PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, PC, etc., I think all of us, or many of us have played many games. Little by little, I let other things we had to do, to try again that experience. Days and days we all play until today. It's a hobby or a habit?


For me, frankly, it is a habit, because without this habit I can not really do anything, going daily and sitting on the chair at the computer without knowing whether I wanted or not.


I'm waiting your sincerely opinions.

Regards, REVAN.

Edited by REVAN
  • I love it 2

Games are habit

Because when we people have nothing to do then we play it, but if we go out with friends daily and stay hours with them give time to family then we will not have much time to play and after few time you will play less games



A hobby is that you love to do it fotball, baseball, basketball etc...

For someone people Games are hobby



Everyone has different opinion about this



Anyway nice question

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