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chihab CN

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chihab CN last won the day on October 16 2024

chihab CN had the most liked content!


About chihab CN

  • Birthday 02/16/2005



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  1. where is proof ??? if you not upload proof to your report = report rejected
  2. ¤ Date / Time: now ¤ Nick: 1 and 2 ¤ IP: ¤ Time of ban: Permenantly ¤ Reason: use 2 client ( same ip ) ¤ Proof:
      • 1
      • Haha
  3. I forgive you now Dont rush next time until you're sure Glad you read the rules If you spoke well when you slayed me or apologized i wouldnt have reported you
  4. ¤ Your Name : chihab ¤ Admin reported : Gladiator ¤ Thetime And Date : 16 octobre 2024 13:30 Romania time ¤ Reason : I first bought a terminator and sniper and this admin slay me when I asked him why he said 1 mod. I dont think he even read the rules (The rules say 1 mod for point and 1 mod for ammo) ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos):
  5. Voted !
  6. ¤ Your Name : chihab ¤ Admin reported : key ¤ Thetime And Date : 8/10/2024 18:00 in romainie time ¤ Reason : this admin slay and gag all players and all admins In every round for no reason and because of which players disconnect the sv ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos): These are a few pictures of what he did https://ibb.co/3cRLy5c https://ibb.co/4jV4j7S https://ibb.co/2kzWHJj https://ibb.co/S5Bs8fZ https://ibb.co/0JMbP4B https://ibb.co/M6PjfHq
  7. ¤ Your Name : chihab ¤ Admin reported : Naguara ¤ Thetime And Date : 4/10/2024 21:00 in romainie time ¤ Reason : At first he bought a terminator and then a sniper, then he bought nemenis and hybrid and then I slayed him (because this is the rules 1 mod for ammo and 1 mod for point) but in the next round he slay me for no reason and after passing 3 rounds I bought assassin and he slay me again for no reason ( This is regardless of the jp and fly that he used when he was a terminator and sniper) ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos) : https://ibb.co/rb60bCM https://ibb.co/YDnN4fM https://ibb.co/SJqdqgm https://ibb.co/nj7V1NN https://ibb.co/Cnj0xNs https://ibb.co/pWp0mYt
  8. ¤ Your Name : chihab ¤ Admin reported : Costel Biju (CBX) ¤ Thetime And Date : 23/09/2024 - 1:00 ¤ Reason : I bought god mod and he slayed me ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos ) : https://ibb.co/ZXPBZbf


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