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About Baku-Love

  • Birthday 07/20/1994



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    Games & Fitness
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  1. ¤ Adınız: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ ¤ Talep Edilen Yönetici adı: A | Z[3]AR ¤ Tarih ve saat: 17.03.2023 (16:00) ¤ Kanıt (konsol veya demo ekran görüntüsü): https://imgur.com/KfFR0n2 https://imgur.com/Ro4IMAi https://imgur.com/tEqgcMw https://imgur.com/dK8tvzY ¤ Şikayet nedeni: .::MaesTro::. rr.zm Ammo Send < I've said it over and over that she broke the rules I've said many times that the rules are breaking, ban it NOT: Şikayeti başlatmadan önce kuralları okuyun.
  2. Meraba server owner, I can't login to my own account. It says the password is wrong, can you help me please? I beg you very much to help me Nick : ^_LoVe_BaKu_^
  3. gorem adminsen?

    1. Killer12345

      Killer12345 de id budu

  4. Emi girirsen oyuna ?

  5. salam emi tanidin meni? bir server oynuyurduq admin KILLER idi hansi serverdesen?

    1. Killer12345


      yaxsi emi girissen indi servere men girdim


  6. ¤ Your Nickname: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: ❝(Vusal.1994)❞ ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 17 years): ❝ (20.07.1994) 29 Years ❞ ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: ❝( English , Russian , Turkish , Azerbaijan )❞ ¤ Your Location: ❝( Azerbaijan - BaKu )❞ ¤ Experience As Admin: ❝( 10--13 Year)❞--❝( I have served as an Admin in more than one game. )❞ ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): ❝(of course i can be i am someone who spends too many hours of the day playing)❞ ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ❝( https://www.gametracker.com/player/^_LoVe_BaKu_^/ )❞ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: ❝( helping admins and protecting the server )❞ ¤ Other Information For Your Request: ❝( I will abide by all the rules given by the server owner and I will warn each admin who violates the rules and make a complaint to you)❞
  7. @Zaidlz > When you slapped me, I asked what's the reason, you didn't write anything and you killed me < > Share the evidence you have here to prove that you are right like me. < > Which of us is right, which of us is wrong, the server owner will see the evidence and make a fair decision. <
  8. Zaidlz : > I didn't see the message you wrote, if I had seen your message, I would have replied anyway . < > There are other admins in the game than you, if I broke any rule the other admins would do something < > but you violated the rules a few times by breaking the rules for Admins < > I hope Server Owners will be punished for your mistakes, for breaking the rules, according to your actions. And after that, you follow the rules set for admins, just like other admins. <
  9. ¤ Your name: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ ¤ Claimed Admin name: Zaid ¤ Date and time: 23:17 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/QOWCVQf https://imgur.com/VdPFdhr https://imgur.com/X0J3WAu ¤ Reason of complaint: I'm the first mod today Surv . This Admin is so unfair . I showed the evidence I had .
  10. I didn't break any rules ! I shared everything with evidence
  11. ¤ Your name: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ ¤ Claimed Admin name: Zaid ¤ Date and time: 14 :27 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/MPD6JLn ¤ Reason of complaint: Banned again for no reason and Slay
  12. ¤ Adınız: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ ¤ Talep Edilen Yönetici adı: Fant1K ¤ Tarih ve saat: 14 : 00 ¤ Kanıt (konsol veya demo ekran görüntüsü): https://imgur.com/a/VDMvlwR ¤ Şikayet nedeni: Does she have the right to get 2 mods because she is an administrator? --> I buy a Mod then she gave me (S.l.a.y) for killing her <-- NOT: Şikayeti başlatmadan önce kuralları okuyun.
  13. Everyone should look at the disgrace of this admin. He gives it directly to me (S.l.a.y) without doing anything. shameless reason (lm Desdory) wrote. I have a request from you (NeO-, Y0SseF Ezel (*_*) loyal Mythics mhmd) sometimes log in with fake accounts and watch what the admins do, then you will understand me very well. Don't come with your own name, no, come with a fake account so the admins don't know you because they don't do anything when they see you 🙂
  14. *DEAD* ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ : go form *DEAD* amjad : hat 50 [Zombie Outstanding] A Rapture Reminder Assassin still has 18,615 health points! *DEAD* ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ : r.e.p.o.r.t ************************************************ Ban Information Name: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ IP: Reason: destroy.lm.3.agian Ban Length: 1 hour Unban Time: 21:53:58 1/5/2023 Admin Name: abo db3e Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:711451908 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/10309-unban-request/ ************************************************ Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console" Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
  15. ¤ Your name: ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ ¤ Claimed Admin name: Abo db3e ¤ Date and time: ( 5.01.2023 ) ( 21 : 55 ) ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/uHad1CW ¤ Reason of complaint: I bought the sniper mod and it gave it straight to me (S.l.a.y.) without flying the jet for 10 seconds. NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint. e23cad0a-e117-4733-a9f6-8e5532e15fb4.jfif


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