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  1. Request Rejected improve your activity, Come back Next 5 days
  2. Hello Guys i want 3 SEMI-ELDERS & 3 ELDERS from server ZMOLDSCHOOL If anyone is interested,  contact me via private message

  3. Come back Next week with activity
  4. Hello Guys i want 3 SEMI-ELDERS & 3 ELDERS from server ZMOLDSCHOOL If anyone is interested, message me privately

  5. Welcome Back !!!

  6. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/politics/2022/2/10/اا-788 Tripoli - Libya is going through a new phase after the two committees of the House of Representatives and the state agreed on a road map that leads to changing the government and agreeing on the constitutional path, by forming a constitutional committee to consider the draft constitution and submit it to a referendum. Based on this consensus, the House of Representatives voted unanimously - today, Thursday - to choose Fathi Pashaga as head of the new government instead of the government of Abdel Hamid Dabaiba after marathon sessions, while the State Council sent the signatures of 52 members recommending Pashaga to succeed Dabaiba and to keep the 3-member Presidential Council. They are Muhammad Al-Munfi, Musa Al-Koni and Abdullah Al-Lafi in the executive branch. And the House of Representatives announced in its session - today, Thursday, the issuance of the 12th constitutional amendment to amend paragraph 12 of Article 30 of the Constitutional Declaration, and the formation of a committee of 24 members of experts and specialists equally among the three regions, to be chosen equally between the House of Representatives and the state, with the obligation to take into account cultural diversity.On the other hand, Ahmed Al-Masmari -- the spokesman for the forces of the retired General Khalifa Haftar -- declared his support for the selection of the House of Representatives, Fathi Pashaga, as the head of the new Government that leads the country.At a time when the head of the Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, refuses to hand over power, accusing - in his latest statement - of "brotherhood and military" of conspiring against his government to get him out of the political scene after the stalled presidential and parliamentary elections last December. In a previous development, sources of the island in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, confirmed that the head of the Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabbiba, had been shot at dawn on Thursday, during his return to his home in a district of the capital, without human damage. A number of members of the House of Representatives and the State are opposed to the change of the Government of Al-Dbaybah, demanding that elections be held on a constitutional basis, contrary to the road map adopted by Parliament, fearing the impact of political change on the Libyan landscape.
  7. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/lifestyle/2022/2/10/مخاطرها-تضاهي-الإدمان-كيف-يمكن-لأحلام Nous avons souvent recours à la rêverie comme moyen d'échapper aux fardeaux de la vie quotidienne, et nous commençons à tricoter un monde fantastique dans lequel les choses fonctionnent comme nous avons envie sans aucun subs. Mais si nous ne faisons pas attention, le monde imaginaire peut commencer à reprendre toute notre réalité. Et bien que la rêverie puisse fournir un moyen rapide de s'éloigner de la réalité et de se sentir un peu explicite, mais en même temps, cela peut vous enlever votre vie si vous en perdez le contrôle.Une personne blessée passe un état excessif de rêverie sa vie incapable de s'adapter aux déchets mentaux et aux fantasmes, une condition qui peut affecter sa vie scolaire, pratique et privée. La caractérisation excessive du rêve de jour en tant que menace pour la santé mentale et la qualité de vie a commencé pour la première fois dans une étude scientifique de 2002, publiée par la revue scientifique de Springer, et a porté le titre «Rêves de jour inadaptables: une réalisation qualitative.Excessive daydreaming partage des modèles de dépendance au comportement, tels que la dépendance au jeu vidéo ou les films pornographiques. Et ces rêves peuvent être si intenses qu'ils vous détournent de votre vraie vie.Les événements quotidiens provoquent souvent la personne qui a été harcelée et mentalement déplacée dans les mondes créés. Les effets selon Healthline .
  8. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/politics/2022/2/10/الأزمة-في-أوكرانيا-كيف-يؤثر-التصعيد-مع WASHINGTON-avec les piliers de l'administration du président Joe Biden confirmant la possibilité de commencer une invasion russe du territoire ukrainien à tout moment et de considérer l'invasion sauvage comme quelque chose de proche d'inévitable ne montre pas beaucoup de divisions entre les américains sur ce qu'il faut faire en cas de guerre entre la russie et l'ukraine. La plupart des Américains sont d'accord avec les options limitées disponibles à Washington pour répondre à l'agression russe, dont l'intervention militaire directe n'est pas une, mais cela ne signifie pas qu'il ya des voix pour tenir ferme contre le comportement russe.Aucun fonctionnaire américain n'a proposé que les forces de son pays aillent en guerre pour l'Ukraine, et la construction militaire russe à la frontière ukrainienne a conduit à un accord rare entre les démocrates et les républicains à un stade sans précédent du fossé politique américain. Les responsables du parti sont d'accord sur la politique de la maison blanche d'imposer des sanctions complètes sur les secteurs de la banque et de l'énergie russes, ainsi que des sanctions sur les plans de transfert de gaz «Nord Stream 2 et seq. En plus d'accepter l'offre d'ukraine d'armes faites par les états-unis, et aucun appel n'est sorti entre les 100 sénateurs ou les 435 membres de la chambre des représentants pour combattre la russie.Le sénateur démocrate Chris Murphy sur le comité des relations étrangères du sénat après son retour d'une visite en Ukraine le mois dernier a déclaré: «il y a des choses dont nous devrions être clairs, et l'un d'entre eux est que le peuple américain-franchement-ne soutiendra pas l'envoi de centaines de milliers de soldats américains en Ukraine. Le sénateur républicain Lindsey Graham, membre du comité des forces armées du sénat-a des Hawks traditionnellement en faveur de l'utilisation de la force militaire-a appuyé le déploiement des soldats américains dans les états voisins d'ukraine, et n'a demandé à Biden d'imposer et d'appliquer des sanctions plus sévères à la russie. Alors que le sénateur Robert Mendeniz, président du comité des Relations étrangères du sénat, estimait que les sanctions devraient être progressivement imposées, confirmant «que l'imposition des sanctions serait selon les mesures que les russes prendraient effectivement sur le terrain.
  9. Hello Dark Add this Idea in journaliste if u Want.


    1. FazzNoth


      Hello bro,
      About that topic you can also propose it to @Mr.Talha because he's the Coordinator of the Journalist project.

    2. Mr.Talha
  10. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/politics/2022/2/9/بسبب-دعوة-لنحتفل-مع-إسرائيل-المخترعة The Kuwaiti engineer inventor Jinan Al-Shehab returned her withdrawal from Expo Dubai 2020 to invite the exhibition to celebrate the State of the Israeli occupation, as well as the visit to Abu Dhabi by Israeli President Isaac Hrtsug.Alshehab added in a conversation even though she was aware of Israel's participation in a wing in the exhibition and this is a reality we live in, "But events that accompanied it such as celebrating with the occupying Power or visiting its president are the primary motivation to end participation in the exhibition." rights list 2 of 4 As the number of its start-ups in the UAE increases.. Israel participates in Expo 2020 list 3 of 4 Tunisian Artist Saja: I demand that my paintings from Expo Dubai be retrieved and my rights guaranteed list 4 of 4 Rights Report: Violations of Workers' Rights at Expo 2020, Dubai end of list Shehab explained that her participation in Expo Dubai 2020 came after being nominated from two wings at the exhibition, confirming that participation in this major global event is good; it is a big and successful event, but in the end she decided to withdraw and not complete the participation. After Expo Dubai's account posted a photo in his Instagram account (Instagram) of the Israel Pavilion in the show with the words "Let's celebrate with Israel", Al-Shihab responded to this photo by saying "and announcing my withdrawal from the Expo" (And Unfollow).Engineer Jenan Al-Shehab is currently working on an important invention, a "wireless power transfer system" registered at the "U.S. Patent Office" (USPTO), and says it will continue to work on this invention until it reaches markets. The invention is a system that helps to charge phones wirelessly and operate all electronic devices wirelessly, without the need to use electrical connections.
  11. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/lifestyle/2022/2/9/رحلة-صعود-سياسية-ودينية-كوكاكولا For more than 136 years, Coke has transformed from just a soft drink into a culture and identity packed inside a bottle, promoted in American movies and series and on cutting clothes and furniture, as it was not for any other company. But recently, the faithful American consumer of the Coca-Cola drink began to "open" an alternative version of his favorite gaseous drink, that alternative being "Mexican Coca-Cola." So what's the tale of Mexican Coke And is it better than American And how did it turn into a drink used in churches and religious events in Mexico appearance of Coke In soft drink corridors in most U.S. grocery stores, along with traditional plastic packaging and bottles of Coca-Cola drink, there is a selection of long-necked bottles of Mexican Coca-Cola. These bottles have been imported from Mexican Coca-Cola bottling plants, whose po[CENSORED]rity in the United States has increased since 2005, although their price is higher than their traditional counterpart.The history of Coca-Cola began at the hands of a pharmacist named John Pemberton, who invented the composition of Coca-Cola, and it was supposed to be a nerve-stimulating drug because of its composition that contains the African kola nut and coca leaf, in addition to carbonated water. John sold his first cup of Coca-Cola at Jacobs Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886, for 5 cents a cup, and the drink was very po[CENSORED]r, according to the Medium website. In 1889, American businessman Asa Candler purchased the Coca-Cola formula and brand from John's heirs. Within 3 years, Candler founded the Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, and distribution had expanded to cover all US states by 1895. After that, Coca-Cola decided to expand beyond the borders of the United States, and spread more than expected, and its spread was more pronounced in Mexico, which first appeared in 1897, and it overtook the United States in obtaining the title of the country with the highest consumption rate of Coca-Cola per capita, as Mexicans drink more of 700 cups of it annually, nearly twice as much as an American drinks, according to Business Insider.
  12. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/humanrights/2022/2/9/مذابح-وعمليات-اغتصاب-ضحايا-نزاع A legal organization has filed a lawsuit before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights against the Ethiopian authorities, accusing them of committing “grave human rights violations” against civilians in the Tigray region, which is witnessing a bloody war. During the 15-month-old conflict, reports of massacres, mass rapes and other atrocities perpetrated by all parties to the conflict prompted the United Nations Human Rights Council last December to issue an order to open an investigation into a wide range of violations, in a move it condemned. Addis Ababa. On Tuesday, the non-profit organization Global Legal Action said it was "representing Tigrayan victims who gave testimony in the case but were not included as complainants due to fear of government retaliation." "Ethiopia is responsible for a wide range of human rights violations under the African Charter, including military targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure, mass and extrajudicial killings, gender-based sexual violence, and arbitrary arrest and detention," a statement issued by the organization's lawyer said."The complaint demands that the African Commission order Ethiopia to stop all violations and abuses against civilians in Tigray, allow unfettered access to food and humanitarian aid to the area, and ensure the protection of human rights for all Ethiopians, especially in Tigray," the statement added. Since the outbreak of the conflict between Ethiopian government forces and Tigray rebels in November 2020, thousands have died, while hundreds of thousands are at risk of starvation, according to the United Nations. Tigray has been subject for months to what the United Nations says is a de facto blockade, while the United States accuses the Ethiopian government of obstructing aid, while the latter has blamed the rebels. Last month, the United Nations World Food Program revealed that nearly 40 percent of Tigray's po[CENSORED]tion suffers from "acute food shortages", as fuel shortages have forced aid workers to deliver medicine and other vital supplies on foot.
  13. Ok.np u Can Close topic i will format pc tomorrow thx for help
  14. What happend guys? I cant find guardian of gaming


    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Some problems, sorry for the inconvenient.... we will notify you when GOG back!

    2. Mr.Bada


      @Seuong ah ok m'y Bro take your time And Thank you ❤️❤️

  15. Your nickname: Bada Your problem/question: Hello guys. I have a simple problem, but I did not know how to fix it. The problem is that the Internet does not work on the computer. But my phone is working. I am waiting for your help, thank you Screenshot (if needed):
  16. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/2022/2/8/لإنهاء-النزاع-بليبيا-رئيسا-الحكومة The Heads of Government and the Presidential Council of Libya stressed on Tuesday the importance of holding parliamentary and presidential elections to end the conflict in the country, while a state of disappointment prevails among Libyans over the postponement of the elections. In a brief statement, the head of the Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Al-Dbayba, said we want to push towards the constitutional path and the decision must not be unilateral.The constitutional path was to hold a po[CENSORED]r referendum on a draft constitution that was ready, and then to organize elections in accordance with that constitution, in contrast to the path the country was going to hold elections and then a referendum on the constitution. The Supreme Council of State (representative advisory) was the other balance of decision-making (with the House of Representatives), and we support any path to elections.As a result of differences between official Libyan institutions regarding the electoral laws and the role of the judiciary in the electoral process, it was not possible to hold presidential elections last December 24, according to a road map under the auspices of the United Nations. So far, no new date has been agreed upon for holding presidential and parliamentary elections that Libyans hope will end a conflict that has plagued their oil-rich country for years. Aqila Saleh wants to elect a new prime minister (Reuters) road map In the absence of elections, Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh wants to elect a new prime minister during a parliamentary session on Thursday, which Dabaiba rejects, insisting that the Political Dialogue Forum set the duration of the transitional executive authority at 18 months, extending until June 2022. The Libyan House of Representatives said on Monday that elections will not take place this year, and the House also voted yesterday in favor of adopting a political road map that it has been working on since the collapse of the elections process that was scheduled last December due to differences over voting rules and constitutional foundations. Today, Tuesday, the President of the Presidential Council, Muhammad Al-Manfi, held talks in the capital, Tripoli, with the European Union Ambassador to Libya Jose Sabadell, according to a statement of the Council. Al-Manafi said that the Council stands at the same distance from all parties and institutions, and places in its priorities the implementation of the national reconciliation project. Last September, the exile officially announced the launch of a comprehensive national reconciliation project in the country. He said that the problem now is legal and constitutional, and it must be addressed as soon as possible.
  17. Link : https://www.aljazeera.net/news/lifestyle/2022/2/8/أربعة-أيام-عمل-فقط-في-الأسبوع-وحرية With a mutated Omicron outbreak, many companies adopt creative approaches, and employ technology to help alleviate workplace inequality. The traditional principle of going to the office 5 days a week, or working from early morning to afternoon hours may be on its way to dying, as labour regulations see room for more creative and flexible approaches to motivate staff to carry out their tasks.For example, the Zoom application, which many institutions and workers relied on during the epidemic period, began allowing more than 6 thousand workers in an e-commerce company in San Francisco, America - called "Bolt" - to choose between working from their offices or homes or hybrid work. Telework for a number of days per week or month. The company has also boldly adopted the option to work permanently for 4 days a week for its entire staff, according to a report published by the American newspaper "Washingtonpost".You decide when and where to work Meanwhile, workplace communications management company Slack is reimagining its offices as primarily a place to launch projects and hold meetings, and tech giants Amazon and Salesforce are letting their employees decide within One team when and where they should work based on the nature of the projects at hand. These new approaches come at a time when companies are rethinking workplace policies amid the rapid spread of the Omicron mutation and the "great resignation season" as employers find it more difficult to retain their talented employees, the newspaper said. Anita Williams Woolley, a professor of business administration at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, believes that "people were feeling that the epidemic was on the way to receding until Omicron reared its ugly head and set companies back... Now there is a lot of work to do." Waiting at any institution. But as with any major change, Woolley adds, companies that do not take a measured approach to implementing their policies can inadvertently exacerbate employee inequity. For example, if a company asks its employees to choose two days in which they work from the office, it may follow that some of them will not get the opportunity to work together, and it may not be useful to them either, and this will necessitate the necessity of establishing cooperation days in one way or another, as it may lead to It will ultimately make the workplace less equitable if managers base assessments on the scale of time each employee spends in the workplace.
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