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Everything posted by -Sarah

  1. you can speak with who ever you want no comment or objection about that... you can simply say " nu tsema e pariu pe ce vrei tu " in one message 2nd your report was about the gag who bring your slay topic now?? fr
  2. First of all you must see this topic :). and you must have an account make one if you don't have and get help if you had any problem 1 - check this topic and "copy the model" 2 - after you did copied it go here https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/3873-admin/?do=add and type write the title as " applying for admin "ur name" 3 - paste the model inside the big box and answer the questions honestly 4 - submit the topic from this bottom 5 - example :- https://imgur.com/w51FVua ps : gt link : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ps : discord link :https://discord.gg/XjFAvBuEUJ you must be there :). for any question ask us on discord group :). just make it simple ^^
      • 2
      • I love it
  3. l saw all the proofs from the both sides and l agree with @EdixonCruzOn, you are not allowed to buy any mod in the first 3 rounds of the map and your slay was well deserved... l saw they tried to explain to you several times that's not allowed but you kept insisting , aswell you aren't allowed to stay spectator to avoid the death.. they must move you into ct/t because rules said that... nothing is wrong here @chiefNBN no need to call others " from today l'll call ya abuse" it's kinda of childish behavior for real .. second respect others while you're talking no need to say 24/7 f**ck f**ck you can simply ask him without getting mad if you felt that someone is abusing his grade just report them directly without making all of this drama
  4. First you can't comment here didn't l said?? 1- your activity is low in the past 2 weeks + you're good at talking so much but not good at looking into our comments in your previous request "l said don't say that ofc ofc l did read the rules okay you did where is the key?" 2 - you can't understand english that much we have @Yeezuz and @DeepPurple you can ask them for any help but making comments here with no sense.. No
  5. Yes💗🤞 @Psychoo?
  6. Eyo, chill man you're not allowed to comment here ... + where's the password?? You just said "ofc" wow you really showed me that you really did read the rules, also your behaviour here you shouldn't argue with any manager here.🤷‍♀️ contra
  7. badawiiiiiii

    1. Mr.Bada


      Sorittaaaaaaa 🤣

    2. -Sarah


      no l'm flower or sarsoraaaa e.e

    3. Mr.Bada


      Hhhhhhh sarsoraaaaaaa 🤦🤦

  8. Pro don't disappoint us .. improve your activity guide 1 for admins andguide 2 read those mandatory. gl
  9. Well here you can speak only in English, arabic is not allowed here in whole forum.. well l got tired from your lies "someone hacked my account bla bla" you didn't told me before that your brother was playing?? and told andreea your cousin was playing? who ever change your name ez no need to lie, and sometimes you even don't give a fu*** for anyone when someone is calling you ... here is different you must be talkative active in both forum and discord .. forum not just to request admin and l'm super .. rules is here to be respected .. also being honest is the most important thing here🤷‍♀️ Rejected. T/C
  10. Pro your activity improved tbh .. your behavior too and l hope to keep it up!!
  11. this is the right link l'll give you a chance and say pro https://www.gametracker.com/player/KaKa/ try all your best to give all attention for others especially THE MANAGERS and we will test you anyway admins rules and players rules l want from you to read it again ,,, l wont to hear any mistake from you Sarah's guide andglowee's guide
  12. noooo @Flenn19babaa yaaagggggaaaaaaa
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. voted 🖤
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  16. l liked v2 more ,, more details added in the real pic, text
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  18. Happy birthday batata ❤️
  19. Contra we don't focus just on the activity only.. your behaviour was so extremely bad with some admins and players... fix your behaviour and back after 1 week.
  20. l'll give you a chance canberk . Pro good player .. good activity and don't worry about your experience l'm here to help you and teach you every single thing Sarah"s Guide and Glowee's Guide any question do not hesitate to ask us good luck!!
  21. Happiest birthday for u man! 

    1. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      Thanks Sara 🥰

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