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  1. [EN] SHOT: The controversial study in The Lancet on hydroxychloroquine has been withdrawn The study in The Lancet on the ephemeral change in the World Health Organization's (WHO) policy on hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid-19, criticized by scientists around the world, fell after the withdrawal of three of its four authors. reports AFP. "We cannot guarantee the veracity of primary data sources," the three authors wrote in The Lancet, questioning the refusal of the company that collected them, led by the fourth author, to provide access to the database. writes news.ro. Published on May 22 in the famous medical journal, the study concluded that hydroxychloroquine is not beneficial to hospitalized covid-19 patients and that it could even be detrimental to them. Despite the fact that other, smaller-scale studies reached the same conclusions as this one, the publication of the study had a worldwide resonance and spectacular repercussions, leading the WHO to suspend its clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine against covid-19. But critics were quick to emerge en masse from advocates of the controversial molecule, such as French researcher Didier Raoult, who described the study as "dirty," but also from researchers skeptical of the drug for patients infected with the new coronavirus. The WHO announced on Wednesday that it had resumed its clinical trials with hydroxychloroquine, and the European study Discovery intended to do the same. The main criticisms were the reliability of the data in this study (96,000 patients in 671 hospitals) collected by Surgisphere, which presents itself as a health data analysis company and is led by Sapan Desai, the fourth author of the article. The authors responded by announcing an "independent" audit of their results and the origin of the data. But three of them, including the lead author, Mandeep Mehra, eventually gave up. Surgisphere refused to transfer the database due to confidentiality agreements with its clients, and the pregnant experts "could not conduct an independent review and informed us of their withdrawal from the evaluation process by colleagues," they write. in this text published on Thursday by The Lancet, presenting "the deepest apologies". The Lancet said in a statement that it takes "very seriously scientific integrity issues" and considers it "urgent" to evaluate further collaborations with Surgisphere. "There are still outstanding questions about Surgisphere and the data allegedly integrated into this study," insists the magazine, which issued a warning Tuesday evening in the form of an "expression of concern." The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), which published a study by the same team with data from Surgisphere - on a link between covid-19 mortality and heart disease - announced Thursday night the withdrawal of the work. Dr Desai, who defended the "integrity" of his data from the beginning, rejected any comment, the company that provides the communication told AFP. In an open letter, published last week, dozens of researchers around the world presented a long list of problematic points in the study, from inconsistencies in doses administered in certain countries to ethical issues regarding information collection. These signatories also consider that rigorous clinical trials are needed to evaluate drugs, in the context in which the controversial study is only a compilation of pre-existing data. That study itself emphasized the need for further clinical trials to "confirm" its results. Another study - conducted in the United States and Canada and published Wednesday in the NEJM - concludes that the molecule is ineffective in preventing covid-19. These results were highly anticipated, as this is a randomized controlled trial - a protocol considered a reference in the study of clinical outcomes. But he is "too small to be irrefutable," insisted Martin Landray, an epidemiologist at Oxford University. re WHO, other results are to be presented. "Randomized test results are needed to draw reliable conclusions. Hopefully the results will be available soon, "said Stephen Evans of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on Thursday. Read also: Marcel Vela's urgent order! It shines: ‘He has no duties’ Otherwise, with the slowdown in the pandemic, which makes it more difficult to recruit new patients, the heated debate between defenders and critics of the famous molecule risks continuing. The case at the heart of the study in The Lancet "is a huge scandal, very detrimental to the scientific community," Professor Gilbert Deray of the Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris told Twitter.
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  2. [EN] Sometimes we get the impression that we have seen so many things in life that nothing can surprise us. By chance we discover certain secrets that make us remember that the world around us is truly extraordinary. Brightside.me offers a list of 21 incredible things that not many people know. Did you know that hippopotamus milk is pink, right at the strawberry milkshake? Below you will find 21 other incredible curiosities about the world we live in. 1. Honey never expires. 2. The Jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula is the only immortal organism on Earth. 3. The heart of the blue whale is so big that people can swim through its arteries… 4.… And yet, the whale's neck is no bigger than a sausage. 5. 1.6 million ants are distributed to every person in the world, and the total weight of all the ants in the world is equal to the weight of all the people on the planet. 6. Octopuses have three hearts each. 7. Originally, Feng Shui was the art of choosing a suitable place for burial. 8. Saturn and Jupiter rain with diamonds. 9. This is what the sky seen from our planet would look like if Saturn were at the same distance from the Earth as the Moon: 10. There are 10 times more bacteria in the human body than there are cells. 11. The probability that there is another molecule of water in the water we drink that was once drunk by a dinosaur is almost 100%. 12. Frankenstein was the name of the creator, not of creation. 13. Sea cats have 27,000 taste buds, four times more than humans. 14. This is what the sand seen under a microscope looks like: 15. The bowls in which the goldfish are kept are, in fact, the most harmful places for them. 16. Reading in low light or computer light does not, in fact, have a negative effect on vision. 17. The University of Oxford is older than the Aztec Empire. 18. In Cyprus, Santa Claus is called Basil. 19. No one has ever managed to tame an African elephant. 20. In the image on the left there is a candle that burns on Earth, and in the one on the right there is a candle that burns in the absence of gravity, seen at the Mir space station: 21. Lack of sleep makes us see enemies all around us. I've edited my thread @robila. Sorry.
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  3. Hello! I need to see more activity on TS3 and forum, this is first time when i see you on TS3/forum, i will give you a chance and i will say Pro, good luck! Also, what @The GodFathersaid, read rules and don't post more topics in films, 1 post per day.. So please, read rules. Let's put him on pending to see his activity on TS/forum. Also i want to see if he will learn something about what we said here. If you break rules, it will be bad for you in our project.. ? We all do mistakes, but you must read rules carefully. Good luck!
  4. Noul BMW Seria 4 Coupé alătură o configuraţie deosebit de sportivă cu un design marcant. Accentul pus pe plăcerea condusului marchează diferenţa dintre noul BMW Seria 4 Coupé şi cel mai recent BMW Seria 3 Sedan şi îi poziţionează deosebit de clar în segment. Noul BMW Seria 4 Coupé a fost dezvoltat cu obiectivul de a redefini esenţa plăcerii condusului în segmentul premiu mediu. Aura sa de sportivitate şi exclusivitate este susţinută prin continuarea tradiţiei coupé-urilor mărcii BMW, modelată printr-o succesiune de maşini sportive legendare care se întinde pe aproape 90 de ani. La lansarea pe piaţă în octombrie 2020, BMW M440i xDrive Coupé – propulsat de un motor pe benzină, cu şase cilindri dispuşi în linie, ce dezvoltă 275 kW/374 CP – va reprezenta vârful de gamă. Iniţial, acesta va fi acompaniat de o pereche de motoare pe benzină, cu patru cilindri, şi de un diesel cu patru cilindri. Planul prevede ca alte două motoare diesel, cu şase cilindri dispuşi în linie, să fie adăugate în portofoliu din martie 2021, iar cel mai puternic dintre aceste două propulsoare va fi noul BMW M440d xDrive. Noul BMW Seria 4 Coupé va fi produs la uzina BMW din Dingolfing. Design exterior: o combinaţie exclusivă de eleganţă şi dinamism Apariţia noului BMW Seria 4 Coupé aduce în prim-plan atât proporţiile familiare ale modelelor sportive cu două uşi BMW, cât şi noul limbaj de design al mărcii. Un număr redus de linii bine definite şi utilizarea unor suprafeţe clare, cu dimensiuni generoase, se reunesc într-un design deosebit de sportiv. Proporţiile extinse dinamic ale noului BMW Seria 4 Coupé sunt rezultatul unor dimensiuni exterioare mai mari decât ale generaţiei anterioare. Lungimea a crescut cu 128 milimetri la 4.768 mm, lăţimea cu 27 mm la 1.852 mm, iar ampatamentul cu 41 mm la 2.851 mm. Înălţimea automobilului este mai mare cu doar 6 mm, până la 1.383 mm, dar cu 57 mm mai mică faţă de BMW Seria 3 Sedan. Ecartamentul a crescut în lăţime faţă de modelul anterior – cu 28 mm în faţă şi cu 18 mm în spate. Noul model este cu 23 mm mai lat faţă de BMW Seria 3 Sedan.
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  5. [RO] Igiena orală și vizitele frecvente la medicul stomatolog mențin dantura sănătoasă. Perioada sarcinii necesită un plus de îngrijire? Iată sfatul specialistului. În cele 9 luni de sarcină, femeile se pot confrunta cu problema gingiilor inflamate. Schimbările hormonale din această perioadă sensibilizează gingiile și le fac mai vulnerabile în fața plăcii bacteriene, cea care generează de fapt senzibilizarea și sângerarea. Sarcina contribuie la deteriorarea danturii? “Sarcina afectează dinții mamei; copilașul consumă minerale din corpul și dinții mamei. Total neadevărat!”, spune dr.Lorelei Nassar, specialist în chirurgie dentară și implantologie. “În urma cercetărilor efectuate, s-a dovedit că atunci când organismul este privat de calciu, oasele devin poroase în timp, până la etape de fractură spontană, însă dinții rămân INTACȚI. Sarcina NU afectează dinții, dar afectează gingia! Din ce cauză? Pentru că în sarcină se modifică echilibrul hormonal din corpul mămicii, iar hormonii sexuali feminini afectează cu precădere zonele cu vase mici de sânge, inclusiv gingia. Așadar, în sarcină, ca și în timpul menstruației, gingia este ușor inflamată și sângerează la atingere și periaj”, adaugă specialistul în stomatologie. Să periem mai puțin dinții în perioada sarcinii? Dimpotrivă! Cum se explică totuși că deseori mămicile revin la dentist cu carii foarte mari? Explicația este simplă: “ În perioada sarcinii nu se mai gândește nimeni la dentist deoarece toată atenția este dedicată viitorului bebeluș. După naștere, accentul se pune pe alăptare, prin urmare nevoile dentare sunt din nou ignorate. Și uite așa în numai câteva luni orice leziune se agravează”, spune dr.Nassar. Igiena bucală – o prioritate și în sarcină “Periaj, duș bucal și spălaturi cu apă de gură – toate sunt obligatorii în rutina zilnică a viitoarelor mămici si nu numai lor. Apoi, orice leziune observată trebuie tratată imediat. Recomand că aceste tratamente să fie în trimestrul din mijloc al sarcinii, când fătul e stabil și se poate executa orice manoperă, cu anestezia corespunzătoare, evident”, încheie dr.lorelei Nassar. Reguli de îngrijire în perioada pandemiei Igiena zilnică poate preveni orice problemă dentară. În cazul unei dureri acute, este important să vă adresați unui medic specialist. Doar el vă poate sfătui ce măsuri puteți lua de acasă.
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  6. [EN] France heads to record public deficit over COVID-19: 'These figures can make you dizzy' The French government has revised upwards, to 11.4% of Gross Domestic Product, its public deficit forecasts for 2020, in the third draft budget rectification which is currently being prepared to deal with the economic and economic consequences. the French finance minister, Gerald Darmanin, told Reuters on Thursday, according to agerpres.ro, the public finances of the health crisis. "With an 11% contraction in the economy, we currently expect a deficit of 11.4%. We have never had such a figure in France," Gerald Darmanin told France 2. According to the latest government forecasts, the public deficit for this year was to be 9.1% of GDP, while in the draft finance law for 2020 enacted at the end of December 2019, the public deficit was projected at 2.2% of GDP. Gerald Darmanin also said that France's public debt will increase more than expected so far, ie 115% of GDP, without providing a precise figure. The state budget deficit will reach 220 billion euros this year and the social insurance deficit to over 52 billion euros. Last year, France's public deficit was 3% of GDP and the debt reached 98.1% of GDP. Marcel Ciolacu returns the accusations to Klaus Iohannis: He did not have the national pride to promulgate the 'Trianon law' "These figures can make you dizzy, but we see an economic recovery taking place with the end of isolation," Darmanin said. He stressed in particular that the value added tax revenues "are starting to re-enter the state budget because people have started consuming more". On Tuesday, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said the French economy would contract by 11% this year, an unprecedented level after World War II, compared to a previously estimated 8% drop. These new forecasts will be included in the third draft budget correction to be presented to the cabinet next week. This rectification will also include measures announced in the various plans to support the economic sectors affected by the crisis (tourism, automotive, aeronautics, etc.).
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  7. [EN] Petra (Greek πέτρα (petra), meaning "stone"; Arabic البتراء, Al-Batrāʾ) is a former ancient city, located in Jordan. It is one of the most famous archeological sites in the world, due to the temples dug directly into the rock, the best known being the "Treasury" ("Al Khazneh"), in Greek style, with a height of 42 m, where the final part of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In ancient times the city was called Rekem and is mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is believed that it was built in the 6th century BC by the Nabataeans, a Semitic people, and was their capital until 106 AD, when it became part of the Roman Empire, becoming the capital of the province. Arabia Petrea. The city continues to flourish in the next century, then declines and is abandoned, being destroyed in 363 by an earthquake. The ruins became a curiosity in the Middle Ages, being visited by Sultan Baibars of Egypt in the thirteenth century. The first European to visit and describe them was the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, in 1812. In 1985 Petra was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. It is also one of the 7 new wonders of the world.
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  8. Roselina fată bună,

    Are inima foarte bună. 


    Ea are gradul mare,

    Si e cea mai tare frate. 


    Ea ajută pe toată lumea,

    Pe comunitatea CSBD că este doar una. 


    Și dacă îți plac versurile mele,

    Te servesc cu floricele. 


    Ea e activă pe comunitate, 

    Ajută și ea cât poate. 


    Dacă îți place de ea, 

    Dai un follow chiar acuma. 


    Poezia asta e pentru tine, 

    Pentru ca îmi ești dragă mie. 


    Ești o fată foarte drăguță, 

    Că îmi pierd rima pe băncuță.


    Cam atât a fost din partea mea, 

    Sper să îți placă poezia mea. 


    Te pup cu drag maiii, cea mai tare Administratoră în Staff, tot respectul meu îl ai, sper ca nu te-am supărat, astea le-am făcut pe moment, nu prea ma pricep, am încercat, sper sa îți placă, hehe. ?


    Cu drag Alex009. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mindsphere.


      Hai ca nu sunt asa priceput, am încercat totuși. ??

    3. Aysha


      Huh, suna chiar bine, nu ma asteptam ? ?

    4. Mindsphere.


      Nu chiar atât de bine, dar am încercat ?? ?

  9. I am so happy for you @.Straju for comming back in Journalists team! I hope everything will be okay between us!! ❤️ Welcome back bro! ?

    1. shVury


      thx ❤️ 

    2. Mindsphere.


      You're welcome bro! ?❤️

  10. [RO] Pe 23 mai 1940, Maserati sărbătorea patru victorii la rând în celebra competiție Targa Florio. O mașină fabricată sub semnul Tridentului trecea prima linia de sosire a prestigioasei curse siciliene, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv. Pilotul campion a fost Luigi (Gigi) Villoresi, la volanul unui Maserati Tipo 4CL. Pentru a sărbători 80 de ani de la istorica victorie, Maserati se întoarce în Sicilia cu un prototip MC20, pe drumurile unde s-a scris povestea Targa Florio, cu o vizită la celebrele standuri Floriopoli. Dezvoltarea noului supercar Maserati continuă astfel cu teste în diferite condiții de utilizare, cu scopul de a aduna date și informații pentru reglajele finale. După prima serie de teste efectuate cu ajutorul simulatorului dinamic de la Maserati Innovation Lab din Modena, acum se fac teste de drum și de circuit. MC20 marchează începutul unei noi ere pentru marca italiană atât din punct de vedere al design-ului, cât și al tehnologiei; este, de asemenea, primul model care adoptă un motor 100% proiectat, dezvoltat și produs de Maserati. Cu noul MC20, care va fi lansat în luna septembrie a acestui an, producătorul din Modena își propune să sublinieze tradiția sa sportivă și să revină la rolul de lider pe circuit, după cel mai recent campionat mondial câștigat în 2010 cu o altă mașină extraordinară, MC12.
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  11. [RO] Iaurtul este recunoscut drept un aliment benefic pentru sănătate, dar și pentru siluetă, în varianta lui naturală, fără zahăr. Ce tip de iaurt este însă recomandat de nutriționiști? Cât de sănătos este cel pe care este menționat zero grăsimi? Nutriționistul Gianluca Mech ne explică diferențele între iaurturile pe care le găsim în supermarket. Iaurtul este hrănitor și benefic pentru sănătate. S-a dovedit că reduce riscul apariției bolilor de inimă și al osteoporozei. De asemenea, poate fi un ajutor de nădejde în gestionarea greutății. Este important să știm însă către ce tipuri de iaurt să ne îndreptăm atenția atunci când mergem la supermarket. Dar și ce tipuri de iaurt e de recomandat să evităm. „În ceea ce privește iaurtul din supermarketuri, este mai bine să alegeți iaurt natural alb, fără zahăr adăugat. Din punct de vedere organoleptic și nutrițional, acest tip de iaurt este cel mai bun”, explică nutriționistul Gianluca Mech. Iaurt fără grăsimi vs. iaurt normal ”Iaurtul cu un conținut scăzut de grăsimi este mai puțin sățios decât cel normal. Mai mult, lipsa grăsimilor este adesea înlocuită cu zaharuri adăugate sau îndulcitori artificiali”, consideră Gianluca Mech. Iaurtul cu fructe, recomandat sau nu? ”Iaurtul aromat cu fructe sau cereale conține un număr redus de probiotice, deoarece are mai mult fructoză și alte zaharuri. Iar probioticele găsesc acest mediu mai puțin favorabil pentru creșterea lor. Dacă vreți să îndulciți iartul simplu, atunci când îl consumați, adăugați fructe proaspete tăiate în bucăți, fructe de pădure, fructe uscate sau diverse semințe. Este o variantă sănătoas și delicioasă de a te bucura de gust dar și de acțiunea benefică a probioticelor”, declară Gianluca Mech. E bine să mâncăm iaurt noaptea? Multe persoane obișnuiesc să mănânce târziu în noapte ori să se trezească cu diverse pofte. Este iaurtul o variantă benefică pentru sănătate în acest sens? ”În timpul nopții vă recomand să dormiți, nu să mâncați. Puteți consuma iaurt înainte de culcare, dar nu este o idee bună să ne trezim apoi pe parcursul nopții și să dăm fuga la frigider. Spun că e bine să mâncăm iaurt înainte de culcare pentru că acesta conține calciu. Iar calciul nu doar că este benefic pentru sănătatea oaselor, dar ajută și la un somn mai bun. În plus, există studii ce arată că proteinele din iaurtul consumat înainte de somn duc la reducerea senzației de foame a doua zi dimineață”, adaugă Gianluca Mech. Gianluca Mech este unul dintre cei mai apreciati nutritionisti, la nivel international, sfaturile sale fiind urmate inclusiv de staruri precum Anastasia Soare, Sarah Ferguson- Ducesa de York, Ornela Mutti sau Silvio Berlusconi. Gianluca a lansat in trecut doua campanii importante impotriva obezitatii, care trag un semnal de alarma in ceea ce priveste inmultirea cazurilor in randul copiilor si al adolescentilor. Campania din Statele Unite ale Americii a fost lansata alaturi de Ivana Trump, iar in Europa alaturi de Ducesa de York, Sarah Ferguson.
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  12. [EN] One of the richest people on earth The Prime Minister of Romania, Ludovic Orban, today had a telephone conversation with the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, at the initiative of His Highness. The two senior officials expressed appreciation for the excellent level of bilateral relations between Romania and the United Arab Emirates, especially in terms of the existing strategic economic partnership between the two countries. It was agreed to continue joint efforts to deepen and further expand bilateral economic cooperation, including by encouraging direct interactions between officials and business communities in Romania and the United Arab Emirates. In this context, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban underlined the very good dialogue of the Bucharest authorities with the Emirati companies already present in our country and evoked the numerous opportunities for new investments, in multiple fields. The Head of the Romanian Government also thanked Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan for the generous support provided by the United Arab Emirates to our country in its efforts to combat the Covid-19 epidemic.
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  13. [EN] The "Alien Life" page links here. For other topics with similar names see Life (disambiguation). Extraterrestrial life (or life in outer space) is a hypothesis that there may be life in the universe whose natural environment is not Earth. This concept refers to any type or form of life, from the simplest biological systems (eg viruses and prokaryotes) to the most complex forms of life with their own intelligence and social organization. However, the existence of life outside the Earth would have been 95% proven in 2013 by a team of British researchers from the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Sheffield. [1] [2] The age of the Universe, huge, as well as the enormous number of stellar systems suggest that if the Earth were a model of celestial bodies with generally valid life, then extraterrestrial life should be encountered in the Universe quite often [3]. There is also an obvious contradiction between the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations in the Universe, probability estimated to be small but real, and the lack of contacts with such civilizations or other evidence of their existence, a contradiction called Fermi's paradox.
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  14. Hello there! Try to delete that model from your CS, GO to CS folder, then GO cstrike, models and find that folder, after you find it, delete it, you have a wrong version, the server has a new version of that model, delete your old version and then connect the server. After that, you can play on server without having any problems, because you will have the new version of that model. I hope i helped you, if you didnt fixed, just tell me in private message and probably i can help you to fix it if my words didnt helped you.
  15. This weekend something happened, but it wasn't bad at all, it was a great weekend for me, also i wanna congratz to @robila for Global Moderators, i am happy for me, but i am happy for him too, because he worked so hard for this rank, he deserve more than this. What about me? Well, i want to help everyone here on this community, i also work hard too, i want to be in Staff too, this weekend was great, i hope i will have great weekend again soon. Congratz again @robila, we love you, keep working and maybe in 1 day you will be Administrator, i know you will have it in one day, good luck. ❤️

    1. robila


      Thank you very much my friend ❤️ 

    2. Mindsphere.


      You don't have to thank me, you are the best my friend! ❤️

  16. With the new MINI Countryman, the British brand with a rich tradition continues to pursue a new target audience. From the first generation, the MINI Countryman was a pioneer. Being the first model with an exterior length of more than four meters, four doors, a large tailgate, five seats and all-wheel drive, it laid the foundations for the successful evolution of the brand in the premium compact segment. Now, the MINI Countryman accounts for almost 30% of the brand's new registrations worldwide. The robust car concept, spacious and versatile interior, with five-seater, and the optional ALL4 all-wheel drive system make it an unmistakable multivalent car, which inspires the typical MINI enthusiasm not only in everyday traffic but also in long-distance travel , but also when venturing on unpaved terrain. Advanced technological solutions are reflected in a model with a hybrid plug-in propulsion system, as well as in new MINI Connected digital services. Moreover, the customization possibilities are covered better than ever by the range of additional optional accessories and original MINI accessories. The launch of the current generation of the model means a significant new optimization in terms of space, versatility, functionality and travel comfort. In addition, the MINI Countryman has become a pioneer in emissions-free local mobility in the brand-specific style. The MINI Cooper SE Countryman ALL4 hybrid plug-in combines innovative efficiency, all-wheel drive and the option of pure electric driving pleasure. In addition to the plug-in hybrid propulsion system, the new MINI Countryman is available with three petrol and three diesel engines, equipped with the latest MINI TwinPower Turbo technology. The engines have been further developed and cover a power range between 75 kW / 102 hp and 140 kW / 190 hp, already meeting the Euro 6d emission standard, which will be mandatory from 2021. On request, four of them can be combined. with ALL4 all-wheel drive system. The new MINI Countryman: the highlights in a nutshell. Distinctive front design with newly designed radiator grille. LED headlights and LED fog lamps as standard equipment. LED taillights with Union Jack design. New body finishes, new Piano Black Exterior option. New light alloy wheels. State-of-the-art engines, all models comply with the Euro 6d emission standard. Additional models equipped as standard with eight-speed Steptronic transmission. New digital cockpit display with 5-inch (12.7 cm) color screen option. Newly designed centerpiece with Piano Black High Gloss trim option. Leather-wrapped sports steering wheel available as standard on all model variants. New range of leather decorations and interior surfaces. New version MINI Yours Interior Style. MINI Connected with new functions. Wide range of original MINI accessories.
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  17. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, aged 94, went out this weekend, for the first time since the imposition of isolation restrictions, for a horseback ride around Windsor Castle, according to images published by the media. British media, EFE reports on Monday. Last hour Special sections conferences Wall Street RO Queen Elizabeth II celebrates the release from solitary confinement with a horse ride Queen Elizabeth II celebrates the release from solitary confinement with a horse ride. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, aged 94, went out this weekend, for the first time since the imposition of isolation restrictions, for a horseback ride around Windsor Castle, according to images published by the media. British media, EFE reports on Monday. The British sovereign was seen riding in a saddle on her horse 'Balmoral Fern', on the ground surrounding Windsor Castle, dressed in her favorite outfit, writes Agerpres. Queen Elizabeth II isolated herself in Windsor with her husband, Prince Philip, 98, and a small group of employees due to restrictions imposed by the British executive in late March to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. In the last image before the isolation, the queen was seen driving out of Buckingham Palace (London) on March 19, accompanied by her two dogs, Candy and Vulcan. The Queen kept her official duties until the day before the isolation measures were enacted, although she kept in touch by telephone with Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In the new images, the queen is seen riding in a tweed suit, with a multicolored headscarf, white gloves and riding boots. Elizabeth II celebrated her birthday on April 21, in solitary confinement with Prince Philip, as the celebrations of her birthday were canceled in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
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  18. With the police on his trail, the youtuber who instigates the rape of minors apologizes: 'I was in the chase for likes. I have a girlfriend of 6 years' A well-known Romanian youtuber, Alexandru Balan, with over 850,000 followers on his channel, scandalized public opinion through a series of statements made against underage girls. Alexandru Bălan, "Colo", as he is known in the online environment, told his friends about an experience he had with a minor and also approached the way today's students look. After the release of this film, the Capital Police opened an investigation, in which they investigate the youtuber for the statements he made. Alexandru Bălan came up with a video entitled "I apologize". The statements for which Bălan is being investigated, now, were made "a few years ago", as he himself claims in the clip. "I was in a hurry for likes and views. I wanted a lot of people to look at me, "he said, among other things. He added: "I made a bad joke. Sorry. This whole clip is taken from a live entertainment I did a few years ago. I apologize for the inconvenience. It is neither my moral values nor my way of thinking. I do not agree with violence against women. I didn't have the best thought, some time ago when that video was made. We didn't have this number of subscribers either, we were making fun of everything. I am aware of this now that I have realized that many children are following me. I regret that I promoted some things on the internet ".
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  19. The term computer science refers to the science of systematic information processing, especially computer processing. The corresponding English term is Computer Science. Historically, computer science has developed as a science in mathematics, while the development of the first computers has its origins in electrical engineering and telecommunications. Therefore, the computer is only the device on which the theoretical concepts are implemented. Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra said: "In computer science you have to deal with the computer, as in astronomy you have to deal with the telescope." Do not confuse computer science with information technology or information theory.
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  20. Felicitări robila pentru up! Meriți mai mult!! ? Toată munca depusă, activ, ajuți, etc. Good job și succes pe mai departe, poate ajungi Administrator, cine știe? ?

    1. robila


      Mersi, sa speram?

  21. Happy Birthday to all kids! It's 1 June 2020, have a wonderful day to all kids!! ?

  22. Hello! Today somehow i've reached 200 posts and i want to thanks to few members of STAFF that i appreciate them being here and support me.

    @#PREDATOR, @robila, @Ntgthegamer, @-Sn!PeR-, @The GodFather@YaKuZa--BoSs@axelxcapo, @Mr.Love, @Roselina ♣ flowers. ❤️ You are awesome guys and i really appreciate you, i will never forgive you, you will be in my heart forever. Keep it going and it's pleasure to be here on this community.

    Kind regards, Alex009!


    P.S: i should thanks to other STAFF members. ?

    @Amaranth, @Nıco, @Sethhh., @Nexy, @REVAN, @pulse.exe, @Meh Rez vM ! ♫, @-Dark, @Qween ?, @myCro ?, @SKYFALL. And if you ask me why i tag all, because i love the community, not because i want you to watch my profile, it's just because i love all of you, i love STAFF members!! ❤️ Thank you so much!

    1. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Good luck mate , totally pround of what you have done here !
      Keep going 

    2. robila
  23. Ford has expanded the range of the Puma model, offering additional equipment and engine options. Customers can now choose, for the first time, between a Ford Puma with a 1.5-liter 120 hp EcoBlue diesel engine, a Ford Puma equipped with a seven-speed automatic transmission and dual clutch and a new luxury equipment variant - Puma ST-Line Vignale . Ford has invested approximately 200 million euros in its state-of-the-art production unit in Craiova to support the production of the Puma model. Thus, Ford's investment in Craiova from 2008 to date amounts to 1.5 billion euros. Comprehensive range of Ford Puma engines with 1.5-liter EcoBlue diesel engine, 120 hp and six-speed manual transmission is a compelling option for long-distance drivers - delivering from 99 g / km of CO2 emissions and consumption from 3.8 l / 100 km in NEDC mode (from 118 g / km and 4.5 l / 100 km in WLTP mode). A new option, seven-speed automatic transmission, is available for the 1.0litriEcoBoost petrol engine of 125 hp, providing CO2 emissions of 110 g / km, and a fuel consumption starting from 4.9 l / 100 km NEDC (from 137 g / km and 6.0 l / 100 km WLTP). The higher number of transmission ratios and dual-clutch functionality allow for perfect gear changes and help optimize fuel consumption and improve driving comfort and dynamics. Ford Puma customers at the end of last year were among the first to benefit from 48-volt Ford mild-hybrid technology for increased fuel efficiency. EcoBoost Hybrid engines are offered in two power variants, in combination with six-speed manual transmissions: • EcoBoostHybrid of 1.0 liters and 125 hp, with CO2 emissions of 97 g / km and a fuel consumption efficiency of NEDC of 4.3 l / 100 km (from 126 g / km and 5.5l / 100 km WLTP) • EcoBoost Hybrid of 1.0 liters and 155 hp, with CO2 emissions of 99 g / km and a fuel efficiency of 4.4 l / 100 km NEDC (from 126 g / km and 5.5 l / 100 km WLTP) The luxurious Puma ST-Line Vignale Based on the Puma ST-Line sports variant, the Puma ST-Line Vignale offers extra style and premium specifications. Unique details include satin aluminum upper grille, black lower grille, lower body bumper and a large rear spoiler. Standard equipment includes LED headlights, seats with Windsor leather upholstery, Manacor leather-wrapped steering wheel, premium B&O sound system and Ford KeyFree system. The equipment variants available for the Puma, Titanium, Titanium X and ST-Line X models feature innovative technologies in the standard, including the post-impact braking pre-collision assistance system, as well as the versatile Ford MegaBox storage solution, capable of house objects up to about 115 cm high - such as houseplants or golf equipment - in an upright position. The extended Ford Puma range is available for orders at authorized Ford dealers in Romania. Earlier this month, Ford announced that a new Ford Performance model, the Puma ST, will join the range later this year.
  24. The terraces will be booked, from June 1, according to the relaxation measures published in the Official Gazette. It is recommended to establish one-way circuits for customers, writes Digi24. It will be forbidden to transfer menus or salt shakers and olives and other objects from one table to another, these being disinfected after the departure of customers. A maximum of four people will sit at the same table, and the staff serving customers will wear masks and gloves. Now I have opened the terraces. The next step will be to open restaurants. In summer, people prefer to sit on the terrace. It would not be a big risk if we opened the restaurants on June 15, said the Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu.
  25. Open letter to the Minister of Education - Teachers denounce an unfair provision: 'It puts us in a humiliating position' A provision in a ministerial order arouses the dissatisfaction of teachers. Teachers from the "Gheorghe Lazăr" National College in Bucharest are asking Minister Anisie to waive the obligation to obtain parental consent for grading online activity during the pandemic. Teachers find this provision humiliating, because it introduces the presumption that the assessment is subjective and potentially incorrect. The open letter of the teachers from the "Gheorghe Lazăr" National College is also supported by the Alliance of Centennial Colleges. We fully reproduce the open letter: To the Minister of Education, Mrs. Monica Anisie Dear Minister, We, the teaching staff of the “Gheorghe Lazăr” National College, are writing to you to express our indignation towards the provisions of the article of art. 1, point 8, letter d) of OMEC no. 429/2020 - "The capitalization of the online activity through a grade / grade is done with the consent of the parent / legal supporter." We all understand that we are going through a difficult and unique period, in which both we and the children are affected. We understand that this measure has been designed to prevent some additional difficulties. However, we consider that this article of the law is hasty and unfair. Asking the parent / student for the grading of the online activity is an act that undermines the teacher's authority ("authority" in the sense of scientific expertise) and puts us, the teachers, in a humiliating position. The article, as it is now worded, tacitly implies the assumption that the assessment we make is subjective and potentially incorrect, so it must be validated by the student's legal representative. As teachers in a prestigious educational institution, we know that the assessment must be done correctly and in this sense we have performance criteria and standards that guide our process. We also understand and respect the principle that any grade we give must be justified by clear evidence. We also know that the student must be informed and receive all the explanations regarding the grade obtained. If his grade is not justified, then there are legitimate ways to challenge it. However, the obligation to seek the consent of the student or parent for the award of a grade does not fall within the principle set out above. It is an unjustified act, because it offers a discretionary right to the parent to favor a non-unitary and subjective evaluation, which undermines the quality of the evaluation and creates a completely bad precedent for the learning process in general. Article 72, paragraph 1 of the National Education Law provides: "Assessment focuses on competencies, provides real feedback to students and is the basis of individual learning plans." However, if the award of a grade is conditioned by a manifestation of discretionary will on the part of the parent, the assessment is no longer focused on competencies (which only the teacher is able to appreciate), but on the unilateral will of the parent, whose education law does not allows him to assess his child's academic skills. Given the fact that we all want to be professionals and we want the good of the education system, as people who are valuable to children and adolescents today and tomorrow, we hope that you will take into account our opinion and give up the article mentioned. Regards, Prof. Nicolae Victor Prof. Mariana Nicolaescu Prof. Roxana Veleanovici Prof. Daniela Nedelcu Prof. Vadasz Levente Prof. Elena Ștefan Prof. Viorica Stanescu Prof. Daniela Moraru Prof. Corina Radu Prof. Monica Alexandrescu Prof. Gabriela Ianoș Prof. Simona Popa Prof. Ramona Ignat Prof. Elena Sticlea Prof. Toader Cristian Prof. Anca Roman Prof. Monica Taliu Prof. Roxana Banu Prof. Rodica Dincă Prof. Ileana Ionescu Prof. Petre Bădoiu Prof. Manuela Mișcoci Prof. Vlad Copil Prof. Mariana Vasile Prof. Tudor Dăneț Prof. Maria Catana Prof. Silviu Dumitru Prof. Camelia Stîngă Prof. Dumitra Stoica Prof. Cristian Ciobănescu Prof. Bogdan Petre Prof. Alexandru Hânțari Prof. Mihai Ivancea Prof. Dorina Dan Prof. Velican Alexandra Prof. Dorina Nedelea Prof. Stoica Aurelia Prof. Melania Hancescu Prof. Lucia Coc Prof. Paul Buga Prof. Dragoș Păduraru Prof. Irina de Hillerin Prof. Năstasie Adina Prof. Cristina Vasile Prof. Ștefan Ștefania Prof. George Liviu Bănulescu Prof. Magdalena Micu Prof. Florin Rușanu Prof. Paula Vătui Prof. Anda-Irina Sturza
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