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Posts posted by Master_Kill







    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" // Nightvision
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" // Explosion Nade
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" // Napalm Nade
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" // Frost Nade
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 5" // Killing Nade
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 6" // AWP Magnum Sniper
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 7" // M249 Para Machinegun


    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Survivor
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2"  // Sniper
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Nemesis
    bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Assassin







    bind "KEY" "say @Add server to favorite"


    bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Attack Or 3x Slap -> 1x Freeze -> 1x Slay!]"


    bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Shoot Other Player's LM Or Direct Slay!]"


    bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Ask For Ammo/Mod/Jetpack/Points Or Gag (6 Minutes!]"


    bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Block Other Player's Or Direct Slay!]"


    bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Out Of Water Or Direct Freeze!]"


    bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Go On The Top Of The Map Or 3x Slap -> 1x Slay!]"

  2. Vrei să fii VIP - Pe ZModschool?




    * Daune mai mari + Mai Mult Ammo

    * +300+ Sănătate în Spawn 

    * +300 de armură în spawn 

    * +4 Salturi în Spawn 

    * Model alb VIP Player | Model Alb De Vip.

    * Etichetă VIP pe tabloul de bord | VIP Tag In Tabla De Scoruri.




    Prețuri și perioade

    * 1x VIP lunar = 7€ 

    * 2x VIP lunar = 14€ 

    * 3x VIP lunar = 21€ 

    * VIP permanent = 50€ 



    Contact și metode de plată



    Metoda: PayPal [PayPal https://www.paypal.me/MasterkillZM ] / IBAN - RO14 RZBR 0000 0600 2240 1612 







    VIP benefits


    * Higher Damage + More Ammo 

    * +300+ Health In Spawn 

    * +300 Armor In Spawn 

    * +4 Jumps In Spawn 

    * White VIP Player Model | Model Alb De Vip.

    * VIP Tag On Scoreboard | VIP Tag In Tabla De Scoruri.




    * 1x VIP lunar = 7€ 

    * 2x VIP lunar = 14€ 

    * 3x VIP lunar = 21€ 

    * VIP permanent = 50€ 





    Metoda: PayPal [PayPal https://www.paypal.me/MasterkillZM  ] / IBAN - RO14 RZBR 0000 0600 2240 1612



    ¤ Nickname: 

    ¤ Name: 

    ¤ Age: 

    ¤ Country: 

    ¤ City: 

    ¤ Favorite Games:

    ¤ Favorite Shows:   

    ¤ Favorite Movies:

    ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: 

    ¤ What would you like to do in life:

    ¤ Favorite actor - why ?:  

    ¤ Favorite actress - why ?: 

    ¤ Do you smoke? / What brand of cigarettes do you smoke:

    ¤ Favorite alcoholic drink: 

    ¤ Favorite juice: 

    ¤ In what country would you like to live: 

    ¤ Favorite football team: 

    ¤ Car models: 

    ¤ A brief description about you: 

    ¤ How did you find Zmoldschool?: 

    ¤ If you won 1 million dollars, what would be the first thing you do?: 

  4. Acum 11 minute, Pansher-™™ a spus:

    ¤ Your Nickname (Same as in the Forum): Pansher

    ¤ Age: 19

    ¤ Languages That You Can Speak:Aradic and English


    ¤ Your Location: Egypt in Cairo

    ¤ Experience As Admin (Last Server - GameTracker Link):yes

    ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM):5:12

    ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( CLICK HERE You Must Write Your Nickname ELGZAR

    ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: | Love playing Counter Strike

    ¤ Admin - Password: (Read The Admin - Rules To Find It) idontcare2023


    Accepted Send my nick/tag/pw in PM 



    ¤ Your Nickname (Same as in the Forum): 
    ¤ Your Address (Facebook, Skype): 
    ¤ Age: 
    ¤ Languages That You Can Speak:
    ¤ Your Location: 
    ¤ Experience As Admin (Last Server - GameTracker Link):
    ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM):
    ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( CLICK HERE You Must Write Your Nickname
    ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: 
    ¤ Admin - Password: (Read The Admin - Rules To Find It) 

  6. Nick în joc;
    Ore jucate;
    Gradul actual;

    Cerinte pentru ca o cerere sa fie acceptata:
    Co-Owner => 200 ore 
    Elder => 160 ore 
    Prince => 130 ore 
    God => 100 ore 
    Semi-God => 85 ore
    Moderator=> 70 ore
    Admin=> 40 ore

    - Daca nu respecti modelu si cerintele, cererea este respinsa automat;
    - Trebuie sa aveti minim 14 zile de la ultima voastra cerere de admin;
    - Daca cererea de Upgrade este acceptata, o noua cerere va fi facuta dupa 30 de zile;
    - Titlul cereri sa fie "Cerere up" si numele vostru de pe server;
    - Cererea de UP v-a permite sa primiti doar +1 la grad-ul actual;
    - Cererea poate fi deschisa pana la 24h;
    - Fiecare admin este obligat sa-si dea cu parerea (Pro/Contra) la cererie de upgrade;
    - Puteti obtine upgrade mai rapid daca primiti multe opinii in cadrul topicului.

    @ Noi ne rezervam dreptul de a ne alege adminii/staff-ul;

  7. In-game nick:
    Played hours:
    Current rank:


    Cerinte pentru ca o cerere sa fie acceptata:
    Co-Owner => 200 ore 
    Elder => 160 ore 
    Prince => 130 ore 
    God => 100 ore 
    Semi-God => 85 ore
    Moderator=> 70 ore
    Admin=> 40 ore

    - If you don't respect the model & conditions, the request will be automatly rejected;
    - You have to have at least 14 days by your last admin request;
    - If the upgrade request it's accepted, a new one will be made after 30 days;
    - Title of the request will be "Request up" and your name from the server;
    - Upgrade request will allow you to receive +1 for your current rank;
    Request can be let open untill 7 days;
    Every admin it's compelled to give his oppinion (Pro/Contra) for every upgrade request;
    - You can get upgrade sooner if you receive many opinions inside the topic.

    @ We reserve our right to choose the admins/staff;

  8. Admin Rules



    • ZP Commands


    Xh5B7a4.gif It's not allowed to use them in first five rounds of the map.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_nemesis, Zp_assassin, Zp_sniper, Zp_survivor, Zp_hybrid can be used 2 times in 12 hours in own benefit or give it to players, also can be used once per map. 

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_zombie, Zp_human, Zp_respawn are allowed max 1 time per map and can be used only if the current Mode is normal Infection.

    Xh5B7a4.gif If an admin gave to player mod, not allowed to give him another mod in the same map.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_jetpack is allowed max 2 times per map.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_jetpacktoall can be used max 1 time per map.
    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_giveap cannot be used if any player has more than 180 ammo, also it cannot be used with more than 100 ammo (in own benefit or give it to players).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_giveap cannot be used more than 1 time per map.
    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_allammo can be used with max 100 ammo to all (would be nice if admins do not give every map and make it too easy for the players) can be used max 1 time per map.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zp_points can be use with max 50 and just 1 time in 24 hours - in own benefit or give it to players.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Whoever will brake the zp commands rules, will be sanctioned without exception.



    • Votemap


    Xh5B7a4.gif If you want to Votemap first talk with your Admins colleagues.

    Xh5B7a4.gif You must check /lastmap before using votemap. You cannot vote on any of those maps.
    Xh5B7a4.gif After the default Vote of the Server talk with your colleagues if you are going to keep the Map or choose another.
    Xh5B7a4.gif Don't change the Map like you want, always start a Vote for the players and make a vote with Maps for the right quantity of Players.
    Xh5B7a4.gif It's not allowed to use Votemap in the middle of the Map time. 
    Xh5B7a4.gif If a map that is in /lastmap is voted on by the server, you must use votemap.
    Xh5B7a4.gif When its 1st extend you can give a votemap (Optional), On 2nd extend its mandatory to give a votemap.



    • Notes For Managers


    ¤  Managers must let open the topics for request Request/Report Admin etc.. for a minimum of 12 hours and maximum 24 hours.
    ¤  Managers have to publish on the Forum their Add, Upgrades, Downgrades, Removes for any "Admin/Player".

    ¤  In report of admins, just managers (from co-owner and up) can reply their opinions and take the final decision. 

    ¤  When a Manager has already published in a Report, only that Manager has the right to publish and/or take the final decision unless need a Daddy Boss intervences.

    ¤  No one can be added as admin without a request somewhere: in looking for staff or at our forum  at "request admin" section. Even if they

    buy rank you need to post it.
    ¤  Co-Owners, Owners and Founders have prohibited from Adding/Upgrade/Downgrade/Removed admins with the same grades. Example: (Co owners can't Add/Upgrade/Downgrade/Removed other Co-Owner, just Owners/Founders can) Who break it will be Suspended/Removed.



    • Notes For Admins

    ¤  Admin which used Zp for himself must take big care for the Rules, the best is to use Zp on Players in order to help the Server.

    ¤  Admins who don't post their Bans in Banlist will be given a Warning at first, if they continue they will be Suspended for 5 Days.

    ¤  Admins who did not read the Rules: Go read it, because any small mistake you are doing can get you Suspended then Removed.        
    ¤  The access of Admin needs ensuring the security for it and this implies keeping the Password a secret known only by yourselves and Owners.

    ¤  Admins must be on in WhatsApp/Forum/Ts3/Discord, you don't need to be online in all of them, 2 is enough as long you help players, and

    keep communicate with rest of the staff it's fine. 

    ¤  Admins who do not follow the rules will be sanctioned/eliminated.

    ¤  Admins who give managers a message to upgrade will get Suspend/Downgrade/Remove. 

    ¤  Upgrades cannot be given without notifying and talking with the other admins/managers.

    ¤  After 3 to 4 weeks from the last upgrade date, an admin can receive upgrade.

    ¤  When upgrading someone it must be taken into consideration: activity in server + forum, implication, behaviour, loyalty.



    • General Notes

    ¤  Start slap players that make camp in last 2 minutes and freeze in last minute of extending round.
    ¤  You are not allowed to use Command on other Admins only Founder/Daddy Bosses can use it.
    ¤  Only Founders/Boss can stay spectator in the Server, others can stay Afk. (Exception for admins that make a demo for players that run hacks or stay to see if anyone brake the rules)
    ¤  You are not allowed to use Zp_nemesis, Zp_assassin, Zp_survivor, Zp_Sniper, Zp_hybrid if any Player has 180 Ammos or more.
    ¤  If you use Zp_nemesis, Zp_assassin you are not allowed to buy another Mod in the same Map (Chose one buy or Zp).
    ¤  It is forbidden to use y + @ for random things (hello, hi, bye all etc.). That is used only for announcements to the players for important things.
    ¤  Spamming y + @ for more than 2-3 times per round is forbidden (zm attack, no block, no shoot lm etc.). It is enough to warn the players with 2 messagges, after that admins can take action (slap/slay/freeze etc.).
    ¤  It is forbidden to ask Mods/Jp/Ammo from Players.
    ¤  The game between Players and Admins with bad words or Insults is prohibited. Example:(Noob, idiot, any word that is offensive or disrespectful to another) Who break it will be punished with Gag/Ban in case of being a Player and for the Admins Suspend/Removed.
    ¤  Nickname must be same as Forum name.
    ¤  Adminis who are not active on the server and the afk night will be sanctioned.
    ¤ Former admins/managers after they return from their absence cannot just ask their old rank back. Please do not insist! Server admins and managers will discuss and make a call to your request if to give the old rank back or not.
    ¤  Whoever wants a higher degree on the server needs to comply the rules, make activity, implication both forum and server. Just activity on the server is not enough for upgrade, We all need to be active.
    ¤ Anyone who does not respect everything here will be eliminated, because I'm tired of complaining to me that no one complies with the rules.
    ¤  Please note all admins and managers are active or afk during the night because the server drops a lot.

    ¤  Proof is required for all bans and destroy commands used over a player.
    ¤  It is forbidden that an admin use an order on another admin only the Founders/Daddy boss have this right.

    ¤  In order to obtain your Admin

    write in your request this: idontcare2023

    • I love it 2



    • Gag


    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who continuously Spam will receive Gag (6 min).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who keep on asking for Ammo/Mods/Jetpack will receive (Warning before) Gag (6 min).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Insult must receive Gag (12 min).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who abuse in English or any other Language must receive Gag (12 min).

    Xh5B7a4.gif The game between Players and Admins with bad words or insults is prohibited. Example:(Noob, idiot, any word that is offensive or disrespectful to another). Must receive Gag (6 min).



    • Slap


    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who are under Map (Maximum 3 Slap).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Zombies who are camping to extend the Round (Warning 3 Slap Next Slay).



    • Slay


    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Block or Zombies which Camp will receive Slay.

    Xh5B7a4.gif If someone buys Nemesis and kills everyone but protects an enemy, receives Slay.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Giving free in Armageddon Round with Nemesis is not allowed and will be followed by Slay.

    Xh5B7a4.gif It's also given to those who shoots and even destroys other persons /lm.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Using /lm (Laser Mine) on Afk Zombies is forbidden , and will lead to a Slay. Only allowed during Survivor mod.

    Xh5B7a4.gif During Armageddon, any nemesis with a grade lower than Co-Owner not using auto-attack will be given slay.



    • Freeze


    Xh5B7a4.gif If Zombies Don't Attack in Mods (Plague, Nightmare, Sniper, Survivor, Swarm).

    Xh5B7a4.gif If Zombies Camp in Water they receive Freeze.



    • Using Points


    Xh5B7a4.gif It is not allowed to buy ammo through points in first 5 rounds or will recive Ban (60-120 Minutes).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Using God Mod/Double Damage only at Armageddon/Nightmare Rounds or will followed by slay.



    • Ban


    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Retry after Gag gets Ban (60 Minutes).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who are using M5 when they are Zombie gets Ban (60 Minutes).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Retry as Last Zombie gets Ban (60 Minutes).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who use Hacks/Scrips will receive Ban (5000 Minutes/Permanent).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who advertise for other Servers gets Ban (Permanent).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who change  Model from Console will receive Ban (60min-120min-Permanently).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Insult God/Religion/Any part of the Family will receive Ban (3000 Minutes).

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who using bhop will receive Ban (5000 Minutes).



    • Destroy


    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Insult God/Religion/Any part of the Family.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who are in the Blacklist/Banned for using Hacks/Reconnect after temporary Ban.

    Xh5B7a4.gif Players who are using hacks 



    • Notes


    ¤  It is forbidden to use any kind of Hacks/Scripts. 

    ¤  It's forbidden to take human mod map after map. 

    Special Rule for following Mods: Survivor/Sniper
    If map 1: Sniper
    Valid options map 2: nemesis/assassin/hybrid
    If map 3: Survivor
    Valid options map 4: nemesis/assassin/hybrid

    This is just an example to buy mods, you can choose to buy them in your own order as long you take a break 1 Map between mods( Survivor/Sniper)
    ¤  Also it's forbidden to buy hybrid/survivor/sniper/assassin/nemesis in the same Map if we caught you , you will be

    ¤  For the following mods: assassin/nemesis/hybrid you can buy them map after map as long you don't buy any other human mod in the same map (Survivor/Sniper), so please see little example above again.

    ¤  Good English is compulsory.

    ¤  Hiding is only compulsory during survivor mod. During sniper mod, it is not compulsory to hide.

    ¤  Using /lm (Laser Mine) on Afk Zombies is forbidden, and will lead to a Slay. (Except when you're survivor)

    ¤  The game between Players and Admins with bad words or Insults is prohibited. Example:(Noob, idiot, any word that is offensive or disrespectful to another) Who break it will be punished with Gag/Ban in case of being a Player and for the Admins Suspend/Removed.

    ¤  Any player/admin with a grade lower than co-owner will be kicked after staying afk for more than 1 hour without auto attack.

    ¤  Buying human mod 2 maps in a row is forbidden (Players/Admins--Anyone caught will be warned/slayed/suspended/removed) 

    ¤  If any admin decide to give you any mod it's forbidden to buy again mod in the same map.

    ¤  If server give you mod it's forbidden to buy again mod in the same map (you will receive slay), if you buy mod and then server give you mod it's fine.

  10. In-game nick:
    Played hours:
    Current rank:


    Cerinte pentru ca o cerere sa fie acceptata:
    Co-Owner => 200 ore 
    Elder => 160 ore 
    Prince => 130 ore 
    God => 100 ore 
    Semi-God => 85 ore
    Moderator=> 70 ore
    Admin=> 40 ore

    - If you don't respect the model & conditions, the request will be automatly rejected;
    - You have to have at least 14 days by your last admin request;
    - If the upgrade request it's accepted, a new one will be made after 30 days;
    - Title of the request will be "Request up" and your name from the server;
    - Upgrade request will allow you to receive +1 for your current rank;
    Request can be let open untill 7 days;
    Every admin it's compelled to give his oppinion (Pro/Contra) for every upgrade request;
    - You can get upgrade sooner if you receive many opinions inside the topic.

    @ We reserve our right to choose the admins/staff;

    • I love it 2
  11. Nick în joc;
    Ore jucate;
    Gradul actual;

    Cerinte pentru ca o cerere sa fie acceptata:
    Co-Owner => 200 ore 
    Elder => 160 ore 
    Prince => 130 ore 
    God => 100 ore 
    Semi-God => 85 ore
    Moderator=> 70 ore
    Admin=> 40 ore

    - Daca nu respecti modelu si cerintele, cererea este respinsa automat;
    - Trebuie sa aveti minim 14 zile de la ultima voastra cerere de admin;
    - Daca cererea de Upgrade este acceptata, o noua cerere va fi facuta dupa 30 de zile;
    - Titlul cereri sa fie "Cerere up" si numele vostru de pe server;
    - Cererea de UP v-a permite sa primiti doar +1 la grad-ul actual;
    - Cererea poate fi deschisa pana la 24h;
    - Fiecare admin este obligat sa-si dea cu parerea (Pro/Contra) la cererie de upgrade;
    - Puteti obtine upgrade mai rapid daca primiti multe opinii in cadrul topicului.

    @ Noi ne rezervam dreptul de a ne alege adminii/staff-ul;

    • I love it 1
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