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Everything posted by cani*

  1. bad Activity now But make it good fast u can. A chance from me PRO
  2. When u stay Activy in next day u get a Pro from me . When u Not stay active Contra From me.
  3. Your nick:cani* Your ip ( www.iptest.ro? Your STEAMID: how to find? The reason you have been banned:idk The admin who banned you:idk The time:21:50 Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo):no
  4. ¤ Date / Time :Now ¤ Nick: cani* ¤ IP: ¤ Time of ban: permamently ¤ Reason: idk ¤ Proof: no sorry i request for unban in banlist . my request is now in unbanrequest ?
  5. Why u remove? Contra from me . Inactive Good luck next time ?
  6. a big PRO for u Deagle ? a good player and u help player*
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