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Everything posted by . PREDATOR

  1. This name, this color , this area. 
    Dayum that’s nostalgic, you just brought me back to my golden days. 
    It’s glad to see you around after all this time! 
    #H6F ❤️

    1. XZoro


      yooo bro, glad to see u again, miss old days walh H6f, thx buddy ❤️ 

  2. You look like the failed first draft of a final fantasies character.😂

    Ez Snitch 😘

  3. Damn boy 



  4. I've already said before that the only thing i like in @Filex Dragneel that he always tryin' to makes me special ! 


    At least i'm still above in amx_who...

    1. aRbi~


      me admin pliz me good ownar ? 

    2. -Apex


      mi activ giv mi halper

    3. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      You no good me bad me no friend you me you suck u me dick me give you hilpar 

  5. Words can't describe how i'm feeling right now .

    seeing someone who took you to your best and led you to discover and find out things that you wasn't aware about and affording his time to train you and make you believe in your skills , gives a true bad feeling .

    i won't say i will stop , but i'll  always make you proud of me sir .

    You're a miracle , you'll never be forgotten , you'll be always in our hearts  .

    keep in mind ! You've made this community ! 

    Stay safe , much love , much care and much respect ❤️ 

    I'll drop this link as it means alot to me :



    1. myCro


      Dude, i love you!

      i don't have words at this moment to describe the happiness some of you can create through the words you say, just: i love you ♥ always!

  6. Wait what i'm i seeing ??? 

    What's happenin' here , for god sake please tell me it's not what i'm thinking !

    1. myCro


      Sure it does, i am lacking time and wish to focus, sadly after more than 10 years of communities the final time has come 😄 , i've grown out of this to enjoy it at is fullest.

  7. Unleash your zombie server gaming experience with the best tricks & cheats, take a look it's incredibly Awesome ! 

    All rights reserved to the plugin Author : @Filex Dragneel

  8. Since you're tryin' to provide us and the project your support i won't be against your request. You got accepted !
  9. Still lookin' for some money to buy a CS STEAM ? 

    Are planning to buy one ? 

    I think you'll change your mind when you check out this Counter Strike version below : 

    Special thanks to the Sponsor @Filex Dragneel

    1. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Dude leave us alone we have our business 😂

  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. Well done , keep going forward !

    1. S9OUL.


      Know so, Thanks indeed bro. ❤️

  12. Here you go ! 

    You made it and congratulations ! 

    You trully deserve it 😉

    1. -TITAN


      Thank you my brother for everything ❤️

  13. This Amazin' author took it over the waves with his creativities ! 



    @Filex Dragneel Well done you never stopped amazing us ! 


    Ps : You could check out his creativities in Cs resources section and don't forget to contact him if you needed anything private and special for you own server 😉

    Customize your server with a better plugins and original ones that you have never seen before ! 

  14. . PREDATOR reacted to a reply to a status update

    1. QeLi


      . PREDATOR said he will never do this again

      2 days ago

  15. Scammer t3 sbi 

    1. YaKoMoS



  16. . PREDATOR sent you 300 Devil Coins.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR


      @Revo 324 😂😂😂 Ya wdi Rani na3ti fehom fi devil coins 

      @N I N J A x) Dude 😂😂

    3. QeLi


      Predator reacted to a status uptade

    4. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Hahaha shut up i won't make this shit again, i regretted

  17. What about a Free Cs Steam ? 



    1. Sxynix


      Mal9awch cont wla drahem hhhh !

    2. QeLi


      I dont need it but its prety good for non steam players

  18. . PREDATOR is now following you.

    1. denisdike01
    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR


      Khaled i can't mention you but 

      والله تعليمك 😂😂

      @Angrry.exe™ Lah yahfdk 

    3. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Khaled i think i found the person who surpassed all of us 😂😂😂 ( @N I N J A x) )

  19. Wsh ya lahbiba rak tetmanyk , ambara7 9oltli nemchi njib cake 3la bali for the new year machi your birthday . Aya bien khouya joyeux anniversaire w kol 3am w nta b khir ❤💐
  20. . PREDATOR has posted a new status update.

    1. Revo


      واش راك تاتمنيك اخي العزيز 

    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      ياخي وين المشكلة أصلا 😂

  21. I tried to be your guide , i gave you so many advices ( the best way of successing , working for your targets till you achieve them ) ... 

    I don't really know why people decide to go to the wrong place instead of being where they belong to, where they are well treated and where they get the respect and appreciation they deserve. 

    I won't blame you , it was your own decision to follow the wrong ppl , but it could've been better if you left in a good way , it's a shame , you disappointed me . 




      This won't make any difference. He's banned now. He have much time now to think about his mistakes. And trying to learn from it. Maybe he will had a sec chance in future'. Like many others. 

  22. I came over 2021 with a new proposal . 

    Check it out 😉



  23. I'm i the only overthinking person here ??!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      @S9OUL. This makes a huge sense . Thanks for the convincing info

    3. -Apex
    4. QeLi


      Yes you are not 

  24. Are you wonderring how 6.2 Addons could be modified with such a better and incredible version ? 

    Then you need to check out these awesome & original modifications which branded ThunderZM ! 




  25. I think you got the main reason of putting you in pending .

    You proved us that you trully deserve the rank , Welcome to Devil Harmony. 

    Good luck.

    1. BLaCK.DeVIl


      Thank u bro 🙂


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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