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Filex Dragneel

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Everything posted by Filex Dragneel

  1. i vote for DH2, i liked the song
  2. • Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) : Filex Dragneel • Your Age : 16 • Profile link : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/71001-filex-dragneel/ • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? : 5-6h a day for both forum & ts3 • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : hmm not sure , by active and giving some ideas for the project (wheenver these ideas comes in mind) • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? : 8/10 • Other informations about your request ? : no • Last request link : First
  3. For all my friends, a cs 1.6 better than steam :))


    It has synhronization for Steam CS 1.6 (You can run it from Steam like you use the original cs 1.6)

  4. Quote

    Upcoming plugin in the next 4-5 days - Knife Models Menu

    1. Add/Delete/Edit the knifes in the menu from ftp (.ini file)
    2. Works only on csbd addons
    3. 100% compability for csbd addons
    4. The ability to make specific knifes from the menu for vips (csbd vip) or admins only. ( or the entire menu only for vips or admins)

    Finished the plugin earlier than i expected :), for these who are interested in it , here is a link -> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/375903-amxx-knives-menu-works-only-on-zp-62-csbd-addons/


    If there is a plugin you want for your server and cant find it or want someone to make it , you can request here , i'll try my best :). -> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/79-requests/
    Also from tomorrow i'll start making amxx tutorials in this section -> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/18114-amxx-scriptingtutorials/


  5. - new profile songs and thanks to my friend for making my new avatar @King_of_lion :).

  6. Upcoming plugin in the next 4-5 days - Knife Models Menu

    1. Add/Delete/Edit the knifes in the menu from ftp (.ini file)
    2. Works only on csbd addons
    3. 100% compability for csbd addons
    4. The ability to make specific knifes from the menu for vips (csbd vip) or admins only. ( or the entire menu only for vips or admins)
    1. YOUSEFD12


      unabn me in newlifezm only

    2. YOUSEFD12


      why you are laughing 

    3. YOUSEFD12


      you arent funny -_-

  7. Servers list using a plugin made by me (updated every 24h by gametracker) - https://www.gametracker.com/search/cs/?search_by=server_variable&search_by2=plugin_author&query=fixikBG

    The list is growing up with every day :))


    Server variable: plugin_author

    Value: fixikBG

    1. Prёттч™ ♛

      Prёттч™ ♛

      Flex hard worker :v always busy to make the best plugins 

  8. New cool update on our thunderzm panel - check it out!


  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. For these that dont know , these icons are shown to your name (just like server group icons). You need a myTeamSpeak account to setup badges.
    Go to Tools -> Options -> myTeamSpeak Account -> Login to your Account -> click on Reedem Badge


    TeamSpeak 3 Badge Codes:

    Happy New Year 2021: firework20

    Merry Christmas 2020: SNOWFLAKES

    Cyberpunk: ZP08ZKET4

    Braindance: P4TEKZ80PZ

    PolTeamgeist: TEAMSPOOKY

    Space Egg: JFE3U2V0N7

    Mind Egg: MKUUNY6GTY

    Time Egg: 9CFAMVLLXC

    Overwatch League: OWLSPEAK20

    Drone Champions League: DRONECHAMP

    Rocket Beans TV: RWGE2NURJZ

    Reality Egg: 1B2JFU7HNL

    Soul Egg: 1Y34SHJE0W

    Stay Home, Stay Safe: K7B03BHHBW



    1. Polito


      Reedem Badge ?

    2. Filex Dragneel

      Filex Dragneel

      I meant "Redeem code" xd


  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. i like the description of this ts3 badge :))


    The code for this badge is: firework20

    Tomorrow i'll post badge codes for all of these:


  13. Everything is logged ! Even zp_jetpack , zp_giveap and amx_exec and a few more !


  14. in 3 days , expect a plugin 'Advanced Logs' to catch your admins off guard :)).
    Features ?

    • Admin Chat Logs (can be disabled by editing .cfg )
    • Public Chat Logs (can be disabled by editing .cfg )
    • zp_jetpack & zp_giveap & amx_freeze & amx_exec logs (can be disabled by editing .cfg )
    • amx_psay logs (can be disabled by editing .cfg )
  15. Here is the anti-vpn plugin i promised :DD 


  16. Just finished an amazing plugin - Anti-VPN/Proxy (cs 1.6), gonna watch some anime and i'll upload it after few hours for ya all guys :).

  17. Till its removed, im not opening forum again... -_-


    1. BLaCK.DeVIl


      Always shows to me 


    2. nanelu


      Well this is a more protective option for our DDoS problems. You want the forum to be down or to be up all the time ? Don't be that salty about it, it's not a hard thing to do a captcha every 1 hour or so.

    3. Mr.Love


      It is better for you to see the forum down or you just make conversation here?

  18. a feature i made for myself only called "Private Model" ;).
    1st photo - me

    2nd photo - @YaKuZa--BoSs



  19. zm-2day0000.png

    1. shVury


      congrats for the children, hope to be like you!

    2. Dark-ImmoRtal^
    3. xioas
  20. Finally , 247 lj , trying for weeks... xD [ previous  best was 244 ] 
    Aiming for 250 -



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BULLET J@GU@R


      i can hardly do 150 :/

      maybe bcz of my internet or maybe my skillz :P


    3. NewBie?
    4. Filex Dragneel

      Filex Dragneel

      ffs @NewBie? , i can only Forwards -,-

  21. In this tutorial i'll show you how to setup/create/make your own FTP server. 1st let's start with , what's FTP and what is it about.. FTP or File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture using separate control and data connections between the client and the server. FTP users may authenticate themselves with a clear-text sign-in protocol, normally in the form of a username and password, but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it. For secure transmission that protects the username and password, and encrypts the content, FTP is often secured with SSL/TLS (FTPS) or replaced with SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Open Terminal by pressing CTRL+ALT+T The Terminal looks like this : Make sure your system is up to date. Type in the terminal the following commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Install Pure-FTPd Pure-FTPd is a free (BSD license) FTP Server with a strong focus on software security. Run the following command to install it: sudo apt-get install pure-ftpd Configure Pure-FTPd Aftter you have installed the FTP server , you'll find all of Pure-FTPd's configuration files in the directoy below. The diffrence between Pure-FTPd and the other FTP servers , is that there's not a single configuration file to configure Pure-FTPd. Diffrent settings have their own file. So, in the below location is where you’ll find the files for individual stetting. /etc/pure-ftpd/conf To configure Pure-FTPd and allow basic security, run the these commands. These commands set individual settings for the server. sudo bash echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/Daemonize echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/NoAnonymous echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/IPV4Only echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ProhibitDotFilesWrite exit Now , you need to restart the server , so these changes takes an effect , run the following command: sudo systemctl restart pure-ftpd Here are some other settings that you can add: Create FTP users Now let's create some users & passwords for your FTP server. I'll name my ftp user "fixik_admin" and I will give this user access to my Counter-Strike 1.6 Server files pure-pw useradd fixik_admin -u ftpuser -d /home/Desktop/My\ Files/Counter-Strike\ 1.6/Servers/hlds/27015 -m Now.. while executing this long command , i got an error saying passwd file: no such file or directory... To fix this , run the following commands : sudo touch /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.passwd sudo pure-pw mkdb -F /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb After that , try to run the command for creating user again... IMPORTANT: due to some errors , use the following command below instead of the one that is up: sudo pure-pw useradd fixik_admin -u 2 -g 2 -d /home/Desktop/My\ Files/Counter-Strike\ 1.6/Servers/hlds/27015 -m IMPORTANT: Everytime when you create a new user changed the numbers of "-u 2 -g 2" to something else. Syntax: sudo pure-pw useradd USERNAME -u ID -g ID -d FTP_Directory_FULL_PATH -m After you type this , you'll be asked what password you want to give to the user. Screenshot: Now finnaly to finish this.. , run the following command: sudo pure-pw mkdb Test your FTP Server Simply , open your FTP client like , WinSCP , FileZilla or any other ftp client.. i'll use my Browser and use the link ftp://MY_IP_Address
      • 1
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  22. Here you'll learn how to set up a cs 1.6 server on your linux. [ Part 2 ] Part 1 Link : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/348468-linux-tutorial-setting-up-a-counter-strike-16-server-part-1/ In this tutorial , part 2 , i'll show you how to install the following things on your server: ReHLDS ( downlad link ) ReGameDLL ( downlad link ) Metamod ( download link ) Reunion ( download link ) ReAuthChecker ( download link ) VTC or VoiceTranscoder ( download link ) Amx Mod X [ Base || Counter-Strike 1.6 addon ] Preapring files Use all download links provided here to download the necessary files , all links used here are taken from the official websites. After all files download , extract the archives in diffrent directories , so they don't merge each another. Important: about Amx Mod X - download both packages Base and Counter-Strike 1.6 Addon Important: In future some of the main folders might be named in diffrent way , currently the folders are named in the libary/mod's VERSION , i've downloaded ReHLDS Installation... Open the directory named "rehlds-dist-" , copy all files that are inside the folder and paste them in your server folder. While copying all files , click on "Merge" and "Replace" for all files/folders. While copying all files , click on "Merge" and "Replace" for all files/folders. ReGameDLL Installation.. Open the directory named "regamedll-dist-" , copy all files that are inside the folder and paste them in your server's cstrike folder folder. While copying all files , click on "Merge" and "Replace" for all files/folders. Metamod Installation... Open the directory named "metamod-1.21.1-am" , copy the whole folder "addons" into your server's cstrike folder. In your server's "cstrike" folder , find a file named "liblist.gam" and open it with a text editor like Notepad or Gedit It should looks like this : As you see there is a line with: gamedll_linux "dlls/cs.so" Edit that line , to this : gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod.so" Save the file and it should looks like this: 5. Reunion Installation... Open the directory named "reunion_0.1.0.92c/bin/Linux" , copy the file "reunion_mm_i386.so" to server's "addons/metamod/dlls" folder Open the directory named "reunion_0.1.0.92c" , copy the file "reunion.cfg" to server's "cstrike" folder Now go to your server's "addons/metamod/dlls" folder , and if the file "plugins.ini" doesn't exists , create it manually. After you opened/created "plugins.ini" , put the following line in it: linux addons/metamod/dlls/reunion_mm_i386.so Save and close the file... 6. ReAuthChecker Installation... Open the directory named "reauthcheck_0.1.6/Linux" , copy the the whole folder "addons" to server's "cstrike" folder. It might asks you if you want to "Merge" the folders , click on merge. Open the file "plugins.ini" in the directory "addons/metamod/dlls" Put the following text on a new line in the file: linux addons/reauthcheck/reauthcheck_mm_i386.so 7. VoiceTranscoder Installation... Open the directory named "VoiceTranscoder_2017RC5/VoiceTranscoder" , copy all files to server's "cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls" folder. After that.. just put the following line in "plugins.ini" in the directory "addons/metamod/dlls": linux addons/metamod/dlls/VoiceTranscoder.so It should looks like this : 8. Amx Mod X Installation... Open the folder named "amxmodx-1.8.2-base-linux" , copy the whole "addons" folder and copy it to your server's cstrike folder. Open the folder named "amxmodx-1.8.2-cstrike-linux" , copy the whole "addons" folder and copy it to your server's cstrike folder. While doing this , merge and replace any existing file... IMPORTANT: With a couple of words , you just need to Merge both packages , but it's important the cstrike package to be 2nd. After this , open "plugins.ini" in the directory "addons/metamod/dlls" and add this line: linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so 9. Test your server simply run your server. If you are getting this error as i do , cd to your server's directory where the file "hlds_linux" is and type the following command chmod +x ./hlds_linux Now let's try to run the server again: Now , we need to check if all plugins we installed are running , to do this type the following commands in your console: version // To check if ReHLDS is installed game version // To Check if ReGameDLL is installed meta list // to check if all metamod plugins are installed amxx list // to check if all amxmodx plugins are running amxx modules // to check if there is no error in the amxmodx modules
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  23. @Reus @DANGER__ @.-AdiiLo-. @aRbi~ - anyone else to tag me for the giveway -,- ?


    1. aRbi~


      hmmmm u need to say thanks for tags ? u ugly face 


    2. Filex Dragneel

      Filex Dragneel

      ye , thanks for spamming me with notifications :v
      +1 more - @SIN R1

    3. DANGER__


      Sorry mate. I tagged you accidentally.  I will edit it to remove you?

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