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Drosel last won the day on November 7 2019

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About Drosel

  • Birthday 07/07/1941


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  1. o.jpg

    Your mood is up to you. Only you yourself can spoil the mood, and no one else. If it seems to you that other people are constantly doing bad things to you, offending, annoying, then you are mistaken. In fact, you do all this by observing what is happening around you.

    If someone spoils your mood, do not succumb to provocations. The fact is that a person’s mood completely depends on his decisions, which he takes at one time or another. Two factors matter here:

    1. Do you find something pleasant or unpleasant for yourself.

    2. Do you think something is right or wrong.

    In the first case, what you see at one time or another, you evaluate as “like” and “dislike”. If you like something, then you rejoice; if you don’t like it, then be sad, cry, get annoyed, angry. But the fact is that only you yourself determine for yourself what you like and dislike. For example, you may not like a yellow T-shirt because of its color, but you can change your mind about a thing if it suddenly turns out that it is very practical and worn.

    In the second case, the correctness and incorrectness of what is happening are indicated by your stereotypes, misconceptions, principles, and world views that you have learned from your very childhood. Your parents raised you in a certain direction, and now everything that they have invested in you, as right, will please you, as wrong - to upset. But things in themselves, people, events cannot be right or wrong. They just are what they are. And correctness and incorrectness are grades, as in school “5” and “2”. But if you were raised differently, then you had different concepts of correctness and incorrectness.

    See how much your mood is up to you? In fact, only you are responsible for what mood you are in. No one else can spoil your mood if you yourself do not agree that someone will spoil it for you.

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