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Gabi Papi

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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Gabi Papi

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  2. bruh im dying :)))))))

    Cyberpunk 2077 Trailer

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    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Yeah man but what's going on and are those things happening currently ? 

    3. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      ah no lol it's just funny vids, probably old ones

    4. REVAN
  3. Looking for someone who knows how to configure a wow server properly, pm me or add me on discord Gabinos#0001

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  6. New Updates #3 ❤️



    More coming soon!

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  10. New Updates ThunderZM #2  


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  12. Check out this amazing plugin made by my friend @Filex Dragneel 
    I recommend it 100% to have it on your server. It's very useful!


    I swear this guy never stops amazing me 😄 





    1. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Man , you're obvisiouly madness and high professional Scripters 

      You took this server over the Edge ! 

      Until my coming there , i will be always exciting to see every single new regarding this incredible Server 

      Words can never describe how brave ThunderZM Server is , it's just the meaning of real life time zombie ! 

      Keep working 🔥

    2. SKYFALL


      When you work with  PROs guys , you will have a pro server. 


      I just want to say Thanks for everyone from ThunderZM who mentain the server in a high performance.  Thanks a lot .


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  18. Damn son we've been having fun with these dances bro xDD 


    CHECK THIS VIDEO OUT of me and @Filex Dragneel 


    @SKYFALL @Mr.Love  Go to min 3:35  :)))

    1. SKYFALL


      At 3:35 I was thinking that my stomach will explode :)))))))))))

  19. vai ce fata frumoasa avem aici 😊 

  20. hai noroc, am intrat si eu dupa ceva vreme sa mai arunc un ochi pe aici si vad ca mi s-au furat punctele din banca 😂 Vreun motiv anume sau eroare? hh

  21. Oh God it hurts.. my beloved father has lost the battle against covid-19 after 4 weeks in hospital and passed away this morning. This brought a lot more pain than I was expecting. He had a peaceful death and I am extremely blessed to have had a father like him. When I become a father one day I want to be like him.

    I have one thing to tell you guys and that is, always love your parents and appreciate this priceless time that they are still here with you. You may think this isn't a big deal and not realize it or think they will live forever but once it happens you will regret that you didnt spend more time whith them..

    My dear dad... ?


    All I can say is: Remember to always love your family, no one else cares for you but your family.

    I don't expect any of you to read this all but I love u all ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. #LiNeX


      may he rest in peace ... iam sorry to hear that , be strong man ...❤️

    3. x LeO-

      x LeO-

      I wish he rest in peace  I felt sad to hear this ?❤️ 

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