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    North Macedonia

Everything posted by #Mr.SekA

  1. I miss you my old account , its bad life right ? , why you didnt answar me ? , hey answar ???

    Amm i think something is wrong , Maybe you stuck in this life ? 

    Anyway im Waiting your answars ? maybe in 2077 when i die you will answar ?  

    Bye bye ? its the idiot speak.

    1. Strix


      I swear that re not seka, seka dont talk like this

    2. #Mr.SekA


      Seka is crazy dont worry ? he dont care for what he say or what he do , just he do as he want ?

  2. Vary nice Music ?

  3. I thing you must Request absent cuz that is not activity Of Moderator CSBD , I hope you understand.

  4. Congrats bro you deserve it :) !


  5. congrats you deserve it ;)

  6. You have to delete the registry files. At first close Steam. press windowsbutton + R type in the field regedit then delete the valve folders. Hkey_Current_User\software\valve\ <--delete valve folder Hkey_Local_Machine\software\valve\ <--delete valve folder. now start steam.


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